The lawn area in front of the packhouse has been turned into a challenge ring, which is a large circle marked clearly to show if a challenger is thrown out, or if they step out, they will be automatically disqualified.

Flint has excitedly announced himself as the adjudicator, giving any final decision that may be needed. I roll my eyes this time, because as a councilman he's more excited about this Beta Challenge than I am, and it’ll be my Beta by the end.

Taking my place at the front of the challenge ring, I sit and relax back, waiting for what is going to happen. I’m quite happy to let Flint strut around, and enjoy himself and the power that he is throwing around.

“Pack members, we are here to oversee the Beta Challenge Competition. Pack members who will compete, please step to the left side of the challenge ring. You will not step inside the ring until your name is called.” Flint is giving off a powerful aura as he’s addressing the pack. “Step forward, Baildon, Chaz, Drew, Walim, Stephen, Alan, Iona, Swan, Armon and Brian.”

Once everyone has stepped to the left, Oscar, the pack's head warrior steps into the challenge ring, and positions himself near the center.

Flint shouts, “WALIM, ALAN.” They both step into the ring and give each other a feral smirk. Now these two know each other, and have probably fought before.

Oscar speaks quietly to them both, instructing what can, and cannot be done, whilst inside the challenge ring, and one of those rules is they cannot shift into their wolf. I lean back in my seat and look around at the pack members that have taken to sitting on the ground.

Even the pack warriors not on patrol are here and eagerly watching. I’m sure they’ll be shouting encouragement for Armon, Iona, and Swan. Swan’s brother Ryan is here, stepping from one foot to another, looking a little worried, but Swan is standing calmly with an eager look on her face.

Flint steps to the side of my seat and is grinning, eyes sparkling and enjoying every moment of this. I shake my head at him and turn back to watch the fight.

“FIGHT!” Oscar shouts and steps back slightly. Walim rushes over to Alan, jumps into the air, flicks his foot, and lands a blinding smack to the side of Alan’s head. Staggering back, Alan shakes his head before bellowing and lunging for Walim.

Eagerly leaning forward in my seat as Knight is pacing around in the back of my mind. He’s eager to come out and fight, but I have to keep him locked down, because I know he loves a good fight, especially since we became Alpha of the pack. He sees it as his dominance to have all the pack members below him.

Alan slides on his knees toward Walim, catching him around the calves, smashes a fist behind his knees and Walim goes down. Before Alan can pin him down, Walim has thrown a punch hitting Alan on his temple and slips his arm around his neck, pinning him against his own body. Alan, we can see struggles to get out of the hold, but he’s not going to get free. Everyone is holding their breath, waiting to see how long Alan can last before he becomes unconscious. Alan taps out and Walim releases him and quickly stands, taking a few steps away. Oscar walks over to Alan, checks he is okay, and announces Walim wins round one.

Next up are Swan and Iona, and they both bounce into the ring, eager and excited. They, however, settle quickly when Oscar speaks to them, giving out the rules.

The fight is over fast. Swan pins Iona down before anyone has a chance to even see what happened. Flint laughs loudly and I look at him in surprise.

“That was one hell of a move,” he spouts, looking back at me before waving at Swan and shouting, “Well done, Swan, that was amazing.”

Iona looks shocked but steps up to Swan and hugs her. Shows how these two are such good friends and honest warriors. Ryan rushes over to Swan and picks her up, spinning her around while laughing, then loudly tells everyone within earshot that he’s her brother and taught her everything she knows. Swan rolls her eyes but kisses him on the cheek before pushing him off and following Iona to take a seat to watch the next fights.

This is how the rest of the afternoon plays out. Baildon wins against Stephen. Chaz takes the win against Brian, much to Brian’s disgust, but Chaz playfully teases Brian about giving him lessons. The fifth winner is Armon, who narrowly beats Drew, but that fight took a long time to be over and only when Drew is thrown back and trying to balance himself steps out of the ring.

Winner goes against the winner, and we see Walim beat Swan, although she put up one heck of a fight and Walim has a large black eye to show for his win.

Baildon fights Chaz next, and they both fight hard, and are as determined as each other to take the win. Baildon takes the win after punching Chaz in the solar plexus, taking his breath, and allowing the moment Baildon needs to pin him down.

Armon fights Walim, and this is interesting because Armon is a pack warrior, and is an excellent fighter. But after watching Walim in the previous fights, I’m not sure who’s got the edge to win this fight. Surprisingly, Walim wins once again, and Armon high fives him and they leave the ring with arms thrown around each other’s shoulders.

We have a half hour break, and the excitement is rushing through the pack. Caleb has taken a seat on the ground next to me and he’s talking to Flint about each of the fights.

The last fight is Baildon and Walim, and although Walim has had an extra fight than Baildon, he is looking good enough to continue. In fact, he’s not showing any sign of exhaustion at all. I think these rogues have had to keep themselves fit to survive, and hunting for food, fighting when needed, and from what I’ve heard protecting the she-wolves that lived among them. It’s all proven to have built formidable fighters and males with morals.

The fight begins and they are far more careful about how they fight each other. Baildon is keeping a cool look on his face, but I notice the tick on his cheek. Walim is sizing up his opponent, and it’s clear he’s seeing him as an enormous threat. He’s not showing as much confidence as he has in the last fights, but he’s also not backing down, or showing signs of submission.

Baildon throws a punch and Walim uses his forearm to block. The punches are thrown back and forth, each blocking the majority of hits. Flicking feet, jumping, and twisting, they are both doing everything they can to take down the other. The fight lasts over thirty minutes, and both are showing signs of tiredness now.

Baildon slips and goes down onto one knee, and as you would expect, Walim takes advantage and wraps around Baildon’s back, arm around his neck, and squeezes. It doesn’t matter how hard Baildon struggles, he can’t break Walim’s hold, and eventually taps out. Everyone is silent for a few moments because both deserved to win and it’s hard to declare a winner and see another just as worthy step away.

Before Oscar can announce the winner Baildon stands, takes Walim by the wrist, holds it in the air shouting, “WINNER!” and now everyone roars with applause.

I can’t help but think I need Baildon to be in a higher position in the pack hierarchy, because he is just as worthy as everyone else we call Beta, Head Warrior, or other higher ranking pack members.

Chapter 15


Standing in front of the pack, I give them a huge smile, and hold my arms out wide. “Pack members, let’s give a huge thank you to everyone who took part in the Beta Challenge.”