Page 45 of Kingdom of Wolves

“Oh, gosh. Am I going to get into trouble while I’m here?You know I’m only here for two weeks, don’t you?”

“Yeah, but what a great two weeks we’re going to have, thenI’m coming with you to your place. It's going to be awesome,” Throwing his headback and laughing loudly.

I’m looking at him like he’s lost his mind because I reallydon’t know what the heck is going on here.

Chapter 18


The first week fly’s past. Lyle and I have become friends, and he’s soeasygoing you wouldn’t know he was the future Alpha of the pack. The membersare respectful to him, and I have seen no fear towards him, which tells me alot because Connell has everyone worried when he’s in a room.

I’ve seen the way the pack is organized with members oftenrotating jobs, so they don’t get bored with the same routine. The warriorspatrolling are the ones that I’d like to associate with this second week.

Walking into the dining hall, I notice Lyle is already hereand after taking a bowl and filling it with oatmeal at the food bar, I walkover and take a seat next to him.

“Good morning, Lyle.”

“Morning, Tati. What do you have planned for today?”

“I’m going to see if I can follow the warrior's routine.I’ll speak to Alpha Walker and get permission first.”

“Permission for what?”

Turning, I smile at Alpha Walker as he takes a seat oppositeLyle and me and I give him a slight tip of my head in respect. “Good morning. Iwas going to ask if it would be okay for me to shadow the warriors this week.See what the daily routine is and how they patrol.”

Alpha Walker rubs his chin in thought, looking at me thewhole time. He’s considering what I’ve asked and not jumping into a rashdecision. I can understand that because I’m still classed as a rogue.

“Yes, I think if Lyle spends this week with you and youshadow a male and a female warrior, you’ll learn a lot. But you know they’llthen see your wolf, and I wasn’t sure you wanted Ebony to be seen.”

I think about what the Alpha has said, but really, does itmatter anymore? The shifter council knows about me, the town knows and thesurrounding packs of the town all know. The reason I’m here is to gainknowledge and help make my decision when I turn eighteen if I want to be a packleader or not.

‘Ebony, what do you think?’

We can’t hide forever, and we are stronger than mostthink we’ll be. We will always have an advantage because we shift, heal andbond faster than any other.

“Ebony has no worries about us being seen anymore. Some willhave seen us when I’ve run with Lyle, although we’ve not been training in ourwolf forms because of keeping Ebony out of sight.

“If I’m going to learn as much as I can while I’m here, thenI need to do this with the warriors or I’ll not get the full lessons you canteach me.” I allow Ebony to come forward, so she’s seen in my eyes.

“Okay, Lyle, pick a male warrior, and you’ll have to shadowJade as she’s our top female warrior. If you have trouble with her let me knowand I’ll speak to her. She’s good friends with Lavender and as we all knowLavender has her heart set on becoming Lyle’s mate. Although he’s told her manytimes, he’ll only mate with his true mate when he finds her.” Alpha Walkerstands and pats my shoulder. “Make the most of the week, Tati, and if you needanything, come to me.”

“Leggings, sports bra, t-shirt, and trainers is what you’llneed to throw on after breakfast Tati, and we’re going to find Glen, he’s theChief Warrior and he’ll either have us tag along with him or put us withanother.” Lyle picks his dirty dishes up and takes them to the kitchen and Ifinish my oatmeal fast so I can get ready for the day.

Stepping into a building on one side of the packhouse, I lookat Lyle, and he grins. “I know it stinks of sweat, but they are warriors.”

He’s right, mind you. The building stinks of sweat as youwalk in, and it’s probably worse for shifters, as our sense of smell is sogood. Before I can respond I notice Lyle stiffen, and looking up I can’t helpbut inwardly sigh as Lavender is approaching with Jade. That’s all we need whenwe have only just arrived.

“What are you doing in here Lavender?” A deep voice asks andthe commanding presence of Chief Glen is felt by us all.

“I came to see Jade, Chief Glen. I wasn’t doing anythingwrong.” Lavender gushes. Oh dear, she’s trying to be cute, and it’s not workingat all, but unfortunately, only she and Jade seem to miss that fact.

Chief Glen turns to Jade and squints his eyes at her, whichI notice has her squirming a little. “I told you once before that you don’thave friends or family in the warrior's areas. If you continue to ignore myorder, you’ll be removed from the team. Do you understand Jade?”

“Yes, Chief Glen,” Jade states, but I can see the pulse inher neck pumping, which is telling me she’s not happy at being reprimanded infront of me and Lyle.

“Lavender, get out of here now, and I don’t want to see youhere again, but if I do, I’ll be speaking to the Alpha about punishment.” ChiefGlen states, and there is no mistaking the fact he will follow through with histhreat.

Lyle is chuckling, which has me giving him a side-eyed look,but he’s got his eyes on Jade, giving her a look that says he finds her gettinginto trouble very amusing.