I smiled, feeling so much fucking better. “But like, we were holding hands for the entire flight.”
He smiled back. “You know what I mean, ass.”
“I do. Admittedly, I was getting worried there for a moment.”
“About what?”
“That you were backing out of this. I don’t know… I guess I have my own insecurities to deal with.”
He kissed me again, this time more gently, with his tongue slowly rolling around in my mouth.
“No way I’m letting you go,” he said when we pulled away. “I’m just stressed about seeing Hunter. I need to be there, but fuck, it reminds me so much of losing Mom. While I also lost Mrs. McKnight, it’s not at the level of Hunter and his family. But I know what it’s like, and it fucking hurts. The pain never fully goes away.”
“Understandable, but if I know Logan Conrad, he’ll be there to support his best friend, no matter how much it hurts.”
Logan stepped back, grabbed my hand, and tugged me into his bed.
“Are we fucking already?” I quipped.
He rolled his eyes. “I swear… perpetual sex on the brain.”
We sat down, and he took one of my hands. “After Dad’s reaction to me telling him I’m gay, I think I want us to tell our parents. Not yet. Let’s just get through the funeral first, but we’re going to need some allies, and I think we need to trust our parents.”
“Then I’m with you… all the way.”
“I love you, Nick. I couldn’t have gotten through all this without you, from the trip to finally admitting I’m gay to the death of Hunter’s mom. You’ve been someone I’ve been able to be myself with and someone I can lean on. Just know that I’ll always be there for you, too, whenever you need me.”
I touched his face and kissed him because I could never get enough of kissing Logan. “Being with you has opened my eyes to what love really means.”
Logan sighed and stood. “I need to go now. Hunter’s waiting for me. I’ll be back later tonight.”
I stood with him. “I’m going to hang out with Caleb. Uhm… would you mind if I told him about me and… us?” There was no way I’d tell Caleb unless Logan and I agreed. If our relationship was to survive, it hinged on good communication and trust. If this trip taught us anything, it was that we were stronger together.
“Ah… if you’re sure he won’t say anything. I’m not a fan of Caleb, but I also don’t know him like you do. If you trust him, then so do I.”
“He’s an ass, and he has way too much sex, but I trust him. I know he’ll always have my back.”
“Then tell him.”
When I walked into Caleb's house, we gave each other a bro hug. I followed him into his kitchen, where he rummaged in the refrigerator and pulled out two beers, handing me one.
“Good to see you, man.”
“Good to be back.”
We both sat at the kitchen table, and I watched my best friend drink from his bottle. My nerves were fucking on fire. While I trusted him, it was still scary to admit to someone you’d known for years that not only you weren’t as straight as you thought, but you were dating your stepbrother. I worried he’d see me differently at best. I didn’t want to even think about the worst. This gave me a tiny taste of what Logan had gone through growing up. But I needed to trust him, despite the tiny fears of losing him.
“So, what are you doing back here? I’m leaving the day after tomorrow for Norfolk.”
“I’m here because Hunter’s mom died, and I wanted to give Logan some moral support.”
“Damn, I’m sorry she died, but moral support? He totally wouldn’t have done the same for you, man. The dude can’t stand you. He’s the biggest dick we know.”
I wanted to get defensive, but Logan didn’t make it easy to like him before our trip. Not to mention, I always trash-talked him to Caleb, and that was my fault. I’d have to undilute Caleb’s view of Logan now.
“How was the trip with step bro? Was it a complete nightmare?”
I spun the untouched can of beer on the table. “Actually, it was fucking epic. I had a great time, and once Logan stopped being a dick for five minutes, we… really connected. I’ve been so wrong about him.”