Page 80 of Kingdom of Wolves

Turning to face whoever it is, I take note of the shifter Irecognize as Vernon. He was one of the warriors I watched training this morning.I don’t give him any satisfaction with an answer as I step away from the tableand back toward the bedroom I’ve been given.

“Tati, where are you going?” Crispin asks with a worriedtouch to his voice.

“Back to my room, you know, so I can’t cause you anydanger.” I allow Ebony to place some growl in my voice, and turn, walking away,ignoring Crispin calling for me to stay.

I know I’m only young, but I’m not a fool and I sure don’twant to be the focus of anyone’s attention. I’m sure that Vernon meant nothingbad by what he said, but to mention my rogue status was not a nice thing to doand it shows how I’m perceived here. I hadn’t felt that until this moment, andI’ve got to admit to myself, I don’t like it.

Picking up my phone where I’d left it next to the bed thismorning, I send a message to Momma Akela.

Tati: I think I may come home.

I know Momma Akela will be busy in the garden or doinghousehold chores, but she always has her phone near when I’m not on theproperty. She always says ‘just in case’.

Momma: Why? Has something happened?

Tati: We had a rogue attack yesterday, but that wasn’t aproblem. But something was said this morning that had me thinking it was timeto come home already.

Momma: Tell me

Of course, I tell Momma Akela about the conversation, andshe’s not too happy with the fact Drake’s name was mentioned.

Momma: Wait until I speak to Poppa. He’s in the far fieldplowing, but as soon as he gets back, I’ll discuss it with him and see what hesuggests. Keep calm, head down, and I’ll speak to you soon. OK?

Tati: Ok. Love you, Momma Akela.

Momma: Love you too, Tati.

That’s when I realize that it was the first time I’ve toldher how much I care about her, and how much she means to me. It brings a tearto my eye because I’ve missed having my momma all these years, but I’ve found agood one again now.

Tapping on the door has me putting my phone down and walkingover, cracking it to see who it is. Carolina is standing, smiling, but I cansee she knows something has happened. I open the door to allow her to enter butI turn and pick up the clothing I’ve had hanging, fold it, and place it in mybackpack.

“What are you doing? Are you leaving?”

“I’m not sure yet.” Placing the last of my clothing in the backpack.Now I’m ready if I want to leave. I just need to hear from Poppa Lykos.

“What happened?”

Sitting on the end of the bed, I clasp my hands and thenlook at Carolina. “When someone speaks of your business willy-nilly and callsyou a rogue who could endanger the pack, it hardly makes you feel welcome. Theidea of me being here is to build a relationship, so if I decide to be a packAlpha, I’ll already have allies, friends, and pre-built trust. I’m not sure nowhow secure this trust can be when my private information is spoken of in a packkitchen where anyone could walk in and hear it.”

“What business?”

“Who trains me. Alpha Aurora apparently told the upperwarriors, one of who just told Crispin, and told Crispin because I didn’t.”

“No, who was it?”

Now I’m not sure why she’s acting as though she knowsnothing, and I give her a very close look. Search her face for whatever I canfind and there, a flick in her eye. That tells me more than she’ll everrealize.

She knows who and what was said. I hear Ebony and seeher standing alert and ready.

“I think it’s time you leave now. I would like to decidewhat I want to do from this point.” Stepping over to the door, I open it andwait for Carolina to walk out. Giving me a look I’m not sure how to read, Iclose the door behind her and lean my back against it, taking a deep breath andblowing it out slowly.

Hearing my phone buzz, I rush over and pick it up, smilingwhen I see a message from Poppa Lykos.

Poppa: Are you worried or frightened?

Tati: Not really. I just don’t feel comfortable now.

Poppa: I’m not happy your business was spoken aboutoutside of the Alpha’s office.