“Good morning everyone. I have some information that I think you all need to keep your Luna safe.” I feel Alpha Connell stiffen when he hears me mention his Luna. “Roman Walker has contacted me with the confirmed knowledge that Alpha Soren Wolfgang is at war with this pack. He is determined to get his hands on his daughter one way or another.”

When Alpha Connell punches a hole in the wall, we all stand and wait for his temper, and Knight’s temper, to cool enough for me to continue. When he has calmed, he gives me a look filled with the desire to murder, and I can understand why he feels this way.

“The Northern Sector Shifter Council has made a stand on this issue. They know he’s had no contact with his daughter and that he didn’t even know about her until recently. But they see that Hope is your Luna, and you will never allow her to leave you,” grinning as I continue speaking. “We all know how possessive, jealous and assholery Alphas can be, and will do anything and I mean anything to keep their Luna safe.”

Alpha Connell isn’t embarrassed or upset with my small comment about Alpha behavior. In fact, he is finding it humorous, much to everyone else's amusement.

“As I was saying, the Northern Sector Council will stand at the side of us, and by us, I mean the council, your pack, and all the packs that will stand with you. I will speak again to each of the Alphas, being sure we have their support. Do not count on the Blood Pearl Pack. We are getting no responses from Alpha Aurora. She has locked down her territory apart from a strip on the western side where she’s allowing passage to anyone that wants it.

“Every warrior needs to be alert and ready to move out to the Northern border of Wolfsfoot, as that is where we are making our stand. Alpha Gabriel already has warriors on the border. They are not patrolling at this point; they have created a battle line of defense.”

Alpha Connell stands firm, looking his warriors in the eye. “I will send a message to you all later today. Be ready to move out, and when we do, we’ll move fast. Chief Oscar, select all warriors that will go to stand alongside Alpha Gabriel. We can count our own northern border as safe at this time. Make sure Delta Gamzin knows what is happening and that the coverage on the Eastern border has to stay in place. We cannot defend the other three borders as tightly, but we need to make sure rogues from no-man’s-land will not infiltrate while we are fighting this war. Everyone get ready for war.”

I’m not at all surprised that Alpha Connell doesn’t go deeper into what is happening, as he has more than likely done it already. The meeting was well established when I arrived, and not one of the warriors looked surprised by my comment that Alpha Soren wouldn't be backing down.

“Alpha Connell, I’ll contact Alphas Chet, Gabriel, and Lyle. Then I’ll be leaving to ready myself for this war.”

“If you would contact Alpha Chet and Gabriel, I’m going to see Alpha Lyle as I have something for him. Come along for the run. It’ll be nice to stretch our legs, well, our wolf's legs,” Alpha Connell chuckles.

“Yes, I would like that. Bruno has not been out and had a run for quite a while apart from the jaunts around my home. When are you going?”

“Be ready in half an hour. I just need to speak to Hope before I go.”

“Okay, I’ll meet you out in front of the packhouse.”

Back in my room, I pack my few items and mind link Lykos and Porter that we’ll be leaving when I get back from this run. Then I mind link Roul and tell him we are going with Alpha Connell and to be in wolf form out the front, ASAP.

Picking up my phone once more, I send a group message to Alpha Chet and Gabriel.

Flint: Alpha Chet, Alpha Gabriel, it has been confirmed we are at war. Alpha Connell is sending warriors as I speak to you. Alpha Gabriel, he will be with you, with extra warriors soon. Also, the council will stand on the line with you, along with the council warriors. This is not just a war about Alpha Soren and his daughter, this is about right and wrong, and making a stand when our neighbors are threatened.

Alpha Chet: My warriors are prepared and will be with Alpha Gabriel in just a few hours. I will be with my warriors, of course.

Alpha Gabriel: I will prepare refreshments for your arrival. We have a large tent erected where warriors can rest, eat, or sleep. It’s not ideal, but it is better than nothing at all.

Flint: I will see you soon.

I’m not sure what Alpha Connell has his Beta carrying in a custom-made backpack for a wolf. But it looks like there is plenty in it. Not sure it can be heavy, as Beta Walim isn’t slowed down at all.

Bruno is enjoying the run, stretching his legs and keeping up with Knight, who I have to say is fast.

We are going to war, Bruno. Are you ready to show some of the young wolves how it’s done? Knight teases.

I’ve not had a good fight in a long time, so I’m ready and I’ll rip them apart. Bruno gives a wolfish chuckle, which has me smirking in the back of his mind, which is where I’m resting while he does all the running.

Alpha Connell had contacted Alpha Lyle to meet us at the adjoining border and when we arrive he is relaxing against a tree trunk with four warriors laying in wolf form around him.

“How are you Alpha Lyle?” I ask as I shift quickly back from Bruno.

“Fine, Flint, I’m fine, but I hear the area is going to war,” standing and walking over to myself and Alpha Connell.

“Yes, we are going to war. But you have to maintain the eastern border of your pack because we cannot fight this war on Alpha Gabriel’s northern border and leave you wide open to attack from no-man’s-land. We are not removing any of the warriors we have sent to you. Just keep the eastern side safe and after this war, we will see about even more warriors to help you.” I can see the tiredness and tension in his face, but as an Alpha would, he makes no comment on it, or complaint as to what he has to do.

“Lyle,” I hear and turn at the familiarity with which Alpha Connell speaks to Alpha Lyle.

“Connell, how is your eastern border?”

“My eastern border is tight, and I’ve brought you a gift. Something that your warriors will find very useful.” Holding his hand out, Beta Walim passes him the backpack and, while handing it to Alpha Lyle, I notice Alpha Connell’s huge smile.