“Yeah, it’s looking fine, Gamma,” I respond, which has him chuckle at my cheekiness.
“Nikko is working in the garden with Silas and Ruston for now. They are all finding somewhere to fit in, and you know, I never thought we’d find anywhere to feel like home. Because we both know that the Parklands was never home, it was surviving.”
Leaning my head on his shoulder, I sigh. “Yeah, it was surviving. But now we are home, and nothing is going to take me from here. If my asshole of a father comes for me, I’ll do everything I can to stay here. I would, and will, never leave my mate. Not willingly. Only death will separate us, and that is because the Goddess has called us home.”
“I feel the same. Finding Isla is something I never thought would happen. I honestly thought I’d never find my mate and never be able to settle. But all I can think about now is making her happy and maybe having a few pups.”
Bursting out laughing because every male thinks about pups, and if they had to have them, they might not be so eager. I pat his forearm and walk to Connell’s office, where he’s working alongside Caleb and Walim.
“It’s time to stop working. Come on Connell, let’s go for a walk before we change our clothes, and before the meal is called.”
Sighing, Connell looks at me, back at his desk, then makes his mind up to come with me. The mumbled ‘Whipped,’ isn’t missed. Nobody comments on it, but all look amused by it.
As we are walking out of the main doors of the packhouse, I turn my head to look up at Connell. He leans down and kisses my forehead. “Don’t forget the mating ball will be in one month. I’ll have everything organized and perfect before then.”
“I know you will. You’re going to be a great Luna, and I’ve no worries about that at all.” Stepping nearer to where the whipping post used to be, Connell stops and studies what we have done. “That is amazing, and it’s a beautiful thing to see. How my father could be so evil, I don’t know.”
“Connell, you are nothing like him. When you are under alpha commands, there is nothing you can do but obey. That is not your shame, that is his. Now, come on, I want to show you what we have done so far in the ballroom.”
The next hour I show Connell what we’ve been doing. I’m pleased the large doors to the garden are now closed, as I want to surprise him with the garden once it's finished.
After getting cleaned up, we walk down to the dining room and take our seats. The room is quite noisy but we don’t care about that. It shows they are not worried about the alpha and luna being amongst them. We, on the other hand, love to watch the antics they all get up to without knowing we are amused by it.
“I think we need to rebuild the school. We had one which burned to the ground and with so few pups we have not bothered about rebuilding. I don’t think, however, it is great to have the pups homeschooled. They need to get out from under their parents' gaze. What do you think?” Connell surprises me with his question.
“I think if we have pups I’d want them to go to school. To mix and play with the other pups. Learning away from the home and, as you say, not having parents looking over their shoulder, has to be far better. Yes, let’s consider rebuilding the school, but not have it too far from the packhouse in case of trouble. They need to be able to get to us quickly, or they need a safe place, they can be hidden if there is a threat.” I give a smile of thanks when Nessie places a plate in front of me, then look at Connell again. “Do we have any teachers?”
“Theda was a teacher, although she is older now. I’m sure she’d be more than happy to step back into that role. She always loved the pups and would do many things with them. I also heard that one named Berrick in the group that is still trying to fit in was a teacher in another pack, before something happened and he was banned from the pack,” Connell snarls when he says the last.
“Speak to them both, then tell me what they want to do. If they are happy to teach again, then I vote we do it. If we have new mate pairs, it won’t be long before pups follow.” I see Connell’s eyes change to Knight’s, and giggle when Briar responds, giving a small growl to him.
The meal is over quickly and when Connell stands, banging his fist on the table to get everyone’s attention, I wait for whatever he is going to announce.
“Pack, as from tomorrow we are having our first monthly pack run. Everyone who is not on patrol will attend unless there is a valid reason not to run. No excuses. I want all of you to run with me and your Luna. Let’s make this a pack tradition.”
Connell is looking from one pack member to another, and the biggest majority are nodding with huge smiles on their faces. I can’t wait. Briar is eager to run with Knight and look at her pack in their wolf form.
Chapter 27
The weekend is rushing by and I’m excited about the pack run, which we are holding today, for the first time. I’ve heard a few pack members talking animatedly about it, and some grumbled until they saw me giving them a stern look. I had to smirk when I moved away and my back was to them.
Hope is bustling around with Baildon, with at least two of her committee following along. I’m sure she’s not been alone for a moment over the weekend so far.
Think of Hope and she appears, much to my pleasure. I hold my arms out and she walks into them, wrapping her arms around my waist. I love this female so much, and I hope I can always be the male she looks up to and loves in return.
“What’s going on?” I ask.
“I wanted you to know I’m going to take a peek at what they have done with the Luna House so far. Then I’ll be back for the pack run. But are we meeting out the front of the packhouse?”
“Yes, if you don’t get to my office in time, that’s where we are all meeting. Don’t get in the way at the house, they are ripping everything out and putting in new. The kitchen and bathroom are being replaced, as are the windows and doors. I told them if we are renovating, then we’ll do it professionally so the pack member that gets it will be comfortable.” I kiss the top of her head as she moves from my arms, but she turns back and on her tiptoes kisses my cheek. Well, she would have if I’d not turned my head and caught her lips.
Baildon is standing with his back to us, giving us the privacy that our moment requires. I don’t give a damn who sees me kissing my mate, but I know Hope is shy and would rather I not put our affection on display too much.
Turning to walk to my office, I mind link with Beta Walim. ‘Luna Hope is heading for the Luna House. Make sure it’s a pleasant experience, and come right back here when done.’ I’m sure that will have him rushing from whatever he’s doing to be there when she arrives.