“Thanks, Brod, but I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”
“Who cares about hurt? The pack is rotten to the core. Nowonder my parents left years ago and became rogues. It’s better here as a roguethan it ever was in that pack.”
“I didn’t know they came from the Blackshadow Pack.”
“Let’s tell them what’s happened. Then we need to tell yourparents. They’ll need to know this before we meet with the shifter council.”
On the way back to Brod’s house, I realize Ebony hasn’tspoken for a while. ‘Ebony, are you okay?’
Yes, I was watching and listening. I can connect withTroy and Dusk now, so they can tell Lykos and Akela what’s happening. I keptthem informed.
‘Oh, that’s good. I’m going to Brod’s, then home.’
You know you can speak to them both now, link with them.They are your parents, so you are connected.
Before I can respond we are at Brod’s house, and we informthem of what happened. Neither of them are happy about what happened, and theyall three come with me as I make my way home.
The next few hours are spent with Lykos growling, Akelawhining, and generally upset. Me, I’m calm because I don’t care what anyone hasto say. I’m not leaving my new parents or the town. They’d have to make me run,and I’d go to the Eclipse Pack or Blood Pearl Pack. I haven’t met Spirit WalkerPack's Alpha yet.
Brod and his parents stay for a late meal, and then we sitoutside. I practice my climbing and jumping while Brod shouts higher, longer,lower or anything else he thinks could be better.
When I shift to Ebony she jumps, weaves, and rolls which ishard for a wolf because they don’t like to leave their belly open to attack,but she thinks it’s a good move for us and we’d be able to roll away fromsomeone fast if we needed. Ebony speeds up quite a lot during our session andBrod is counting now how fast it takes to go around the paddock, through thefence posts, and roll twice before stopping in front of him.
By the end of the evening, I can see Brod is tired and so amI. My legs feel like jelly and my arms are aching. Looking into the back of mymind, I can see Ebony curled around with her nose under her tail. I’ll have tojoke with her tomorrow, saying she snores loudly.
Waving goodnight to Brod and his parents as they head home,I walk into the kitchen and drink a glass of water. I’m surprised when Lykos isstanding close behind me.
Placing his hands on my shoulders and giving them a lightsqueeze. “We need to get you used to mind linking with us. Then, if you everneed us, we can come running. We could have come to town and confronted themtwo if you’d let us know. Also, when the council is here, you can link us ifyou’re worried about a question they ask, even if we are not in the room. Ifthey don’t like that, then that’s their problem. We claimed you as our daughter,and we are rogues, so only respect them if we want to, but if they give us bullcrap, we ignore it, and nothing they can do as they are not our rulingcouncil.”
Nodding I understand, I give Lykos a hug before quicklyheading to bed, where I need a shower before turning in. I know tomorrow I’llhave Drake here for training, so I need some sleep.
Chapter 14
Monday morning and I walk into the council office where I give Agnes asmile. She smiles in return, then points to the desk next to hers. I take aseat and notice a huge pile of paperwork and look at Agnes for advice; shelaughs a little.
“Today, I want you to look at each of those papers. You’llneed four piles of importance. Urgent attention, soon, non-urgent, andwhenever. We need to see how you can prioritize.” Agnes turns back to her desk,and I know that’s her way of saying, get on with it.
Picking up the first paper, I read that Mr. Sterling hasreported the corn crop he received from Lykos is in good condition, and he’llhave enough to make a huge profit from the sales this year. He, however, wantsLykos to double the crop next year.
I know how hard Lykos works and unless he had the help, he’dnot be able to double the crop. He cannot do it on his own, and I don’t know ifthere is any shifter in town who could work at the farm.
Turning to Agnes, I catch her attention when I speak. “Doyou want me to pin a note on these as to what I think? Or just put them inpiles and forget them?”
“Hm, you could pin any suggestions. It would be a way for usto know how your thoughts run on the way the town deals with business.”Thinking for a moment before she nods, more to herself than me. “Yes, do that.Any you have a comment for pin them on.”
Picking up the pen and small notepad on the side of thedesk, I write. Mr. Greyfoot cannot increase the size of his crop withoutadditional help. He would need at least one more person to work on the farmMonday to Friday to achieve what Mr. Sterling is requesting. I place thatto start the pile off to be dealt with soon.
Then pick up the next paper. I can’t help the smile thatcrosses my face when I see a complaint that wants a neighbor to be taken totask for hanging flowers on the side of their own house. The reason for thecomplaint is that the smell of the flowers makes her sneeze. My note reads: Thinkthis lady needs something to occupy her mind. Maybe she could volunteer to helpMrs. Lightwater at the flower shop? I place this as the start of thewhenever pile.
I spend a good hour wading through mostly silly complaints,bad ideas, and suggestions that could lead to new businesses opening.
When I see the note from one of the border warriors, I situp a little straighter. It seems that Blackshadow Pack members have beenentering the town's territory and asking questions about me, and trying tobribe patrol warriors to give information that would lead to my capture.
Dixon Nightstalker, the warrior to give this information,has had two encounters where a fight has broken out, restraining a BlackshadowPack member from entering our territory. His wolf Magnum had an injury thattook a few days to heal, so the town was down by a patrol warrior during thistime.