‘Thank you, and I will watch him, to be sure.’

Gamzin places his hand on Yarrow’s shoulder and speaks to him so we can all hear. “Alpha Connell will agree to you becoming a pack member, but I will be your mentor. You will be watched until we are convinced you are not a spy, or here for any nefarious reason.”

“Thank you, Alpha Connell. I will prove to you I’m here for the right reasons, and that I am a committed member of the pack. I was a patrol warrior, but I enjoy using my hands for making things. Any kind of maintenance work, building, or similar is where I’d be best.” Yarrow looks at me with all sincerity on his face.

Neither Knight nor I can detect any lies or deceit from him. “You will report to Gaul and will follow his instructions. We are having new cabins built so I’m positive he will welcome you becoming a part of his team. Gamzin, I will leave that with you, but bring Yarrow to my office in an hour and I’ll make him an official pack member. By then, his wolf should have been able to complete much of his healing.”

A light tapping on my arm has me looking down at Hope, who I still have on my lap, and with my arms wrapped around her. “Yes, sweetheart?”

“I have placed healing lotion on his injuries and it will help speed the process. I think Yarrow needs a few hours' rest, so my opinion is to bring him into the pack later, after our late meal.”

I kiss the tip of Hope’s nose, and grin when she blushes the brightest of pink. “Okay sweetheart, we will do that.”

Now everyone is looking at me as though I’ve grown another head. “What?” I ask because I’ve done nothing strange that I know of.

Caleb chuckles before stating, “Well, we’ve never seen you so sweet. Honestly, it’s pretty shocking to all of us.”

“Never mind that. I want both my Betas, Gamma, Chief Oscar and Gamzin in my office in half an hour.” Firmly stating this because it’s going to be imperative we have the border patrol on full alert.

Picking Hope up bridal style, I walk away smiling down at Hope, who has a fit of giggles. “You alright, sweetheart?”

Erupting in more giggles, Hope kisses my chin. “I’m good, babe.”

Stopping as I’m shocked she called me babe, but when I see her eyes sparkling and the laughter bubbling, I know it’s because I’ve just started calling her ‘sweetheart’. “I like you calling me babe,” I playfully growl as I continue carrying her to my office.

Once in the office, I place Hope into the easy chair and I take a seat behind my desk. “I will protect you, Hope, so do not overly worry about your father. If he comes here uninvited, it is a sign of war and I’ll call Alphas Lyle, Gabriel and Chet to arms with me. Not sure about Alpha Aurora, as something strange is going on with her and her pack.”

“Before everyone arrives and you talk about this mess, can I have someone assigned to help us? I want to go into the attic and look at what your mother had for celebrations and parties. One of the ladies told me she kept everything up there, and it is better than spending more money on buying things we already have.”

“Yes, I’ll get a couple of males to assist. Noah, William and Bladrick are available, I’m sure. But don’t let them mess you around. They are quite the jokesters when they want to be,” I warn Hope, but I know all three of them will make sure their Luna is safe and gets what she wants.

“I want to look at the Luna House, too. I was told about it and it was suggested that I could use it like a headquarters when I have my meetings with the females. I could store things there as well, instead of in the office next door. You use that office as a secondary to yours, and I don’t want to take it away from you.” Hope is looking a little worried now.

“The Luna House was my mother’s. She had it built so she could get away from my father, and I used it briefly. It has no special meaning for me, so you can use it for whatever you want. Or we can allow one of the mated pairs to have the house. It is only small, so I’m not sure it would be a good place for meetings. But get Beta Caleb, William, Bladrick or Noah to take you over to look at it.

“My choice would be for you to have the office next door. It was the Luna’s office until my mother moved to the house. At that point she stopped doing most of the Luna duties, so the office was gradually taken over by Zoella when I made her secretary. But Hope, once you take over your duties, I’ll have no need for that office.”

“Oh, okay. I’ll look at the house and then we can discuss it. I want to know what duties I need to be doing, and if I need any training to do them.” I walk from behind my desk, lean down and kiss Hope, but have to break it off when a light coughing is heard behind us. Typical that they all arrive when I get my lips on my mate!

“Come on, Alpha, leave the Luna in peace.” Beta Walim chuckles, along with the rest of the males that have walked in.

Hope quickly leaves the office and I settle once more behind my desk. “Take a seat and let’s get this meeting started.”

An hour later we’ve discussed the fact Zoella was more of a traitor than we realized. Because she had to have been the one that informed Alpha Soren about Hope and where she’s located. None of us know how she found out, but she could have overheard something as her ears were as large as an elephant’s and her mouth as loose as you could ever imagine. Being a nosey gossip is a nice way of describing her.

“I think we need to tighten the border patrol along the northern part of the territory. It’s where the threat will come from, after all.” Chief Oscar points at the map on the wall, running his finger to where our northern border meets Wolfsfoot and Spirit Walker Packs.

“I’m going to have to speak to Flint and Alpha Gabriel,” I muse thinking out loud.

“If we thin the patrols on the south and west borders, we can add more to the northern, but keep the east border covered. We all know that the south and west borders are the ones which have no threats to them. We can keep a minimal patrol on those sides, if everyone agrees with that?” Chief Oscar says.

What he suggests is reasonable, and I give my agreement but check if anyone has any comment other than the suggestion Chief Oscar has given. When no one has any other ideas of how to find extra cover for the northern border, I give permission for this to take place immediately.

“I think Luna Hope needs to have some lessons on protecting herself. It's been suggested previously, but now we know this asshole Alpha is going to come for her, she needs to be able to, at the minimum, get away from anyone grabbing her,” Beta Walim states.

“I agree. Chief Oscar, you arrange that, and I’ll speak to Hope about it later this evening.” Everyone is happy with the suggestion, and I can see Baildon has his jaw tensed at the idea, but knows it is the least we can do for Hope’s security if it ever happens that she is alone.

“Alpha, I have watched Gamzin’s fighting techniques and have given him three strategy tests. I have to admit his strategy is better than my own, and I am happy to say that if you are willing, we can pass the title of Delta to him, so he can begin organizing the patrol warriors and developing any strategy required.” Chief Oscar surprises me with this statement. But from the little Hope has told me Gamzin has been keeping everyone safe for a long time and he’s done it with no personal gain, which to my mind makes him one hell of a fine male.