“Yeah,” he said.
“We should go talk to them and see if they want to go on the roller coaster with us. Man, I’d like to get Lauren off my brain, that’s for sure. Hey, maybe they’d like to go to the bar with us. We could take them dancing.”
“You go ahead.”
I looked at Logan, trying to read his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses. What was up with him? He never seemed interested in dating at all. Sure, he dated a couple of times, but they didn’t last long. The southern girls wanting our attention were hot. Maybe he liked a different type, like the nerdy girls with glasses.
“Well, it won’t be fun if it’s just me who’s talking to them.”
“Look, what’s the point? We’re not staying.”
“Uh, the point is to have fun. I didn’t say I wanted to marry one of them.”
Logan tossed half of his ice cream into the garbage can and shoved his hands into the pockets of his tight denim shorts. “You coming, or are you going to hang out with them?”
I sighed and tossed my ice cream away, too. “I’m coming.”
Did Logan even know how to have fun? One minute he looked like he was having a blast, and the next, he was like all scowly and growly again. Fuck, he was hard to figure out.
We headed straight to the roller coaster and waited in line for a good twenty minutes. By the time we got on the ride, the girls were long forgotten, and my stomach already twisted before we even began to move. Even Logan looked excited for a change, with a huge smile on his face. His moods were up and down, but damn, I really liked it when he smiled, like he was offering me a piece of himself he didn’t share with others except for Hunter. I felt included in his little world, like maybe he didn’t hate me so much anymore.
As soon as the ride inched away, we removed our sunglasses, so we didn’t lose them.
“This is gonna be stellar!” Logan yelled out, making me laugh. Excitement looked good on him, too.
We both gripped the bar, our knuckles turning white in anticipation as we almost crested over the top. My heart hammered in my ears, and my breathing came in pants.
Logan and I looked at each other with huge smiles on our faces before we toppled over the edge of the world. Our hands flew up in the air, and we dropped so fast that my guts threatened to come up and out of my mouth.
“Oh, fuck!”
Logan and I screamed and laughed as the coaster tossed us about like rag dolls, climbing, dropping, and spinning so fast you couldn’t keep track of what direction you were going to go in.
Before we knew it, the ride ended. We climbed out and wobbled on unsteady legs with slightly nauseous stomachs as we headed out.
“Want to go on another?” Logan asked, still out of breath.
I rested a hand on my stomach. “Oof, I’m not sure. That was fun and all, but my stomach is totally queasy. My burger isn’t settling right.”
Logan gently grabbed my elbow and led me over to a wooden bench. “Sit.”
I sat down and glanced at him strangely, but he wasn’t looking my way and sat next to me.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, for sure. You know, we ate just before we rode on the roller coaster.”
Where did this empathy for my well-being come from? I shook it off. Logan was just weird and always all over the place emotionally.
“It’s fucking hot,” he said, pulling up his T-shirt to wipe his sweaty brow, exposing that six-pack. “Let’s bounce and go swimming instead.”
“That’s an awesome plan.”
Chapter 10
Day 3