Nick placed a gentle hand on the side of my face and looked into my eyes. My throat constricted at his touch, and my heart started to race. “You want to look them in the eye. Show your partner that they’re your sole focus. Nothing else matters in the world but them right at that moment.”

I swallowed down my nerves and folded my clammy hands into my lap.

“As I said, kissing comes in all sorts of ways. It can be soft and tender, intimate, hungry, or aggressive with nips. It all depends on the moment and what type of kiss is called for. For now, we’ll stick with the basics and be gentle about it.”


My heart was so heavy in my chest and was so loud I was sure Nick could hear it. How was he so casual about this? My first real kiss would be with the man I’d always wanted. But was it real?

Don’t be an idiot. Of course, it’s not real. This is just practice.

Already, my heart and mind were getting confused. But I wouldn’t stop this, even if the motel exploded around us. I needed this experience as much as I needed to breathe and feel Nick’s mouth against mine.

“I’m going to lean in and press my lips to yours. It will start soft, and I want you to mimic me.”

“All right.”

Nick leaned forward, and my breath caught at his nearness. Suddenly, the sun came up behind my closed eyes when his mouth touched mine. I was also slightly dizzy, but that could’ve been all the drinking. Fuck, I hope I didn’t whimper. I couldn’t tell with the pounding blood in my ears.

He took my bottom lip into his mouth, kissing me before pulling away to do it again to my upper lip while I copied him—or did my best to.

His hand slid from my face to the back of my head, and he gently grabbed my hair, so I did the same. As soon as I did, our heads tilted, and his tongue slipped into my mouth. I almost died. It was like having a wish fulfilled but not knowing what to do with it.

My dick came to life, trying to punch through my underwear, uncaring how much I’d had to drink. My libido won out and took over. I just prayed Nick wouldn’t notice or that he wouldn’t look down.

Our tongues danced and swirled, tasting like sweetened mint and not as sloppy as I’d expected. Nick moved his body closer to me, and his head tilted from one side to the other, not keeping still.

I wanted more. So much more. My cock throbbed, and I grew hungry for him—starved, really. Now I understood what he’d meant about hungry kisses. But before we could go any deeper, Nick pulled away, and I wanted to cry out. I gasped breathlessly, feeling naked without him.

He coughed and let go of my hair. “Well, that was good. You did well, my young grasshopper.”

I couldn’t even smile, feeling even drunker, but from lust rather than alcohol. Was that possible?

“Huh. Would you look at that?”

I followed Nick’s eyes down to his dick, which was swollen as much as mine was, and you could see the outline and shape of the head trying to punch through his white briefs. Then his eyes looked between my legs before moving to my face.

“I, ah, guess that’s enough practice for one night.”

My face burned from the embarrassment, despite him being in the same dilemma. “Nick, I’m so sorry that… I didn’t mean—”

“Sorry for what? Don’t be. That’s a normal reaction.”

“Oh, okay,” I said, feeling uncertain and still slightly mortified.

He got hard, too.

What does that mean?

What does that mean?

Was he as into the kiss as I was? Or was it just a ‘normal reaction,’ as he claimed? I had no reference point to judge. Still, for the first time, I had that tiny spark of hope again, but I smashed it. That road would only lead me to a world of hurt.

Nick climbed over me and fell to his side in bed, still as hard as I was. I quickly looked away when he slipped under the blanket and sheets.

“You did really good, Logan. You’re a natural.”

“Thanks for teaching me.”