Don’t look at his junk.

Don’t look at his junk.

“I’m going to sleep on the floor.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am.”

“Dude, the bed is big enough for the both of us.”


He sighed and rubbed his face. “If you’re afraid of snuggling into me, Mr. Snuggle-Wuggles, don’t be. It doesn’t bother me.”

It bothered me.

I rolled my eyes and tried to lie down on the floor, but Nick grabbed my arm and yanked me onto the bed hard enough that I fell on top of him. I quickly rolled off and sat up.

Dammit. His body was smooth and hard, and my skin instantly reacted to it as my drunken dick tried to stir to life.

“Hey, you know what we should do?”


He snorted a laugh. “No, you silly, Snuggle-Wuggles.”

“Jesus, please tell me you’re not going to stick with that.”

The sparkle in his drunken eyes told me otherwise. Hopefully, he’d forget by the morning.

“Maybe. Anyway! We should help you with kissing.”

“Come again?”

Nick sat up and faced me, crossing his legs. Shit, did his briefs have to be white? “We need to practice your kissing skills, you know, to help you. So, when you’re ready to find the man of your dreams, you’ll know how to kiss.”

“That’s not happening,” I mumbled before I pointed at him. “You’re drunk.”

I really wanted to fucking kiss him more than anything, but this was ridiculous, and I didn’t need anything else to make me pine harder for him.

“Well, true, and so are you, but come on. Let’s do this. That way, when you kiss your future boyfriend, you won’t, like, hammer his lips to death.”

I pointed at him again, suddenly forgetting what I wanted to say, but he grabbed my finger and didn’t let go. My body shivered at his touch.

“You’re an ass,” I said when I found my words.

“Also true. Seriously, this will be good for you. I don’t mind being your gwuinea… gunnie… guinea pig.”

God, was I seriously contemplating this? Yes, only because I’d been dying to kiss him for what felt like forever, just to finally experience his taste and feel how soft his lips really were, or if I’d like the scrape of his stubble against my skin.

No, I couldn’t go there.

Red flags were waving in my hazy brain.

“Nick, you have no idea what it’s like to kiss a guy.”

“Neither do you, dipshit.”