My heart threatened to punch through my chest when I saw him. Fuck, that was close.
“We need to be more careful,” Logan said over the sound of clothes spinning in the washers and dryers.
“Yeah, agreed.”
That was my first dose of reality about the consequences of being gay. I got a taste of that fear Logan always had about being discovered. I’d never seen negative reactions to gays before, and no one ever talked about it either back in school. But like Logan, I didn’t want to be discovered either. That fear of the unknown was intense and a reminder that Logan wasn’t the only one innocent here. Perhaps being naïve made more sense.
It took us almost two hours to reach our cabin at Buffalo National River. The place was gorgeous, yet different from where we’d camped before. Our site was by the beautiful river, glistening a light blue with steep limestone cliffs standing sentry around it.
“There are some waterfalls close by, which should be epic with the recent rains. We can also go kayaking if you want. I mean, I have no idea how to kayak, but between the both of us, we can figure it out, right?”
I grinned and hefted the cooler out of the car, walking it into the cabin. “Sure, we can paddle in circles all day. Sounds like a blast.”
“Okay, smartass. Do you have a better idea?”
“Hey, I’m not complaining.”
Logan scoffed, dumped our backpacks on the floor, and looked around.
The place was small, with a bench and a table in the tiny kitchen. A wood-burning stove was tucked into the corner, and a ladder led up to the loft, where I assumed the beds were.
I took a deep breath of the earthy-smelling place mingled with burnt wood.
“This place is cool,” I said, looking out the window at the river view. “Nice view, too.”
“I can’t wait to explore here.”
I can’t wait to explore more of you.
God, I’d really become infatuated with Logan. So fucking bizarre, but I liked it, too.
Once we got the car unloaded and had settled into the place, Logan removed his sweaty T-shirt and tossed it in the corner before sniffing his pits. “I’m going to take a shower. I stink.”
Logan grabbed a clean towel, soap, and shampoo from his bag and went into the bathroom.
Then an idea hit me.
I also grabbed my towel and stood in front of the bathroom door, pressing my ear to it, hearing the water run. I tested the knob and found it unlocked. Maybe I shouldn’t take it as an invitation, but if Logan wanted me out, I’d respect that.
The thought of getting fully naked with him sent a delicious shiver up my spine.
The knob turned slowly, and I pushed it open to the small bathroom filled with steam and the scent of his shampoo. The shower was really tiny. Maybe we couldn’t both fit in there, but damned if I wouldn’t try.
After I got undressed, I eased the white vinyl shower curtain to the side to expose Logan’s back, covered in undulations from his muscles and a pert, round ass. I swallowed hard and stepped inside. “Make room.”
Logan quickly turned around with saucer eyes before he calmed down and smirked. “Well, hello there.”
“Hello back.”
We awkwardly shifted so I could get under the hot spray of water.
“Turn around,” he said.
When I turned to face the shower tiles, his hands slid into my hair with his shampoo and he dug his fingers into my scalp. I tilted my head back and groaned, my muscles instantly relaxing with the head massage and hair washing.
God, I could get used to this.
When I tilted my head, Logan leaned down and pressed his lips to my throat. My cock instantly perked up, and I cupped it, but he yanked my hand away. “I want to do that.”