My stomach fluttered hard, and my body grew warm despite the frigid water. It was then I decided to do everything possible to make this work between us, to fight for him and to keep him. However our parents reacted, Logan and I communicated well enough, and we had the brains to figure it out.
It wasn’t about the hot sex or how gorgeous he was. It was all about him opening up, to me, of all people. That he finally trusted me to be true to himself. Logan looked so fucking happy and relaxed, something I’d never seen while living with him. Not once.
Not only had he changed, but I had, too, and I’d like to think for the better.
“What?” he asked, his brows furrowing and wearing an uncertain smile.
“You’re staring.”
My face heated as I reached for his cheek and pulled him down into a deep kiss full of tongue and nipping. His arms snaked around me and pulled our bodies closer, melting into me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling him harden under my ass.
When I pulled away, I didn’t let go of his face. “I’ll fight for you, Logan. I’ll fight for us.”
He frowned and visibly swallowed. “I’ll fight for you, too.”
When we pulled away, I said, “You’re mine.”
“And you’re mine.”
He suddenly snorted a laugh. “I don’t think this was in Dad’s plan when he told us to get along.”
I chuckled. “Definitely not.”
Logan’s lips were turning blue, and mine probably were, too. “Let’s get out.”
We swam back to shore and fell back onto the rocks and sand baking in the sun. It wasn’t the most comfortable, but it quickly warmed us up.
I raised my hand to block the sun out of my eyes to look at him. “Can you fuck me tonight?” I wasn’t originally going to say that. I’d almost told him how hard I’d fucking fallen for him.
He grabbed my hand and threaded our fingers together. “Are you sure?”
“I’m totally sure.”
As Logan and I showered in separate stalls, I reflected on our amazing day. We swam for a while at Fallen Leaf Lake, then hiked back to camp before driving to Tahoe National Forest, which was about an hour away. We wanted to cram as much as we could in the couple of days we were here before we had to drive to Stanford.
The National Park was gorgeous with waterfalls, and we got to explore a grove of giant sequoia trees that truly made you feel small in the grand scheme of life.
God, I’d never been more at peace. The only apprehension I had was our parents’ reactions if we told them and having to go to school without Logan. We’d have to find our moments on the weekends between our studies and tennis. Hell, how could we even have sex if we had dorm roommates? We had a lot to figure out, and soon.
Mostly, my stomach twisted because we were about to have sex again, but it was Logan to fuck me. It was a little nerve-wracking, especially since I couldn’t clean myself like Logan had. Being in a public shower didn’t allow for that much privacy.
Although I fucked Logan the following day, and we hadn’t even showered. If he could do it, so could I.
I doubled-washed my ass, rinsed, and dried off. Logan waited for me outside after his shower, and we walked back to our tent.
“I can’t wait to be inside you,” he whispered as we walked by people around the campgrounds, oblivious to what we were about to do.
“I can’t wait, either.”
“A little.”