Page 14 of Kingdom of Wolves

“Your papa is a wise man,” Akela says and squeezes Brod'shand.

“Do you think I’m safe?”

“Yeah, you’ll be safe. We’ll all make sure,” Lykos responds.When his phone buzzes on the table he picks it up and reads the message hereceived. “You can go home now Brod. They’ve left town and Barnaby followedthem until they were well on the way to their pack territory. Traveling in atruck had Barnaby running his ass off as his wolf. He’s complaining he’s four inchesshorter than he was this morning.”

That’s just what was needed to lighten the mood. Waving toBrod as he starts out running home, I turn and watch Lykos locking everythingdown for the night, before walking back into the farmhouse and thinking that itwas a better day than I expected but surprised that the pack is continuing tolook for me.

Chapter 6


The week has been very busy. Starting at the council was a bit of ashock, because you would never have thought so many people in the town wouldcome and complain about so many things. From small issues, like the neighborwaking them up singing, because they were play fighting, to sensing movementaround the border of the rogue territory.

I’m pleased it’s Friday already, and Poppa Lykos said I canhave the weekends away from town, and the council training I’m doing. But hedidn’t tell me I’d be learning to fight, in both my human and wolf forms, untillast night, and he had a smirk on his face all the time he was informing me.

Taking a seat at the kitchen table after feeding thechickens, I look over when Akela asks if I’m ready for the lesson.

“I did not know I was going to have fighting lessons.” Ireply and hear Ebony chuckle then say, ‘come on, it’ll be fun’.

Knocking at the door has me looking over as Akela answers,and I swallow hard when a shifter male steps inside. He has to be 6’ 4” and issolid muscle, blond hair, blue eyes, and grinning at me, which I notice once myeyes have roamed over him and then meet his face. The crimson flush rushes overme with embarrassment at being caught eyeing him up.

“Okay, girlie, we’re going to make you a fighter. Both inand out of wolf form. I’ve been told you’re an Alpha female, but that alonewon’t save you from trouble. You can never rely on someone else to keep yousafe. I want you to be able to keep yourself safe, and if you decide to be our Alpha,then you'll need to be able to rule over everyone with no fear.”

“Come on, Tati, move your ass, get outside, and getlearning. I’ve got baking to do before we go for a run tonight.” Akela tells meas she pushes me out the back door.

The next two hours are spent getting my ass handed to me.I’m now hot, sweaty, and bruised, but thanks to Ebony giving me help to heal,I’m not hurting too much.

“I need you to do flips over my head. I’ll give you a run-upfor now, but I want you to spring up and flip over my head easily in thefuture. Run up to me, and I’ll put my hands on your hips, helping you lift intothe air. You flip over and you’ll land with your back to me, so spin quickly toface me. Never give your enemy your back.”

We do this a few times, with me grabbing onto his shouldersor head because I don’t flip over, then I do it, I run, and with Drake’s help;I go high, flip over, and land, then spin, making myself dizzy.

Dancing around, swinging my arms, shouting, ‘I did it’, hasDrake laughing at my excitement.

When Lykos walks over, I shout. “I did it, Poppa Lykos. Iflipped over Drake’s head and landed.”

“Well done girl, now maybe you’ll be able to do it withoutDrake helping you.”

I scowl at him, then turn and run at Drake, and before hecan even hold his hands out, I jump over his head, flip and turn. Looking atLykos, I pretend to wash the dirt off my hands and laugh at their shockedexpressions.

Turning to grin at Akela as she’s standing clapping herhands together enthusiastically. “Knew you’d do it. Come on, it’s time to comein and have a drink.”

Turning to Drake, I smile. “Thank you, Drake, for coming andhelping me learn. I’ll do my best, I promise.”

“I know you will. Now I want you to practice flipping overthe rope I’ve fastened near the chickens. Only one end is tied, and the otheris through a loop, so if you fail it won’t matter. You won’t hurt yourself. ButLykos will watch you anyway and he’ll raise the rope every few days until youcan jump six and a half feet. I know you’ve nearly done that by clearing me,but I need you to be confident and make it without any great effort.”

“Okay, I can do that.” Giving him another smile as I followAkela to the kitchen, where I’m sure she has another jug of homemade lemonadeready.

Drake stays and has a drink, and talks about training andhow he wants me to progress. I’m impressed because he will not be pushing me tolearn everything in the next few weeks or months. He is looking at me beingfully trained by the time I have my eighteenth birthday.

It’s going to be fun, Tati. I hear Ebony say, and Ican also hear her excitement about training with Drake. ‘Yes, I think it willbe fun.’ Responding to her as she settles down to sleep in the back of my mind.

Once Drake has left, Lykos brings up a subject I’m a littleworried about.

“I’ve spoken to my friend Flint Sable, we discussed what weshould do about your old pack. We decided he should come here and meet you himselfso you can tell him all he needs to know. He’ll tell the council he’s onprivate business, so they won’t learn of you at this point. But Alpha Torrancehas put in an appeal that if you are found you are to be returned to his pack.He didn’t, however, tell them that you have rejected the pack and him as your Alpha.”Lykos pats my hand and grins. “He’ll not get what he wants, Tati. Flint hatesthe man and will make sure he doesn’t get his hands on you.”

“The pack mainly treated me badly. Only a couple of peoplenever joined in with the verbal abuse. I’m lucky it never turned into more thanpetty bullying. But the moment I stepped over the border after rejecting thepack, I felt relief and a weight lifted from me.”

“Your parents would never have wanted you to stay and livelike that. They loved the pack and would have died for the pack, but for you,they would have walked away and been happy to do so. I’m convinced that AlphaTorrance had them murdered so he could take over the pack, but we have to provethat.” Lykos rubs his hands over his face, then grins. “Well, let’s eat, thengo for a run. I’m wanting to let Troy enjoy some freedom.”