Page 84 of Kingdom of Wolves

Rubbing my forehead with two fingers, I decide to get theEclipse Pack visit over and then make the decision that could change my lifeforever.



Being here at Blackshadow Pack is not what I want from my life, andI’ve been throwing the thought of asking Flint to allow me to stay with theShifter Council. I like what I do for the council. It’s good work andsatisfying. Helping packs and individual pack members. Here, it’s all abouttraining idiots who do not know what a pack is about.

Pulling myself together, I make my way to the top of thetraining field and concentrate on the training at hand. Some of the pack areimproving in leaps and bounds, others are not making any headway at all. I’mgoing to have to speak to the Beta about the ones failing to take thisseriously.

Evangeline’s wolf, Minx, stalks toward me. She’s plainbrown, short-coated and her coat is coarse in texture. Somehow, she mirrors herother half. They both have a spiteful nature, and it would not be the firsttime I’ve seen Minx be aggressive or irrational toward pack members.

Turning so I’m facing her as she approaches, I lift aneyebrow. “What do you want?”

Sitting in front of me, Minx slithers to her back, showingher belly. But, if she thinks I’m fooled by her show of submission, she needsto think again. There is not a single portion of the wolf or woman that issubmissive. She’s up to something and probably has to do with Alpha Connellwanting us to mate. There is no chance whatsoever that it’d tie myself toEvangeline.

Raising my power, which I’m lucky to have with my heritagehaving Alpha blood. “Shift!”

Evangeline shifts and slams to the ground, naked as the dayshe was born. Another ploy by Minx, I’m sure, but it will not sway me. I knowEvangeline has been around some males in the pack and that’s something I’dnever want from a mate, fated or chosen.

“For goodness’ sake, cover yourself.” I snarl, and the maleson the training field have stopped to fill their eyes at the nakedness eventhough as shifters we are not heavily swayed by seeing each other withoutclothing. But, some modesty from females is expected to a degree and Evangelineis showing what type of female she is with this display.

“Oh, come on, Gabe, we’re going to be mated. You want to geta good look at what you’ll be getting.” Evangeline smirks.

“There is no way I will ever mate with you. Last week youwere going around bragging you were going to be the Luna of the pack. Now youare throwing yourself at me. You need to give yourself more value because allyou are doing is showing everyone how disgusting you are.”

Snarling her nails extend and her face contorts intosomething ugly. “How dare you speak to me like that? I’m going to speak toAlpha Connell and ask him to bring our mating forward. Let’s see how you canget out of that.”

“Oh, it’s easy to get out of. I’ll just reject the pack andAlpha rather than get myself tied up with you. That would be a sentence thatI’d not be willing to serve.”

Thomas steps to my side and I look over at him as I’d notheard him walk over. “Got trouble with the trash, Gabe?”

Screeching, Evangeline throws herself around and runs starknaked to the packhouse. I shake my head in disgust. “If Alpha Connell thinksI’m tying myself to that, he’s got another thing coming. I’ll leave the packbefore I do that.”

“I’d be the same, and if you leave, I’ll leave. We’ve beenfriends since pups, and I’ll not stay here without you. My parents are dead, sonothing to hold me here anymore. My mate isn’t here, she’s in another pack, inWolfsfoot or no-man’s-land, and it depends on what I find when I find her as toif I claim her or not.” Thomas grips my shoulder and squeezes it.

“Come on, let’s get lunch. Training is done for today. Weneed to report to the Beta about how things are going this afternoon. Thatshould be fun since you are not speaking to each other.” Both of us chuckle atthat because he’s right. I’ve been avoiding both Alpha Connell and BetaGoldman.

Walking toward the packhouse, both Thomas and I shiftinstantly when we hear the pack alarm raised. Turning, we head for the maindoors of the packhouse where Alpha Connell and the Beta are standing.

“FOLLOW ME!” Alpha Connell shouts and we all turn and followhim towards the border where our land meets Spirit Walker Pack.

Running fast, we hear through the mind link. ‘AlphaWalker has had an invasion. He’s holding them away from the packhouse andturned some back to no-man’s-land, but others have headed for us. Be readywarriors, take no prisoners, protect our home.’ Alpha Connell throws thatout just before we meet a wave of rogues, and we all crash into the first oneswe can.

Ripping, snarling, tearing, the fight is fierce. I hearThomas call out and I spin to where he was next to me a moment before. A largerogue has him pinned and ready to tear out his throat, but I lunge at therogue's side, ripping a chunk out as I spin to face him.

The rogue surges towards me and rears onto his hind legs,but I don’t go up onto my legs as he expected. I slide under his belly and riphim open. Entrails fall onto my back as I continue forward.

Phoenix, my wolf, is raging and rips the rogue's throat outas he falls to the ground to hold his entrails. Falling, eyes open, now glassy.

‘Thanks, Gabe.’ Thomas mind links, but before I can ask ifhe’s alright, more rogues appear.

We fight hard and long until we’ve overcome the rogues, notone surviving. It has me wondering why they are attacking. We are a pack'sdistance away from them. It makes no sense.

Shifting when Alpha Connell sends out the order, we standlooking at the bodies which have piled up on the ground. I search with my eyesfor any warriors that didn’t make it, but I’m thankful that I don’t see any.But I see plenty that have injuries, some of which appear serious.

Alpha Connell is covered in blood and gore, and so is theBeta who’s standing at his Alpha’s side. The Beta looks directly at me, and Ican see the relief cross his face when he spots me standing among the otherwarriors.

“Thomas, arrange warriors to clear up this mess. Build apyre and burn the bodies. Gabriel, arrange the wounded in order of seriousnessand get them back to the packhouse. I’ll make sure we have the hall ready forthe healers to get to work.” Alpha Connell states, and turning to do hisbidding, I ignore the other orders he’s throwing out to everyone.