It all reminded me of what he’d said about liking me for a long time. He’d probably had it in his head, imagining us together like this often, but this was all so new to me.

I leaned my head back further when he pressed my head with his hand to shave my upper lip. I stared up into his focused eyes with a furrowed brow as he shaved me with care and precision.

Then he started to get hard, his cock poking at me from behind which, in turn, made me hard, and he noticed because he cupped me there.

“We’ll take care of this soon, but not yet.”

As Logan wrapped up my shaving, I got lost in his touch and intimate care. I felt… loved or worshiped. But that was impossible. It was too early between us for love—if we even got there. Then again, he’d had feelings for me for a long time. Could he? Nah. He’d tell me, right? Not necessarily. I could ask him, but I wasn’t ready for all that.

Did I need to think about those things? Think about a future with a man? Loving a man?

Logan grazed the back of his fingers across my fresh face. “Perfect.”

He leaned down and met my lips with his, uncaring that I still had some cream on my face, leaving me speechless, unable to find words. When he pulled away, I tried to chase his lips, needing more.

“Let’s go hike to Eden Falls,” he said, helping me stand.

“Sounds good.”

Hiking the Lost Valley Trail could take up to three hours, depending on how often you had to stop. We brought our backpacks with us, which carried our canteens, some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and granola bars.

The day grew overcast, so the sun didn’t melt our skin off, and the temperature was cooler than it had been, but it was still humid.

As usual, Logan had a map of the trail on him, so we didn’t get lost.

“Did Wyatt send you to Boy Scouts as a kid?” I asked as we climbed some rocks through the thick woods.

“Yeah. Cub Scouts, too. Why?”

“No reason.”

Logan looked back at me with a raised brow. “Why do I feel like you’re about to make fun of me again?”

“I would never…”

His face was deadpanned.

“Fine, I would. I just ask because of your obsessive need for maps.”

He huffed at me as he climbed a steeper ledge. When he reached the top, he gave me his hand. I took it, and he hefted me up with ease. “I don’t want to get lost.”

“Well, clearly. That’s the point, right? But don’t you want to explore sometimes?”

Logan stopped walking and took a cursory look around us before grabbing me by my hips and pressing our bodies together. “I am exploring.”

I rolled my eyes, about to give him a sarcastic response, but he smothered it with a kiss, still smelling of shaving cream. He pulled away quickly and glanced around us again.

“That you are,” I said.

He held out his hand for me to take, and when I did, he curled his fingers in mine as we continued to walk. Logan was definitely growing bolder, and I loved watching him blossom.

Did he feel it? Did he even notice his confidence showing more and more with each touch and kiss? Was he growing more comfortable in his own skin? I hoped, at least, he felt a little less lonely.

An hour and a half into the hike, we finally reached Eden Falls.

“There’s a cave over there.” He pointed near the falls. “If you want to go into it, we’ll have to crawl in there.”

I winced. “Maybe small spaces aren't for me. The idea of being under tons and tons of rock isn’t very appealing.”