“Thank you. I’ll go find her and see if she is interested in doing dressmaking for our pack.” I give a huge smile to Suella as I rush back into the packhouse and run straight into a hard chest.
Looking up, Baildon is scowling down at me. “I told you not to go out of the packhouse without me, or someone else, being with you.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I was going to walk over to the training area and see if Swift or Chief Oscar wanted me to do any more training.”
Laughing loudly, before he looks down at me again, frowning. “No point you training, Hope. To be honest, you are hopeless. It would be best to run for the packhouse and stay out of the way.”
Although I know he’s right, I have to admit it hurts a little that everyone thinks I’m so useless at protecting myself. Maybe I can train on my own by copying what I’ve seen?
Sniffing with disdain, I ask between my teeth, “Do you know where Wenna is?”
“Yes, she’s been helping in the kitchen and housekeeping.”
Walking into the kitchen, I ask Nessie where Wenna is, and she points at the pantry. I wait until Wenna walks out carrying an armful of items and places them on the counter.
"Wenna, could I speak to you for a moment?” I ask and give her a smile.
“Yes, of course, Luna Hope.”
“Let’s go to my office, shall we?”
I push a box to one side on my desk and perch on the edge. “Take a seat, Wenna. Is it alright if I call you Wenna?”
“Yes, Luna Hope, I prefer Wenna to Morwenna, which is my name. But it makes me feel like a witch.”
We both giggle at her thought and I can’t help but reply, “Yeah, it probably would be a name an author would call a witch, but I like Wenna. It’s original, and it suits you.” I pause a moment, then continue, “I’ve been speaking with Suella and she told me you are a dressmaker, and Wenna, we need one for the pack. But, if you’d rather not, then that is fine too. I just wanted you to know if you were willing, we would be delighted for you to hold that position in the pack.”
“Oh, I’d love to.” Wenna jumps from her seat onto her feet and wraps her arms around me, hugging me tightly. We both laugh when she realizes, and lets go of me, stepping back quickly with the reddest face I think I’ve ever seen.
“Okay, come with me.” I walk out of my office and into Connell’s, taking him by surprise as he looks up from where he is working at his desk. Beta Caleb is also in the room, but I pay him little attention.
“Connell, I’ve found us a dressmaker. Now we have little room in the packhouse with all the extra pack members. Some of the rooms have more than one or two sharing, but I’m thinking how about we place Wenna in the Luna House, where she can use one of the bedrooms to store all her stock, you know bolts of material, etcetera? Then she will live in the house, and can work, as and when she needs, or wants.”
Connell rubs his thumb along his chin and jaw before nodding and smiling. “That’s a good idea. You’d be responsible for the house and the small garden. We’ll rename it the Dressmaker.”
“Yes!” I squeal and grab Wenna’s hand, turn and rush out of the office. I notice Baildon rolling his eyes at Connell, who chuckles but says nothing.
Walking into the Luna's House it’s easy to see the work is nearly completed. The difference in the house is staggering. It is brighter and fresher. The walls are a cream color and windows have been replaced with sash windows and they are open, allowing a slight breeze to enter.
“Look around, Wenna, and if you like it, then this can be your home and workplace. You’d be your own boss, mind you, so you’d have to make sure you didn’t work too many hours. Limit yourself to days of the week and hours you want to put in. But remember, you’d have to look after the garden too. Oh, and any maintenance you’d need to speak to Gaul, and he’ll take it from that point.” I grin as I see Wenna blinking hard, and when I realize she is trying not to cry I take her hand. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“Oh, I want to Luna Hope. I’m just a little overwhelmed. I always wanted to be a dressmaker for my pack, but when it was obvious that wasn’t going to happen, I left the pack. Then helped you all the best I could in the Parklands. This is a dream come true for me, and that’s why I feel overwhelmed.”
“I’m so happy that you are going to get the dream you wanted. But I know nothing about dressmaking. You need to speak to some of the pack members, find out what they need making, what you need to keep in stock.
“If you write a list of everything you need, I’ll speak to Beta Caleb, as he’ll know where we can purchase everything and have it delivered.” I give Wenna a hug before taking my leave. I need to get to the garden. I’ve got things to do.
“Come on, Baildon,” I say as I walk past where he’s been waiting next to the front door.
I see Gaul walking toward me, and I give him a huge smile. “The Luna House sign needs removing and a Dressmaker sign replacing it.”
“Okay, Luna Hope.” Gaul flicks his eyes to Baildon, but I don’t wait around. I rush past and head to the garden, where I see Silas and Chester digging a vegetable plot.
“SILAS!” I shout, and when he looks up and sees me, he grins. “What can I do for you today, Luna Hope?”
“I wanted to know if you can get me a shed, a large one where I can make all my lotions, soaps and candles. I have the equipment, as you know, but it’s cluttering up your potting and equipment shed. I’d like it all in one place, and I want to teach one of your gardeners to assist with it, too.” I give him my most innocent look, and Baildon chortles while slapping Silas on the shoulder.
“How large a shed do you want, Luna Hope? As large as the equipment shed?”