I knew right then the picture would have a permanent home in my wallet when I got to Berkeley, while Nick went on to Stanford.

Chapter 17


Day 7

In deference to Logan, I did my best to ‘pretend’ he didn’t want me, or even tell me about his feelings for me. I laughed, joked around, and teased him, but on the inside, my stomach was a confused mess. I couldn’t shake learning that Logan was attracted to me and had been for a while. Was it a little strange that he’d been so aggressive toward me over it? Yeah, but it also made sense, as I’d gotten to know Logan.

Could you imagine wanting someone you could never have and that someone lived with you, forcing you to face them every single day?

But why me? Why not someone from school, like one of his teammates?

In an unexpected way, whatever had been fluttering in my stomach and brain since kissing Logan steadily grew, and I found myself more and more curious about what it would be like to pursue something with him.

After dating Lauren and getting to know Logan on a deeper level, I realized how uninteresting Lauren had really been. Sure, she was super smart, with dreams and aspirations, but during our two-and-a-half years together, we never talked about deep shit. We chatted on the phone, talked about our friends and events, and spoke about politics. We went to school, made out, and had sex, but there was nothing more than that. Lauren and I never really dove deep into our feelings about each other or what drove us. Looking back, I finally understood we wouldn’t have made it as a couple.

Logan was deep and raw… and surprisingly honest and forthcoming once you got him to open up. Even kissing him had exposed that. While we kissed for fun and practice, at least the first time, he’d been really into it. His reaction made more sense.

This warm fluttering in my stomach didn’t make a lot of sense because I didn’t think I was bi-sexual. I’d never been attracted to a dude at all. So why now? Just because a guy liked me didn’t mean I should like him back.

Yet, after kissing Logan, I wanted to do it again… and more.

While I was seriously confused, I didn’t freak out either. Shouldn’t I have been weirded out? Ironically, that was the only thing freaking me out—the calmness and rightness of it all.

Why? Why? Why?

Despite the tension from the night before, we had a really supreme day at Graceland, but the best part was getting those photos printed. I took some amazing shots of Logan. The real Logan. Not the one who was always pissed off. The photos I took showed the potential of who he could be. His smiles were genuine, and some were a bit shy. But the candid ones he hadn’t known I took until I printed them out became my favorites.

I took one of him as he stood shirtless, staring at the water while the sun was going down, casting this orange hue over him. His profile was thoughtful, and his body was tight… attractive, but his entire demeanor was at ease, as if I’d captured the perfect moment where all was right in his world. I was happy I found that moment, a glimpse of something I rarely saw.

The early morning sky was brightening, but it was cloudy, looking like we’d have rain soon. We’d be on the road again, heading toward Arkansas later in the morning, anyway.

The tent was stuffy despite having the window flaps open, so I kicked off the sleeping bag and rested my palm on my growing morning wood. Usually, I’d just get up and take a piss, but I didn’t feel like getting up yet. Instead, my thoughts drifted to Logan’s naked body from the first day of our trip. I tried not to, forcing my mind to remember having sex with Lauren, but no matter how hard I tried, Logan sucked me right back to him. Pissed, happy, shy… Logan was a force to be reckoned with. He did nothing in half measures.

As my mind slammed back onto Logan’s rippling abs, my palm stroked my cock. I tried not to focus on what was between his legs, but my brain told me to fuck right off. Even soft, his dick wasn’t small. He definitely wasn’t a grower. He was also bigger than I was, not that I was disappointed in my size.

I slipped my hand underneath my underwear and fisted my dick, stifling a groan. I hadn’t had a good orgasm in a while. Not since… My brain refused to let me focus on Lauren.

Should I?

Would it be weird to rub one out in the tent as Logan slept? Probably. That wouldn’t stop me, though.

I quickly glanced at Logan to make sure he was still sleeping, but my heart and stomach lurched when I saw his eyes were open and staring at my hand shoved down my underwear. He rested on his side with his hand tucked under his pillow. Like me, he was only wearing his briefs because of the heat, but even in the dim morning light, I could see him swell.

Before I could shut up my useless brain that had been ignoring me all morning, I blurted. “Do you want to learn to give a hand job?”

My face incinerated, but I didn’t take it back. He’d probably say no since he wanted to go back to how things were before.


My stomach dipped with excitement and arousal. Without thinking about it too hard, I boldly eased my underwear down over my thighs and held my cock upright. The thought that Logan was about to touch me made it ache and pulse. Fuck, this should freak me out, but it didn’t at all.

Logan scooted closer, reached over, and hovered his hand close to my dick. I let it fall hard against my stomach and waited him out.

He glanced at my face for a second before grabbing my cock. Holy fuck, he did it, and I didn’t run. In fact, I was so turned on it took all my power not to thrust into his hand.

“You know how to rub one out, right?”