I shoved my hand into the pocket of my jean cut-off shorts and gripped the phone tighter, looking around for nosy people.

I sighed into the receiver, debating if I should tell Hunter. He should know because we told each other everything, but I wasn’t so sure about this. Not that it mattered, because Hunter was a damn mind reader.

“Oh, hell no… you didn’t. Did you tell him how you feel?”

“Shit, it’s more than that, Hunt. I blurted out that I was gay, the nosy bastard. He picked up on the fact that I don’t really date and shit. So, what did I do? I told him.”

“Whoa… no way. How’d he take it?”

I rubbed my smooth face and smiled. “He was epically chill about it all.”

“Well, damn. Good on Nick. And you’re not fighting?”

“We did a little at first, but now we’re… I kissed him.”

Hunter was silent for a second before berating me. “Dammit, Logan. I told you not to kiss him. What the hell? I don’t mean to sound like a parent, but he’s straight, man.”

“No shit, he’s straight. He’s the one who told me to kiss him!”

I quickly scanned the area because I said that way too fucking loudly.

“Wait, wait, wait… back up. That was Nick’s idea? And you what? Went along with it?”

“We were drunk one night, and he said he wanted me to practice kissing. One thing led to another… and, well, we’re seeing where this is going.”

‘Please insert two dollars and ten cents to maintain the phone call.’

“Goddamn it!”

I quickly dropped more money into the coin slot before I lost the call.

“You there, Hunt?”

“I’m here,” he sighed. “Are you sure you want to do this? I know I’m stating the obvious here, but you two are stepbrothers who share a sister. This isn’t about just being gay, but it’s a little taboo, even if you’re not blood related.”

“You think I don’t know that? He does, too. We’re just taking it chill-like, exploring and shit. Nothing’s been decided.”

“Lo, I love you, but there’s nothing chill about you.”

“I’m trying to be.”

I looked at my watch and scanned the area again, pressing the phone receiver closer to my mouth. “You know how I feel about him. I can stop this as much as a speeding train. Superman, I’m not.”

“God, Logan. I sure hope you know what you’re doing. You’re going to get hurt.”

I huffed a laugh, painfully aware of the truth of his words. “Probably. This could all blow up in my face, but I’m not stopping this derailing train. I’ve never been so happy or relaxed in years. Being with him is easier than breathing… All those years wasted fighting with him. For the first time in my life, I’m coming to terms with my sexuality.”

“And he’s okay with all this?”

“Yeah, that’s the thing. He’s completely surprised that it isn’t bothering him at all.”

“Huh, do you think he’s bi?”

“He doesn’t think so. We don’t really know, but we aren’t stressing out about it right now. But we are talking about it… talking a lot.”

“Well, that’s good. I don’t know, man. I just hope you don’t get hurt.”

“Me, too. But I might.”