Nick pulled away and touched my face with his fingertips, looking into my eyes with his deep pools. “One day, this country is going to accept us, and we’re going to get married. If not, we’ll find a country that will. That’s a promise.”
And just like that, all my fears of being with a man, worrying about loneliness, or pushing Nick into something he’d eventually regret vanished into a distant memory.
“Even if we don’t or can’t, as long as you’re with me, I’ll always be a happy man.”
Chapter 38
Nick - Epilogue
Four Years Later
I was sweating with Logan putting my body in a stranglehold in bed. God, how did one human produce so much fucking heat? Ever since we rented the small, two-bedroom house with Hunter, I had to keep the A/C freezing and a fan blowing on me all night. I loved sleeping with my snuggles, not so much with his body temperature.
My eyes fluttered open as my stomach fluttered along with them. Today was graduation day. Not only were we finally finished with college, but in a few days, Logan and I were driving back to Virginia for the summer, taking three weeks to do it like before, but this time we would take the northern route. We planned on leaving in a few days, wanting to do one more trip before real life and responsibilities set in. I couldn’t wait.
Logan’s eyes moved behind his lids, dreaming, his full lips parted, breathing quietly. I never got tired of looking at him, especially when he wasn’t watching me. He had such a beautiful face, and I’d taken countless pictures of him, which had become less of a hobby and more of an obsession. I’d hung his image all over our room, much to his dismay. I may have thrown in a few of his ass pictures, which Ryan, Logan’s former dorm roommate, especially fawned over.
Loving him had been easy. Life wasn’t always so much. Not because we didn’t get along, but being openly gay, things had gotten dicey a couple of times. We quit hiding ourselves with the push from Ryan and Jamie, who couldn’t give a shit what others thought about their relationship. Logan and I used their strength to build ours.
The only time we weren’t open about our relationship was when we were back home in front of our parents and sister. It took Wyatt and Mom a while to adjust to seeing us holding hands or catching us kissing. I could imagine it was weird having their sons be affectionate like that, but they never complained or told us to stop. They still loved us, and that was all that mattered.
Logan scrunched his eyes, yawned, and stretched, blowing his funky breath on me.
“Dude… breathe somewhere else.”
He smiled without opening his eyes and breathed on me again.
“Off, you stinky ass!”
I tried to shove him off, but he held on tighter, laughing.
“Your breath isn’t exactly flowery, either.”
He rolled on top of me, and I could feel his morning wood on my own. He planted his face on my neck and growled before pumping his dick harder on mine.
“Let’s give each other graduation day BJs,” he said.
“There’s no such thing.”
“There is now.”
I glanced at the clock. We needed to leave soon to meet our parents for brunch before the graduation ceremony.
“Let’s frot instead. We don’t have time to go down on each other and get ready before we have to meet up with our parents and Hunter and his family.”
Logan yanked off my underwear, and he stripped out of his before reaching for the lube sitting on the nightstand table. He poured some into his hands and fisted our cocks together. He had bigger hands, so it worked better when he did it.
Rubbing dicks together… there were no words. It was quick and easy, but fuck did it feel out of this world.
Logan stroked us as he thrust into his fist, adding friction on all sides of my cock.
It didn’t take long at all before we were both coming all over each other.
Logan swiped a glob of my cum onto his finger and shoved it into his mouth. “Yum.”
He then climbed off me and hefted me off the bed by dragging my arms. “Let’s shower.”
“And brush our teeth,” I deadpanned.