Chief Glen curses, and Flint looks over at him. “The man isa menace and unless the shifter council do something soon, he’ll end up causinga war and a lot of innocent shifters will die. What’s happening with theshifter council regarding Tati’s parents' investigation? Do you have news onthat?” Chief Glen is giving Flint a steady look that isn’t nasty, but it’s notfar off.
Flint sighs. “We’re investigating, as you know, and your manfrom Spirit Walker Pack is assisting. I hope we’ll have some answers soon, andif it’s found Torrance had anything to do with it, he’ll pay the highest priceand anyone else that may have been involved.”
The door is thrown open and everyone inside the kitchenspins at the ready-to-defend. But Brod rushes in and, seeing us all on thealert, he shakes his head. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. But Drake sentme and said can Tati, Lyle and Chief Glen all come into town as he needs helpwith patrol.”
Racing into town behind Brod, we see Drake standing withthree other males, and they all seem agitated. “What’s wrong?” Chief Glen asksas soon as we are near enough to be heard.
“Blackshadow Pack caused a fight on the border of theterritory. I’ve only one warrior trained to stay at the border and I need morefeet on the ground. Can you three come with me and we’ll meet up with the onewarrior who’s vulnerable at the moment?” Drake starts to walk before werespond.
“Come on, let’s go.” Chief Glen sets off behind Drake andlooks at Lyle. He’s got a huge grin on his face which has me shaking my head,but I contain my smile.
Turning, I shout to Brod. “THANKS, BESTIE, SEE YOU LATER.”
“Yeah, be careful.” Brod rushes towards the street where helives, and I turn back to follow Drake towards the border of rogue territoryand Blackshadow Pack.
Shifting when Drake does, I follow behind. ‘What do youthink is happening with Blackshadow, Ebony?’
I don’t know, but it’s not good. The closer we get to theborder of Blackshadow, the more the taint of madness hits.
‘Do you think Alpha Torrance is about to lose his mind?’
I’m going to link more with others that I can, to see ifwe can stay one step ahead. You need to start mind-linking with Lykos andAkela, then you’ll find it’s easy when or if you need it in an emergency.
‘Okay, I’ll try to remember to do that.’ It’s just difficultwhen I was never allowed to link with the pack at Blackshadow. It’s somethingthat should come naturally, but when it’s never been something you do, it isn’tsomething you even think about doing.
Reaching the border, I wrinkle my nose because I do get asense of something not being right. It smells like something going rotten, likemeat when it first gets the tainted smell about it.
“You smell that too?” Lyle asks and I nod my head, but beforeI can respond, three shifters appear on the opposite side of the border.
I don’t recognize the shifters, but that’s not unusual as Ididn’t mix with the pack members. They stand their ground and watch uscarefully. Drake steps to my side and whispers. “Stay well back from theborderline. I don’t want them grabbing and dragging you across.”
I give a slight nod of understanding and step back to thetrees behind us, which are a good few paces from the territory's border. Lyleis standing next to Chief Glen and they are both eyeing the shifters carefully,not dropping their gazes or looking intimidated.
“What’s Spirit Walker Pack doing playing warriors for therogues? Do we need to speak to the shifter council about your pack oversteppingtheir boundaries?” The shifter gives a sick grin, and all of us can see he’strying to cause an issue, and prod Lyle particularly to make a bad move.
Drake, however, is the one who steps to the border, with histoes just shy of crossing over, which has the three shifters looking somewhatnervous.
“You want to come here and start a war, you little bitch?”This is a nasty thing to say to a male shifter because female shifters areknown as bitches in their wolf form.
Before the idiot lunges, the two on either side of him grabhis arms and pull him back, watching us closely as they pull him back into thetrees and disappear.
We patrol the border for four miles each way; I runalongside Drake and Lyle stays at the side of Chief Glen, but thankfullynothing else occurs and as it gets dark and three replacement shifters appear,we head home and get the rest I’m needing.
Chapter 22
Settling the business which I had to cover with Lykos, Akela, and Tatiana, Imake my way out of town and into Blackshadow Pack territory. I’ve made thearrangements to meet with Connell and although I’ve found he’s trying to get outfrom under his father’s influence, he’s struggling because of the Alphacommands Torrance is throwing around.
At this moment I don’t think Connell is a bad shifter, he’sjust had a lot of bad influence from his father. If I can get through toConnell, I may be able to turn him into a good Alpha. It’s in his blood, and itcan come to the fore if he fights to rid himself of the bad his father isthrowing into the pack members.
Arriving at the border, I’m stopped by two warriors. “What’syour business?”
“My business is with Alpha Torrance, and Alpha HeirConnell.” I’ll keep this as official as I can, but I throw out enough power toshow these two that I mean business. “I’m also from the Shifter Council, sostand back and allow me to pass.”
Stepping back to allow me through after mind linking withsomeone of importance, I drive past and head for the packhouse. Now thatwarriors on patrol have informed someone, I can’t sneak in and speak to Connellwithout the Alpha hearing of it.
The pack has more rot now. Can you smell it?