Cursing the memory of the way she kissed him when he took her into his arms sent a small tremor through him. She had not fought him as he believed she would but instead melted against him, his determination leaving with the need to possess her, to have her just as he had wanted her six years ago.

Looking skyward, he thought of the young Sara Balfour. She fooled him then just as she fooled him again. He thought her to be sweet, kind, the other contractors preferring to deal with Sara who was meticulous and considerate. She had always been polite but distant, the only woman who had not thrown herself at him, unlike her sister. Darius thought that she was perhaps shy, finding himself nervous to do the one thing he most wanted – ask her out- until the day she took such pleasure in firing him, his mouth setting in a thin line.

Damn that woman; even now his body tightened at just the memory of the way she reacted in bed. Taking a deep breath, he remembered the way he too had reacted, his hand clenching as his lips curled into a self-mocking smile. That morning he watched her, guilt filling him. Maybe he had not understood what happened six years ago, maybe he had been blinded by his hatred for her before her coldness and words angered him.

With another frown he knew that she had certainly suffered, her family throwing her to an animal like Nigel Lipton, this not sitting will with him. Standing straight he set his mouth firmly, pushing the feeling of unease and guilt from him. She treated him in the worst possible way and for that she was only reaping what she had sown, and maybe he was taking things too far, but he had not finished with her yet, not by a long shot. With that the decision had been made that he would hold onto her for as long as it took to get the little minx out of his head, a small smile now turning up the corners of his mouth. Payback was a bitch and so was Sara Balfour - well two could “make the best of a bad situation”.

The doors sliding open onto the foyer revealed the manager himself, a kindly man who walked with him to the bar; pointing out the tall man he had come to meet. Darius moved forward, his hand outstretched a more professional smile on his handsome face.

As promised an hour later, Sara was ready for the cheery Rachel. Once more she was dragged around boutique after boutique, Rachel meticulously working through her assigned list, Sara knowing that she was being prepared for the next two weeks, embarrassed by the amount of sexy underwear that had been bought. Rachel however waved away her protests, her eyes sparkling wickedly as she raised her eyebrows suggestively. “Oh Sara...if you’ve got it flaunt it girl...and you’ve got it” Sara unable to hold back the return chuckle as she shook her head.

Rachel informed her that all of the purchased clothes would be delivered to Darius’ house as the two drank coffee, Sara so unaware how tiring shopping could be. Passing a jewellers as they prepared to leave, Sara stopped, her eyes staring at something in the window. Asking Rachel to wait she moved inside, a huge grin on her face as she returned fifteen minutes later, chucking.

“Darius insisted that I used his credit card...and I like to do as he tells me” Rachel gave a laugh and nod. “Oh Sara sweetie...that is the kind of instructions I could live hang on to him” Sara gave a nervous half-smile not prepared to say more of her situation with Darius.

At six that evening Rachel once more returned her to Darius’ suite, the man himself appearing as she moved into the main living room. A smile sat on his lips, lips which Sara found herself staring at, the memory of how they trailed over her body causing small flutters of nerves to fill her stomach. “Did you get everything?” His soft words pulled her attention back to him, her mouth tightening. “Yes. Don’t worry I will not be embarrassing you” His lips twitched as his look dropped down her pointedly, Sara still wearing the jeans of the previous day topped with a shirt which Rachel insisted they buy, a lazy drawl his only response, “Good to know”, before he became more serious.

“The car is downstairs...we are leaving now” Darius strode purposefully out of the suite, Sara nervously trailing behind him as they silently rode the elevator down to the car which waited at the hotel entrance. She was surprised as Darius himself slipped behind the wheel of the luxurious sports car having first ensured that she was placed in the passenger’s seat. Sara held back the small groan as she sank into the softest leather seats she had ever sat in. Wordlessly, he pulled the car into the busy city traffic, Sara allowing her eyes to flick over him, so in control and comfortable behind the wheel of the powerful and sleek vehicle. “I ordered my accountants to stop their investigation into your brother-in-law’s fraud. The shortfall at the moment is being hidden with my own money...all of which I will be getting back when he is caught”

His sudden statement made her jump, unaware that she had been lost in reverie, memories of the same hand stroking her, sliding along her body, his movements sure then as they were now. Sara bit back the groan which rose to her soft mouth, knowing how much money they were talking about, her head nodding slightly.

