Page 39 of Kingdom of Wolves

By the time Drake has put us through our paces and we areback at the farmhouse, my legs are like jelly and I’m soaking in sweat. Brodisn’t much better, but he’s still smiling.

Drinking two bottles of water while we sit with our backsagainst the farmhouse wall, I look over at Brod. “Stop smiling. I’m tired.”

Chuckling, Brod looks back at me. “You can’t be miserablebestie, it’s always good to laugh and smile.”

“Monday I’m going to the Spirit Walker Pack with Flint. I’llbe gone for two weeks. Will you make sure that Momma Akela and Poppa Lykos arealright while I’m gone?”

Brod gives me a huge smile. “I will. I’ll come over and makesure they don’t get upset about you not being here.”

“Thanks, Brod, you’re the bestest bestie.” Grinning at himwhen I see the massive smile on his face.

The weekend flies past and Monday morning comes around.Momma Akela makes sure I pack enough into my backpack for the two weeks. It’llbe tight as I only have a spare pair of skinny jeans, two t-shirts, andunderwear, plus two workout outfits.

Outside Flint is waiting, and after giving Poppa Lykos andMomma Akela a hug, we set off walking in the direction of the Spirit WalkerPack. Not speaking much as we set a good pace, I enjoy the sounds of the forestand the peace that they bring.

It’s a long journey as it’s six hours to the border, thenanother six to the packhouse. “Let’s pick up the pace a little, Tati,” Flintstates and lengthens his stride. Now I’m thankful for all the training I’vebeen doing.

Four hours and we take a small breather by a brook. Flinthands me a bottle of water from his backpack and we sit on a fallen tree trunk whilewe drink.

“We’ll shift to our wolves and if you step into yourbackpack, it’ll stay in place. It takes a little getting used to doing, butyou’ll do it. Ebony will wriggle it into place.” Flint grins. “First time Iever did that, I tripped over the darn thing a few times, and ended up with askinned chin and no dignity.”

Giggling at the vision of it, we both look up sharply whenwe hear heavy footsteps not too far away. Flint looks over at me and signalsfor me to shift.

Ebony rushes forward and Flint helps us step into thebackpack and points in the direction he wants me to go. I watch as he quicklyshifts and steps into his backpack and I follow behind him as he takes off at aswift pace.

Bruno is a stunning brown sable and his eyes are a gorgeousonyx color. Breathtaking, and they have a softness as they look back at me.

Hearing feet pounding behind us, Bruno drops his head andpicks up the pace and we are running fast at this point. Ebony has her earspinned back, listening to whoever it is following us.

This keeps up for over an hour, and I know we are not toofar from the Spirit Walker Pack border because we’ve covered a lot of groundwhile we’ve been followed.

Bruno stops suddenly and I have to dodge or I’d run rightinto him. Turning, I see Bruno shift back into Flint, and as I’m preparing toshift too, Flint looks over his shoulder. “Shift but be ready to run to theborder. I don’t want them to see your wolf yet.”

I quickly shift and put my backpack on, waiting alongsideFlint for whoever has been following us. When a man bursts through the treesand comes to a stop in front of us. I’m shocked, as he looks wild. His hair isalmost to his waist, he has red in his eyes and I don’t think he’s been washedin a long time.

Flint speaks to me quietly, and I have to use Ebony to hearwhat he’s saying. “Get out of here and to the border. Fast as you can Tati,this one is feral.” Before I can start to run, the man lunges towards me, andFlint shouts. “RUN!”

Turning, I put my head down and pump my arms and legs, as Irun as fast as I can. It’s only ten minutes when I see the border, and onlyrecognize it as four males are standing there watching me run toward them.

“Help! Flint is being attacked by a feral.” I try to shout,but it doesn’t come out as loud as I’d liked. I stop just in front of theborder as none of the males have moved or indicated they’ve heard me.

“Who are you?” One male asks.

“Tatiana Winterstorm, I’m here to spend two weeks in yourpack. Flint Sable is being attacked by a feral. Are you going to help him?”When no one responds, I drop my backpack and turn to run back and help Flint.I’m not leaving him to fight on his own.

“Tatiana, stay there.” I hear, and looking up, Flint isjogging towards me. He looks a little worse for wear but has no seriousinjuries that I can see.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m good. I had to take him out sadly. He was too fargone to save.” Flint has a sadness telling me this, and that’s when I recognizefully the noble person that he is. He’s been nothing but kind to me and hashelped me in every way he can. To show him how grateful I am, I step into himand wrap my arms around his waist, giving him a hug, that has taken him bysurprise.

“You can come into the territory now. Alpha Stone Shadow hasgiven us the clearance for you to enter.” One male states, and I look at Flintrather than acknowledge the male has spoken.

“Come on Tati, let’s go meet the Alpha and Luna. You’ll likethem. They are good shifters.” Flint hands me my backpack after picking it upfrom the ground.

I ignore the males and walk alongside Flint toward the pack.That’s another six hours. Flint sets a nice pace, it’s not tiring, but we’recovering the ground well. Two of the males are walking behind us and I can hearthem murmuring to each other.

Flint keeps giving a grin, so I know he’s listening to theirconversation. Me? I don’t care; I walk along, checking which direction we aregoing, and anything I can use as a marker in case I want to make my way backhome.