Page 83 of Kingdom of Wolves

Now, that water is icy cold, and it sure takes your breathaway if you go under, but they both come up laughing, heading out towards me.Wringing my long hair out, I grin at Poppa before packing the hamper androlling up the blanket.

“Come on, let’s get back and cleaned up before we have to gointo town for the council meeting.” Poppa Lykos takes the hamper and Brod grabsthe blanket, leaving my hands free. We walk and talk as we head back, and againI can’t help thinking how lucky I have been to find the family I have now.

Back at the farm, Brod washes up and wears some of Poppa’sclothes which are far too big, but at least he is clean and dry now. Mommatutted and fussed over all three of us when we arrived back, but it was easy tosee how amused she was hearing how Poppa Lykos got dipped in the river.

Cleaned up and dry, I walk into town with Poppa Lykos andBrod, who is insistent he’s not leaving me to face the council alone. Poppa istrying to convince him he’ll go in with me and make sure nothing happensregarding the fiasco at the Blood Pearl Pack.

By the time we arrive at the council, and I enter themeeting room, Brod is stomping his feet, fisting his hands, and frowning badly.Looking closely at him, I think his wolf is close, so come his birthday he’llhave his first shift without a problem.

Poppa Lykos taps my forearm to get my attention. “Brod willbe okay, you need to concentrate on what is happening here.”

“Okay.” Stepping to the long table and taking the seat thatPoppa Lykos points to. Once settled I look at the council members and give thema weak smile, then wait for what, or how, they are going to start this meeting.

Thomas the Mayor, Wallace, Gregor, and Agnes are all sittingopposite me at the table but look relaxed. It eases a little of how I’m feelingthat they at least are showing no outward signs of being angry or agitated.

Poppa takes the seat next to me and I wait for whatever isgoing to happen. When Mayor Thomas taps the table with his fingertips, I lookdirectly at him.

“Tatiana, you are not in trouble. If anything, we are morethan a little disappointed with the way information was leaked at the BloodPearl Pack. We asked the Alpha not to reveal who trained you, but she did toher inner circle, subsequently one of that circle spoke out of turn.” Sighing,Mayor Thomas continues. “The reason we do not announce Drake trains you is,that he is the most qualified fighter and trainer in all five packs of thisarea. We do not mess with other areas and do not involve ourselves, so we haveno way of knowing if Drake could even be the best in the country. What weagreed to when Drake came here was to keep his name out of things, keep itquiet. But we already allowed Spirit Walker Pack to know he was here, and heeven allowed himself to train with Lyle. He agreed to that because he has somefondness for Alpha Walker, but he has none for Alpha Aurora and we have toinform him now that this breach of confidence has happened.”

Gregor speaks, and I turn to give him my attention. “Wouldyou tell us exactly what happened while you were with the Blood Pearl Pack,please?”

Knowing I have to fill them in on everything, I start at thebeginning of my visit, right through to helping assist with the rogue attack.The banishing of one of their members and the incident that had me coming home.

“Thank you, Tati. You can go now.” Agnes says, smiling atme.

Standing to leave the room, I turn when I hear Wallacespeak. “Tati, you still have to visit the Eclipse Pack. But I think it needs towait for two months. Allow yourself some time with Lykos and Akela. You are notin any trouble, so don’t worry about what happened.”

“Come on, let’s see what Brod’s up to, he’s bound to bedoing anything but sitting and waiting.” Poppa Lykos chuckles.

Brod isn’t waiting outside in the corridor as he wassupposed to be and looking at Poppa, I can’t do anything but notice the smirkhe has on his face. We step outside and Brod comes running around the corner ofthe building, looking like he’s been up to no good.

Poppa puts his hands on his hips and gives the glare whichbrings Brod to a halt, looks down at the ground, then slowly looks up again.I’m biting the inside of my cheek to stop the laugh that wants to burst outbecause Brod looks guilty as all heck.

“Okay, young man, what have you been up to?”

I throw my hand over my mouth to stop the laugh that triesto break free and Brod sees it, smirks at me, then looks at Poppa Lykos beforeblurting. “Well, I had to know my sister and bestie was alright, so I wentaround the back and climbed on the window ledge. You know, they always havethat little top window open.”

“We best go see your parents and tell them what you’ve beenup to,” Poppa states, but stands with his mouth gaping when Brod replies.

“Oh, you are my second Poppa, so you can let me off thistime. I’ll be careful not to do it again.” But I giggle when he mumbles underhis breath, ‘Well, not get caught next time.’

“Okay, so if we are talking second Poppa, then I’ll have tothink of a suitable punishment, won’t I?” I can see the twinkle in Poppa’s eye,and I know he’ll not punish Brod severely. “You can come at the weekend andhelp me plant the crops in the cornfield. It’ll be a full day's work and I’llnot allow any slacking.”

“What are you planting?” Brod asks.

“Not sure yet, as I have a couple of ideas I’d like to try.”

We all look up when we hear Brod’s name called and see hismomma walking toward us. “I’ve been calling for you. You’ve been ignoring my mindlinks again. Now get your butt home before I ground you until you're sixty.”

Brod’s head drops along with his shoulders, and it’s sodramatic I again have to bite my cheek. “See you later, sis. I’ll be over onSaturday, Poppa Lykos.”

“Saturday, what’s happening?”

Of course, Poppa Lykos fills Brod’s Momma in on what he’dbeen up to, and while I watch Brod walk slowly home, I think myself lucky thathe cares as much as he does. The people that shunned him because he talks a lotand gets into mischief don’t know how much they’ve missed. He is going to beone heck of a good male and an even better mate, I’m sure.

Once home and having relayed everything to Momma, whichreally isn’t that much, I head upstairs and wash up for our meal. Sitting on thebottom of the bed as I comb my hair before tying it up and going downstairs, Iallow myself a moment to remember my parents. I can still feel the love theyhad for me and I’m sure they would be happy I’m here with Momma Akela and PoppaLykos.

Still not sure what I want to do about being an Alpha of apack or even a Luna, if it came to that I know I have to decide soon, becausenow I’m seventeen and the months will roll past.