Stepping away from Toxic, who shifts quickly to AlphaTorrance, I know Bruno is telling the truth. Looking into Torrance’s eyes, youcan see the gleam of madness. I look at Connell and note he’s seen it too.
I wait until Alpha Torrance and Connell walk inside thepackhouse before I tell everyone to get back to business. Watching the packwalk away hunched into themselves is a sad sight, and I know something has tobe done in the future.
Later in the afternoon, I’m walking back to my room tofreshen up when I hear arguing and recognize the voice as Carter Goldman, theBeta. I quickly follow the sound to see what’s going on.
Beta Carter and his son Gabriel are arguing in a bedroom.One that’s not been used for a while by the lack of any scent. “What’s going onhere?” I ask, taking them both by surprise.
“We’ve got to stop the Alpha. He’s not right in the headanymore. He’s not been for a long time.” Gabe says, and I can tell he’s tryingto reply respectfully, but his anger is shining in his eyes.
“We can do nothing or we’ll be the ones hunted down andexecuted,” Beta Carter tells his son, obviously trying to calm Gabe and thesituation.
“I’m here to find out what I can, then report back. We can’tremove him without having the evidence we need to do that legally.”
“In the meantime, the Alpha wants me to train as his Betafor the future and I don’t want that. I’m ready to reject the pack and become arogue.” Gabe eyes his father and I can see he’s begging him to understand.
“You’re not going rogue. I’m doing everything I can to keepthe pack safe. I can’t lose you, Gabe.” Beta Carter is looking desperate, and Ican see his eyes flashing from and to his wolf.
“Okay, this is what’s going to happen. Gabe, you are goingto work for me at the shifter council. You’ll be away from here, but safe. I’llcarry on doing what I can to get this pack put right, and Beta Carter, you’llbe my go-to when I need to know anything. Are you both happy with thatsolution?”
I can see them speaking with the family link telepathically,and Beta Carter nods his head before looking at me. “All right. Gabriel will gowith you and I’ll stay and relay what I can. I’ll keep people as safe as Ican.”
“Gabe, be ready to leave with me on Sunday morning. BetaCarter, I’ll get him somewhere safe and he’ll learn useful skills for thefuture.” I grip Beta Carter's bicep and squeeze it to show him how serious Iam. Need to watch this pack and kill the Alpha. Bruno growls, and I knowhe’s got his blood up, so I do my best to ignore him.
Parting with Gabe and Beta Carter, I contact the people Iknow who are reliable and true to what I’m doing here. The plan is to get Gabeinto a role where I can watch him and teach him skills about pack dynamicsbecause I have this feeling, he’s somehow involved in what will happen here atBlackshadow Pack.
Before I reach my room, I’m stopped by Connell. “Can I speakto you privately?”
I look him over and can see he still has worry etched on hisface. “Come into my room, and we’ll talk with no prying ears or eyes.”
Once inside, I close the door after scanning the hallwaywith my eyes and seeing no one around, I’m happy that this talk won’t bereported on. “What can I do for you?” Quickly getting to the point.
“I know I’m not under the Alpha command the same as thepack, but some things I’d rather not speak about. However, I’m worried about myfather and his health. Toxic is growing more aggressive and I think at sometime, he’s going to become truly feral.”
I nod but am not sure what he’s really saying to me, so Ikeep quiet and wait for him to elaborate.
“I’m not ready to be Alpha. I still have a lot to learn, buthe stands in the way of my doing good here. Is there any way he can maintainthe title for now, but I run the pack? I want to learn, I want the pack to growand the shit I’ve been seeing is turning my stomach.” Connell throws himselfonto the single chair near the window. “I honestly don’t know what I’m asking.I know I don’t know enough to rule the pack as well as I need to, but thethings the Alpha has had us all do is turning everyone against each other.”
“We could do one of two things, but my worry is what hasbeen happening. To assist you in any way, I need to know how honest and forthcomingyou are and will be. The shifter council can only do a good job when the Alphasof the packs are giving us all the information.”
I watch as different emotions flash across his face, and Isee the resolve as he makes his decision. “I’ll tell you what I can.”
“First, did Alpha Torrance arrange the accident for the lastAlpha Winterstorm?”
I see the sadness flash across his face, and his wolf Knightcomes to the fore for a moment. “I don’t know for sure. But when they died, heimmediately moved Tatiana into the servant quarters downstairs. She has beentreated poorly, and I have to admit I have done things myself that I am nowashamed of.
“I think my eyes were opened when he moved Tatiana from theservant quarters to the closet upstairs. He commanded people to treat herbadly. She worked hard in the kitchen and around the house, but she was neverpart of the pack. He made sure she was ostracized, and I always wondered why,but I had two beatings each time I asked, so I learned not to ask and just do ashe said.
“She ran as soon as she reached her sixteenth birthday. I’mnot sure what she heard or if she just had enough. But to be honest, I waspleased she ran and I’m pleased she got away. If she hadn’t, the Alpha wasgoing to make her shift and then cut her wolf's hamstrings to make sure shenever could run from the pack.
“He told us in his office that when she was eighteen, shewas going to mate with me. I didn’t know any of that. I never wanted to matewith Tatiana. He said when she had a pup she had to hand it to me and thenshe’d be sent to the lodge, but I think he meant to have her killed. He alsosaid that she had to sign over her inheritance.
“Who has my father become? Because he’s not the man I grewup with. Since he became Alpha, he’s gotten worse and worse with his attitude.He’s power crazy. It’s like all he wants is people to kneel before him, and donothing but thank him for breathing.”
I can see how upset Connell is and worried about thesituation. It’s not an easy fix, but someone has to help this pack andeventually remove the Alpha.
“Connell, your father isn’t strong enough to rule the pack.He’s a Beta carrying the power of an Alpha. It never works. It always turns theperson feral because the power overcomes them, and as you are noticing, it hasthem acting in a manner you’ve never seen before.
“When your father is removed from his position as Alpha, youwon’t have that problem, because, unlike your father, who has come from a longline of Betas, you have come from a mother who was the daughter of an Alpha.Your Alpha DNA will come to the fore and protect you when you gain the power anAlpha position will give you.