“We have a detective hunting him down”, she offered softly; as he gave a small laugh devoid of humour. “Really...He has been gone for over a month...Is this ‘detective’ of yours any closer to finding him?” She sighed, shaking her head, “No...Not yet. But it only takes one mistake” His eyes moved to give her a considering look “Well perhaps your man needs more help”, he muttered mysteriously, Sara giving a return wry smile. “Perhaps”, she said, as both fell into silence.

Leaving the hustle and bustle of the city, the roads widened and the traffic thinned as the concrete and metal landscape gave way to green rolling countryside. The car pulled off the highway, moving along the winding road which ran parallel with the sea; Sara recognised the area, her family having long wished that they could one day afford even a small house in the much sought-after locale.

Her eyes grew wide as the car stopped at the imposing high gates - the sole way into the estate surrounded by a tall stone wall, only the sweeping driveway surrounded by trees visible from the gaps in the ornate gate. “Wow” The word left her lips before she could stop it, Darius giving a small curl of his lips. “Not bad for a thief”, he bit out, Sara feeling the anger once more swell within her, suddenly tired of having to constantly apologise for her actions so many years ago.

“Oh I don’t know...tall walls locked gate...seems the perfect place for one” His loud laugh made her turn, finally losing the battle to stop the smile which rose to her own lips, as he looked at her, an appreciative gleam in the darkness of his eyes. “You always did have a sense of humour” His eyes moved forward once more as the gate swung open and he moved the car up the long driveway. Darius had almost forgotten how Sara would make him laugh so many years ago, her dry sense of humour never used to the detriment of others, unlike her sister. Why over the six years had he forgotten how she would smile and joke with the contractors, her one-liners and quick answers proof of her sweetness and intelligence Pulling the car up in front of the large house, he had known why. To remember why he had been attracted to the woman beside him would detract from his anger at her for her actions so many years ago, and that anger had sustained him in bad times.

Darius slipped from the driver’s seat, moving quickly to open her door, extending his hand to help her from the low car as Sara stared at the large imposing house before her. Although made of stone - its imposing walls reminded her of some of the Scottish stately homes she visited on her one holiday to Europe - there was a softness to the building, set in such perfectly manicured lawns and gardens, her eyes like saucers as she drank in the beauty of his home. “What do you think?”

Sara pulled her look from the house, suddenly aware that she still held his hand, pulling it from him, his lip quirking in amusement. “Very big...ostentatious...over the top, just like you”, her trite answer, seeing his eyebrow rise.

“ don’t like it?” he asked softly, as she shuffled her feet nervously, feeling suddenly petulant as she gave a small sigh. “Of course I like it...what is not to like? It is stunning, beautiful” With another chuckle he placed a hand on the small of her back, guiding her into the open doorway, his head leaning in to whisper so seductively “Also like me?” Sara gritted her teeth as he laughed at her.

Chapter Four

The inside of the building was no less impressive than the outside. Each room was decorated and furnished harmoniously for the house itself, the classic furnishings and sumptuous drapes subtle and elegant. Reaching the kitchen, she heard the radio playing, the classical music streaming down the hallway as they entered the large room. A middle-aged woman worked on what appeared to be a chicken dish, her attention held both by what she was doing and also the music she was humming loudly along to. Starting, she looked over at Darius, a huge grin on her face.

“Darius!” her real pleasure at seeing him shining from her sparkling eyes, eyes which turned to focus on her, polite interest now lighting the warm blue of them as she nodded her head in acknowledgment, “Hello...Miss Balfour isn’t it?” Sara gave a shy smile back as she nodded, “’s Sara” “Edith...Sara Balfour. Sara, this is the woman who keeps this house running...Edith Clark” The other woman stepped forward, rubbing her hands on the apron she wore, the pleasure of his words stamped over her features as she thrust a hand out to Sara.