“Brod’s parents are also going to come and help with thefarm work, so you can continue your training as a warrior. It doesn’t matter ifyou become an Alpha, Luna, or a town warrior, you need that training.”
Nodding in agreement, I look at Poppa Lykos, and stillcannot help feeling that they are abandoning me here. I understand why they areleaving, but it is not sitting well with me. My thoughts must show on my facebecause I see sadness rush over his face, and Troy flashes in his eyes. I lookdown into my lap because nothing I say will ease how I feel at the moment.
Momma Akela walks over to me, taking my hand in hers, tryingto convey something without speaking, but it’s not happening. I can’t just stopmy feelings. I had already lost my parents and was so happy to find myself as adaughter once more. But for them to leave now has me feeling like I lost thesecond set of parents too. I know it’s not like that, but no one can help theirfeelings.
“Oh, Mayor Thomas wants to speak to you tomorrow morning, Tati.He told me to inform you that they are looking to have a town meeting about therogues and what you want to speak about.” Brod opens the back door and looksover his shoulder, giving everyone except myself a dirty look.
I pick up my backpack and head upstairs after waving to Brodbefore he closes the door as he leaves. In my room, I empty the backpack andcollect the dirty laundry, placing it in the hamper to take to the utility.From now on I’ll be doing everything myself once more, and sadly that’s how Ifeel, alone again.
My phone vibrates and picking it up, I see a message fromLyle.
Lyle: Did you get back to the farm safely?
Tati: Yes, I’m home.
Lyle: I heard you had a rogue attack. We did too, andsomething is not right with no-man’s-land, but as of yet we can’t find out whatis happening, or why.
Tati: Eclipse Pack had an attack, but we ousted themquickly.
Lyle: I also heard that you’ll be on your own. Will yoube ok?
Tati: Drake is moving in for a while. Making sure I’mokay. Brod will be around too, as he’s going to help me with the farm and hisparents. He’s only allowed to stay here two nights a week, which he’s not happyabout.
Lyle: Drake is a good shifter. He’ll keep you safe andteach you what you need. Shame he’s so old he’d have been a good mate [winkingemoji]
Tati: Oh my, don’t say that, yuck, no, eek, that’s nasty.
Lyle: [laughing emoji]
Tati: Ok, I’ve got things to do, and you’ve got Alphastuff to deal with. I’ll give you a call soon.
Lyle: Take care.
Tati: You too.
After filling the washing machine, I know I can’t hide fromPoppa or Momma, so walk into the kitchen, where color me surprised, they arecarrying boxes through the kitchen outside to Poppa’s truck.
They both halt when they see me leaning against the utilitydoor, arms folded and my face a blank mask. “Can’t wait to leave?”
Poppa Lykos places the box on the kitchen table and walksover to me, reaching out to take my shoulders in his hands, but I step back,which has a pained look across his face.
“I know why you are doing it, but I can’t help feeling youare abandoning me after I gave you my trust and love. Maybe I’ll get over it intime, but for now, I just feel as though you pulled the rug out from under mewhen I needed you the most. I think it would be good if you pack and leave,don’t even bother to stay the night, because it sure looks like you can’t waitto get out of here.
I’ll keep the farm running, for now at least. If I decide toleave, I’ll let you know, so then you can find new tenants to take it over orsell it.” Momma Akela has a tear running down her cheek, but I’m not softeningat this point. I’m too raw to give them what they need, but I hope in time Ican.
Moving away from them both, I leave the kitchen, shift intoEbony and make my way into the forest, quickly running through the trees untilI find a good one to climb. Shifting back to my human form, I climb until Ifind where I can sit and rest my back against the trunk. Taking in thepeacefulness that flows. The trees rustling, birds singing and animalssnuffling and moving around. Closing my eyes, I relax and that’s when a teartrickles down my cheek before I swipe it away with an angry hand.
Ebony nudges my mind because I’ve learned how to block hermind from linking me. Opening up to allow her to speak, I know she’s going tobe slightly angry with me over my reaction to my parents.
Tati, I understand, but it’s life. Things move on andthey are not leaving you, they are helping you.
‘I know.’ Rubbing the palm of my hand down my face.
We need that help with the shifter council. We both knowyou are going to turn the town into a pack unless the town doesn’t want that.That means we need to be represented and Poppa Lykos will do that, and he’ll dothe best he can.
‘I know.’ Resting my head back against the trunk of thetree.
We are nearly eighteen, and we have to move on now. Weneed to find our mate, and then create a good pack. We need to be the best Lunawe can be.