Clearing my throat, I gain everyone’s attention and I cansee Connell smirk when he doesn’t think I’m looking. “Who’s in charge?” I ask,letting this woman know I’m putting her down somewhat.
“I am in charge.”
Connell speaks as he steps forward. “This is Dahlia. She isthe pack housekeeper. She keeps the place in the condition it’s in. She has sixpack members who assist.”
Dahlia puffs her chest out, trying to look important, and ifshe thinks she has anything to be proud of, she needs to be thinking again. Bythe end of the week, she’s going to know how inadequate she really is at beingthe main housekeeper.
“Interesting.” This is my only comment as I step past her,showing her how little I care she’s in charge. “The kitchen needs a good clean.You see around the cabinets where they meet the floor, it’s thick with greaseand dirt. That needs addressing and as the housekeeper, I would have expectedyou to make sure this sort of thing doesn’t happen.”
I can see she’s going to give the other shifter women here ahard time and probably make them work more, even though they all look prettyhaggard. “You can do that after everyone else has finished for the evening.That way, none will walk on the wet floor, will they? Oh, and I’ll pop back tosee how you are doing.” I glare down at her and push forward.
She has a bad soul, been made rotten by the evil lurkinghere.
‘Yes, I think you’re right, Bruno. We may find many morethat have been tainted as we move through the pack.’ I reply to him and watchin my mind as he curls his lip, showing his teeth as he looks at Dahlia.
After giving all the women a nod and exiting the kitchenthrough the back door, we are in the garden area where fruit and vegetables aresupposed to be grown. But all it is now is rough ground and the fruit trees areout of control. I look at Connell and although not expecting a response I ask,anyway. “What the heck is happening here? The packhouse is filthy, the groundsare in a mess, and the area where you are supposed to help sustain yourselvesis nonexistent.”
Connell sighs, “We’ve tried to maintain things, but theAlpha sends us on errands that are not needed. It’s like he’s trying to run thepack down to nothing. He needs money to hire people to come in and put thingsstraight, and he won’t let anyone near the books, so I think he’s got problemshe’s not sharing.”
Now, this is interesting. It shows he has no Alpha commandon him for this at least, but if he has for other things, time will tell. “Whatdo you think of the pack at this time? Not your Alpha’s thoughts, your own.”
“I think the pack is being run down. We all work, but it’snever enough and if we disobey at all, we’re flogged or put in the cells he hadbuilt.” Connell looks surprised at his own response but shakes his head tohimself before running his hand down the back of his neck. “I honestly don’t knowwhat’s going to happen with the pack. People are scared. You only have to walkaround to see they don’t want to be here anymore but have nowhere else to goand I think are under Alpha command that they can’t leave.”
Patting his shoulder to give a little comfort, I look aroundand know I’ve got to find out all I can in the week I am here. “Alright, it'sgetting late. Can you have a meal sent to my room and I’ll see you in themorning? Oh, tell the Beta to be around too. I left him in the office with theAlpha.”
“I can do that, Councilman Sable.” Connell walks away and Ire-enter the packhouse and go upstairs to the room I was given. Thankfully,Connell had instructed me where it was when we handed my bag over to the packmember.
Entering the bedroom, I take out my phone and write a longmessage to Thomas and Lykos. The best I can do is send a message each dayaround the same time, so they know I am safe. But how long I’ll stay that way,I have no idea.
Thinking about Tatiana being here is depressing, and she hadto be a strong pup to endure the treatment she had meted out by them all.
I’ll find out about the inheritance she mentioned and see ifit can be locked in any way, so the Alpha can never get his hands on it by foulmeans. I’m sure he’ll try if he can as soon as Tatiana hits eighteen, and it'sready to be collected.
I cannot imagine her grandparents or parents not being wiseenough to make it difficult for anyone other than Tatiana to claim it, but weall know a lot of money can make people do bad things.
When my phone buzzes I check the messages back from Thomasand Lykos and place the phone on the bedside table. Locking the door, I stripout of my clothes and have a shower. Once dressed in sweats and a t-shirt Itake a notepad out of my bag and sit writing my thoughts on the day.
Hearing a tap on the door, I unlock it and take the tray ayoung woman is holding out. Thanking her before she scurries away, never givingme eye contact, not even for a second. I don’t like this pack and it’s time itwas taken down and rebuilt or taken down and rejected in name. Which will meanplacing all pack members within other packs or they’ll go rogue.
Chapter 9
With Flint visiting the Blackshadow Pack, Lykos and Akela plus the town councilare on edge. They are all trying to act normally, but Ebony can sense thestress they are trying hard to hide.
I have a lesson this evening with Drake, and as it’sThursday, I’m thinking everyone wants me to push on because of what Flint mayuncover.
Walking into Gregor’s office, I smile at him and take theseat he shows in front of his desk. “Good morning, Tatiana.”
“Good morning.” Responding with respect in my voice.
I’ve noticed that everyone tries to show respect for thefour council members as they earn little from doing this job. They do itbecause they want the town to achieve, and they hope the rogues that make upthe town will step up and help each other.
“Today we are going to run the pack border between EclipsePack and us. It’s going to be a long day and I’m sure Ebony will be tired bythe time we’ve finished. I want us to cover the border, passing the boundary ofour territory with Eclipse, Blood Pearl, and Spirit Walker packs in the nextfew days.” Gregor looks at me closely, but I give no reaction. “We need you torecognize the border of the territory and who you may come across at thoseborders.”
Nodding, I lean forward and ask. “Do you think we will getany trouble from one of the packs?”
“No, we’ve been on decent terms for a few years now, andthankfully we’ve kept Wolfsfoot town neutral and all packs are welcome to visitas long as they cause no problems.” Gregor stands and steps around his deskbefore perching his butt on one corner. “The Eclipse has Alpha Blueblood, whois a calm shifter. His wolf is called Shaman and again he’s a calm wolf, but heis vicious if needed to be. The Alpha of Blood Pearl is Aurora and her wolf isAztec, she’s a beautiful person and wolf, but she was badly treated, not mystory to tell, but that pack is almost all females and they don’t bow down tothe shifter council unless they feel it’s the right thing to do. Spirit WalkerPack has as Alpha, Roman, and he’s a tough one, moody and quick to temper. Hehas a good mate that keeps him grounded and calms him down when required. Hiswolf is Rafe. He keeps Roman’s feet on the ground, but for how long I don’tknow, because we all need our mate, or we’ll feel the feral creeping upon us.”