Page 47 of Kingdom of Wolves

We both stand, side-by-side, and keep a close eye on whatJade’s doing, and when I see a flash of metal, I know she’s not using her clawsin her right hand, she’s using a knife. “Watch her right hand,” I whisper toLyle and he gives me a slight dip of his chin.

The warrior called Sloane, steps towards Chief Glen and weall hear him state. “Jade’s slower, but why is she using a knife to help her upthe trunk? You never said we use weapons when Tati used only her naturalability and claws.”

Chief Glen growls low, and it rumbles from his chest. Now weall know that’s coming from his wolf.

Jade stops in front of the Chief and everyone has gonequiet, waiting to see and hear what happens now. None of us, however, expectedthe Chief to be as harsh as he is. “Jade, go back, get changed, and wait for meto come to you. Stay in your room until I do.”

Jade dips her head, gives me a nasty look, then walks awayquickly toward the warrior's building. The Chief turns to the other warriors.“I will not abide cheats on my team of elite warriors. The reason I wasintrigued with this tree climbing was the fact it can build you all instrength, dexterity, and overall speed, but it also has you working with your wolf.But for Jade to bring out a weapon to assist in this small fun competition wehave going shows a lack of morals, and that I won’t stand for.”

The warriors agree and I’m surprised none of them seem tohold me responsible for what just happened, because at Blackshadow you can justbet it would have been classed as my fault.

We get back to everyone doing the tree exercise and I can’thelp but laugh when no one beats my time, although Mac is the closest at 4minutes 54 seconds.

Walking back to the warrior building, Lyle laughs at themall when they arrange to do the tree climbing at least three times a week. Butwhen he tells them in training, I do it twelve times in succession; they lookat me with shock on their faces.

“What else do you do when training?” Eli asks, and I give arundown of the rolls, jumps, ducking, and fighting that I do in my sessions.But when I tell them I do it both in human and wolf form, they look more than alittle surprised.

Chief Glen stops me from walking into the building byputting a gentle hand on my shoulder. “Go get something to eat, then come backand we’re going out to patrol an area of the pack border. I want to sit downwith you to speak more about your training and when you get back home, will youask Drake if I can come over for a few days to speak to him and watch youtrain?”

“Okay, I’ll speak to Drake. Lyle wants to come to stay withus at the farm, too. I think he’ll be shocked when he gets pulled into trainingsessions because Drake is a huge believer in everyone knowing how to look afterthemselves and the town.”

“Thank you. I used to know Drake a few years ago and I’lllook forward to seeing him, if he’ll receive me that is.”

“I’m sure he will, but I’ll twist his arm for you.” Thechief looks shocked for a second, then seeing the laughter I’m containing, hechuckles before walking into the building.

Turning to walk back to the packhouse, I jump slightly whenan arm is thrown over my shoulders. “Only me, Tati. That was fun. The warriors areall pumped at beating your time now.”

Walking into the packhouse and the dining area with Lyle, weare laughing and joking with each other, but that comes to a stop when Lavenderwalks over to us.

“What did you do to Jade, bitch?” Lavender snarls at me, andthe reaction from Ebony is instant, shocking me, Lavender, and Lyle.

My voice is dark, not mine, and my eyes glow with the forceEbony is coming through. You call my female bitch again and I’ll rip yourtongue out. Jade is a cheating, unworthy female, and she’s turning her wolfaway from her. Your wolf is going to leave you, too. This I swear as an Alphashe-wolf.

Lyle wraps an arm around my shoulders and whispers in myear. “It’s okay, Ebony, we’ll keep Tati safe.”

I feel Ebony recede and I stagger back slightly, and withoutLyle having his arm around me, I think I may have fallen. The shock onLavender’s face mirrors a few others that happened to be near enough tooverhear and see.

“Tati, please come to my office.” Turning, I see AlphaWalker standing behind me and I tip my head slightly to the side, showingrespect.

“Of course,” I respond, and turn, following the Alpha out ofthe dining area. What surprises me is Lyle stays by my side. Hearing Lavenderlaugh behind us has me grinding my teeth in frustration.

“It will be fine, Tati. I’m with you.” Lyle whispers againstmy ear, and I give him a weak smile of thanks.

Following Alpha Walker into his office, I come to a haltwhen I see Connell standing next to the Alpha’s window. What the heck is goingon here?

Chapter 19


Alpha Walker turns and points at a seat in front of his desk, which Itentatively take, noticing Lyle take the one next to me, moving it closer sothe chairs are tightly next to each other. I don’t miss the twitch of amusementon the Alpha’s lip or the nasty look Lyle is giving Connell.

“Alpha heir Connell has come to ask for you to be returnedto Blackshadow Pack. I’ve told him you are no longer with their pack, and thatyou have no wish to belong to it again. It seems heir Connell doesn’t want toleave until he hears it from your own lips.” Alpha Walker takes a seat behindthe huge desk and Connell steps closer to where I’m sitting.

“You need to come back, Tatiana. The pack needs you as itneeds an heir from your bloodlines. You know this, and you have to come back.You are going to be seventeen before anyone knows it, and a year will soonfollow.” Connell is trying to use his power, but it won’t work on me now. I’veleft the pack, and not since I got Ebony either.

Do you want me to come out and eat him, Tati? Istruggle to stop the smile that wants to free itself and when Lyle reaches overand wraps one of my hands in his I give his hand a slight squeeze, letting himknow I’m okay.

“No, I don’t have to come back to your disgusting pack, andI have neither now nor ever, any intention of going back. You are alldishonorable shifters. You watched while my life was made miserable. Nothingbut a slave to the pack. You allowed your Alpha to command the pack to mistreatme, ignore me even when I was hurt, and let’s not forget he was going to cut myhamstrings so I couldn’t run.” My voice has risen as I have been speaking and Ican see it has taken Connell by surprise. “The answer is no, I’m not going backto Blackshadow Pack, now or ever.”