Before I could grow numb and collapse into an exhausted pile of bones, Nick’s dick swelled and burned inside me, then warmth spread throughout me, pumping and throbbing. His grip was even tighter as his entire body shuddered.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…”
He suddenly froze before we both fell into a heap and onto my pile of cold, wet cum. His softening dick slid out of me, and I winced as my ass tried to cling to it before letting go.
We lay there in a tangled mess, trying to catch our breath. My heart continued to hammer, and my mind still tried to wrap itself around the fact that Nick and I just fucked for the first time. I had my first taste of sex, and it was with the very person I’d always loved. Finally.
Nick rolled over onto his side and pulled me close to him. His eyes were closed as his fingers gently stroked my back. He was so fucking beautiful, with his hair damp from sweat, his lips swollen from arousal, and his face flushed from exertion. Stunning.
The warmth of love spread throughout my body, then I said the unspeakable.
“I love you,” I blurted. It was just a whisper, but it was loud in my ears, and Nick had clearly heard me.
His eyes popped open wide, and I was hit with instant regret for saying something I shouldn’t have told him.
“Oh, god. Pretend I didn’t just say that.”
My body burned with a humiliating fire, desperate to run or do anything to get away from it. But there was no escaping those words. I shoved him off me and tried to scramble away to go hide in some fucking hole, never to come out.
Nick wasn’t having it. He clung to me with all his strength and wrapped his legs around me to keep me from leaving.
“Let me fucking go, Nick.”
“Oh, no. We aren’t running from our feelings again, baby. Not again. We’re done with this game.”
“I didn’t mean to… I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Are you saying you didn’t mean your words?”
“What?” My mind was cloudy from the embarrassment, desperate to run, and I was still high from sex. I couldn’t think straight.
“Did you not mean what you said?” he repeated.
“I… I meant them, but I didn’t mean to tell you.”
Nick rolled on top of me and pinned my arms to the bed. I looked away from his intensity, but his face followed mine. “Look at me.”
“Logan, baby… look at me.”
“I feel stupid.”
I looked at him from the corner of my eyes, seeing the smirk on his face. “Don’t feel stupid. Never feel stupid for being honest with me. As men, we’ve always been taught to shut away our feelings, but fuck if I don’t like how we talk about shit. It makes me feel closer to you, and I understand you better than I ever have. Don’t ever shut that away from me, dammit. It’s because we’re so open with each other that it has allowed us to have this moment.”
My body unclenched, and I could finally look at him without cringing. “What I said didn’t scare you?”
“Does it make me nervous? Sure, a little. But I also understand you’ve had feelings for me for a lot longer. I get it. I also like it. Do you know why?”
I shook my head.
“Because you’re mine, and you just declared me as yours.”
Nick leaned down and took my lips in his, thrusting his tongue into my mouth as aggressively as he’d fucked me earlier before pulling away much too soon, leaving me needy for more.
“This was by far the best sex I’d ever had, Logan. It was visceral. It was intense, real, and raw… just like you are. Fuck if I’m ever going to let that go or allow anyone else to have it.”
I swallowed hard, and my calming heart started to race again. I’d never expected Nick to be so possessive. He’d always seemed to be easygoing, but I loved it. It told me that even if he didn’t love me yet, he wasn’t letting me go, and there was a chance he would eventually feel the same.