“Till my dying breath.”
He rolled his eyes, but took my hand and got out of bed, grumbling along the way.
“Go start a fire and make us some coffee. I’ll be out in a minute,” I ordered.
Logan walked out in only his underwear as I stared at his pert butt, smiling. His was the only guy’s ass I’d ever stared at and enjoyed it. I shrugged because it was nice to just go with the flow and not worry about every aspect of the future, at least for now.
Once the door was closed, I dug into my backpack and pulled out my shaving kit. It was time to shed our growing beards.
I stepped outside in time for Logan to pour us two cups of coffee with sugar. I usually drank it with cream, but it was a hassle to bring and keep it fresh. He handed me a mug, and I took a tentative sip as I walked to the edge of the river and sat on a large rock.
“Come on.”
Logan complied without arguing or questioning and sat down next to me. I set down my mug and opened my shaving bag. “We’re shaving.”
“I can shave myself. There’s a mirror in the bathroom.”
“Tough, I’m going to shave you, then you’re going to shave me.”
“Fine, but don’t nick me.”
“Be still my beating heart. You’re not arguing.”
Logan shrugged. “I trust you.”
That was new, and I’d take it. “Wet your face, if you would.”
He kneeled over the water and splashed his face. “Shit, that’s fucking cold. Well, I’m awake now.”
When he sat up, I squeezed out a large dollop of shaving cream into my hand and spread it over his scruffy jaw, throat, and upper lip. “You look good with facial hair, but it’s itchy against my skin.”
Logan reached for my face and touched the patchy growth on my chin before cupping my face. “I like touching this.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat at his open affection and leaned into his touch. It was still hard to wrap my head around us in the here and now. One minute, we couldn’t stand each other, and the next, we couldn’t stop touching one another. Hell, I’d had no idea he’d be so affectionate or intimate. But I trusted my instincts and how my body reacted to him.
Scooting closer to Logan, I pulled out my disposable razor, wet it, and dragged it down with the grain on his lower cheek to his jaw. His hazel-green eyes never left my face as I worked on shaving him.
I lifted Logan’s chin so he’d look up for me to work on his throat. When my razor was full of hair, I rinsed it in the river and kept on working, slowly exposing more and more smooth skin.
“How far are we taking this?”
“Taking what?”
He paused for a beat, making me look up at his eyes.
“You and me,” he finally said.
“I don’t know.” I curled my upper lip so he’d mirror me and shaved it. “We’re taking this one day at a time, right? I figured we’d just kind of let this fall naturally.”
“Yeah, I get that, but have you thought about things beyond like… kissing and handies?”
“I have. Is this your way of asking for more, Logan?”
His face pinked, and his chest turned blotchy as I worked on the other side of his face. “Yeah.”