“This is good stuff, guys. I appreciate all the help. I don’t feel so inept anymore.”

“It’s our pleasure,” Richard said.

“So, do you think we’ll find happiness in the future? I mean, Logan’s afraid he’ll die alone. I don’t know where this road will take us when we reach California. We’re still figuring shit out.”

Despite my words, I’d already made up my mind that I wanted Logan as mine. My primal need to claim him tonight at the show and again while dancing was proof enough of that. I was quickly growing attached to him.

Ramón took Richard’s hand in his. “It’s not always going to be fácil… easy. Staying in the closet never is. But Richard and I live together, and that helps us love each other openly. And we find our moments to be together as we should. If your love is strong enough and you communicate, you’ll both get through it.”

Love? I wasn’t in love with Logan, but my feelings were definitely growing. Our situation was still tentative, especially with our family situation. These guys had no way of knowing that, and I wasn’t about to tell them.

“And one day, we’ll be able to get married. It will happen. Mark my words,” Richard said.

“I hope so. I’m still really new to this world, so I have a lot to learn. The road’s been interesting and enlightening.”

Ramón rested a hand on my shoulder. “Scared?”

“Weirdly, I’m not. I mean, there’s a lot to think about, but being with Logan has made me feel like I’m right where I need to be.”

“Then you will be just fine,” Richard said with a smile.

“Uh, there are guys having sex in the bathroom, and another guy was giving a blow job to a dick poking out of a hole in the stall,” Logan said, sitting down and tossing back the rest of his beer.

Ramón and Richard burst out laughing. “Yes, some men are bolder than others. You get used to it, honey.” Richard leaned in close. “Sometimes you can watch, which can be quite fun.”

Even my face burned. That probably wasn’t for me.

The two men laughed again, probably at the faces Logan and I were making.

“Babies, indeed,” Richard huffed a laugh.

We ended up closing the bar down, talking to Richard and Ramón, drinking, laughing, and learning so much from them. Before we left, they gave us their number should we ever need to talk or if we have more questions.

Logan and I lay in bed, and I rolled over on top of him. “Let’s do it. Let’s have sex.”

His face was tired yet thoughtful as he combed the bangs away from my face. “I’ve been thinking…”

“Yeah? Did it hurt?”

He rolled his eyes and smirked. “Ass. I’m being serious.”

“Sorry. What’ve you been thinking about?”

He sighed and tried to glance away, but I forced his face back to me. “Talk.”

“As much as I would love to have sex with you… Really, it’s more than I ever wanted, but a part of me worries about bringing you into this life. I know we haven’t decided on anything, but what if…” He sighed again, gathering his thoughts, and wrapped his arms around my back. “Sex is kind of a big deal for me. Maybe it’s not for other guys, like those dudes in the bathroom tonight, but… if we go there, I’m not going to want to let you go, Nick.”

I bent down and kissed his nose. “Then don’t let me go.”

And there he went, growling again and shoving me off him. He climbed out of bed and paced around the small motel room. “It’s not that simple.”

“I realize this isn’t simple, but explain it to me.”

“I’m not sure I want to drag you into this life. You heard Richard and Ramón. They love each other and all, but they still live in secret, even after twelve years.”

“But that’s promising, Logan. I see it as a good thing. We both worry about being alone, but look at them. Despite all their hardships, they’re still together and love each other.”

Logan huffed and sat on the edge of the bed, deflating. “I get that, but…”