I fisted his hair tighter, and I eagerly swallowed his moan. He also grew bolder and more confident in our kisses, mimicking me by sliding his hands through my hair and tugging on it as well. Our faces tilted, sucking on lips and tongues.
When we came up for air, I stared at his full, swollen lips that had turned red. He sucked in his bottom lip as if to keep tasting me. His eyes opened, and his hands fell out of my hair, traveling down my neck and shoulders.
“My stomach is so fucking tingly and twisty,” he said, making me smile like a lunatic. Shit, when Logan let down those damn walls, he had this vulnerability and honesty about him. That’s what drew me in the most.
“Mine is, too.”
Logan pinned me with a hard hazel stare. “We shouldn’t work, you and I.”
“But we do. Are you saying you want to back out?”
He looked out the window again and shook his head. “No.” Then he glanced back at me, capturing my lips once more in a brief kiss. “Not at all.”
The washer buzzed to let us know our clothes were done, so we sorted through them and tossed everything into the dryers. Logan dropped several quarters into the coin slots and pressed the start buttons.
“I can’t wait to make camp,” I said.
“Yeah, the Ozarks are supposed to be fucking amazing. You should see the pictures I’ve saved in my notebook.”
I rolled my eyes, forgetting how innocent Logan was still. He always had a strong vibe about him that gave no hints of vulnerability or inexperience while in high school, but I liked this Logan so much better. He was the real deal.
“I mean, I want to do more of this exploring with you.”
His face pinked, and he smiled shyly. “Oh.”
Fuck, he was adorable. “Has anyone told you how cute you are, Snuggle-Wuggles?”
His eyes rolled so hard that I was sure he could see his brain. He tried to shove me away playfully, but there was an annoyance in his eyes.
“I’m not adorable. And stop calling me that.”
All the more reason to tease him.
“I’m going to have them write ‘Here Lies Snuggle-Wuggles—The Snuggliest of Snugglers’ on your tombstone.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, I would.”
“You like this ass.”
His face pinked even brighter, but he didn’t look away this time. “I do.”
Logan sat on the table again, and I smiled when he tugged the back of my head to bring me between his legs. He wrapped his arm loosely around my throat and kissed my neck, his warm chest against my back. “I like this.”
My hand rested on his forearm, and I closed my eyes to his nibbles on my neck and ear. “I do, too.”
My dick quickly got on board when he curled his tongue around my earlobe.
Suddenly, he shoved me away and jumped off the table, grabbing his notebook to read while it covered his bulge.
“What the…”
Then I saw the movement outside, and an elderly man walked in, carrying a plastic laundry basket full of clothes. He suddenly noticed us, nodded his head, and went about his business.