
Wow, no fighting. I expected Logan to complain harder, but I kept my mouth shut as I walked toward the water and focused my camera on the stunning sunset that was turning the sky a vibrant pink. After a few shots, I had him stand by the water, and I took several shots of him and some close-ups because he actually had a really nice face.

“Fucking give Mom one picture with a smile.”

He grimaced more than smiled.

“Like pulling teeth,” I mumbled.

“That’s enough. Let me take some of you.”

I handed him my camera and did several poses, some good ones for Mom and some funny ones to pull nearly impossible laughter out of Logan. When he did, it was music to my ears, though he fought it hard.

We wrapped up the pictures and sat by the fire to cook our hot dogs on sticks and drink some much-needed cold beer we kept on ice.

By now, it turned completely dark out, and I was totally chill after my third beer. The stars sparkled with not a cloud in the sky, and the air whispered of crickets, water lapping, and the fire popping.

This was fucking nice.

I sat on the foldout lawn chair and stretched my legs, feeling completely relaxed.

Logan and I even talked a bit without digging into each other.

When he opened his pack of smokes, I held my hand out to him. “Can I have one?”


He pulled a cigarette from the pack and handed it to me, along with the lighter. I gave him the lighter back so he could smoke and leaned back in my chair, taking a drag.

“It’s beautiful out here,” I said to him. “Brilliant idea you had. I’m glad your dad let you go.”

Logan tossed some bits of wood into the fire, sending sparks flying up into the air. “I’m glad I got to go, too. And…” He winced without looking at me. “Like, thanks for coming so I could do this.”

Oh fuck, I wanted to tease him so much I itched, but I shut my yap for a change. “No problem.”

Day 2

I was hot and sweaty, but I didn’t want to move with the arm draped over me and Lauren snuggling into me. Smiling, I rolled over to face her and pulled her closer to me.

Since when did she have such a hard-rock body? My hand traveled across her back, feeling skin and muscles I didn’t recognize. And where was her usual flowery smell? She smelled like sleep, Irish Spring, and a little bit of sweat.

As my sleeping mind cleared, it dawned on me that Lauren and I had broken up, so she couldn’t possibly be here.

My eyes popped open to find Logan and me snuggling against each other.

What the fuck?

Suddenly, my dick started to take notice, and not from the half-dream of Lauren holding me because all I could focus on was Logan’s body against mine and my hand still fucking pressed to his back.

Well, that was weird and unfortunate.

Don’t have a cow. It’s only morning wood. You just need to take a piss, and you’ll be good to go.

Instead of wigging out, I smirked at his sleeping face, suddenly finding the humor in this strange scenario. Who knew this broody asshole was a snuggler? Regardless, he had to get off. I was sweating like hell and needed to piss, so I lifted his dense arm off me before his eyes opened and grew wide. He instantly scrambled away.

“Ah… uh… fuck,” he muttered, running a hand through his wrecked hair, his lightly tanned, shirtless skin sprinkled with beads of sweat. “Sorry.”

Logan rushed out of the tent, and I quickly followed behind. A warm breeze that was cooler than inside the tent washed over my heated skin. I watched him awkwardly rummage around our camp without purpose or direction.