“Come on, Tatiana, I’ll take you over to watch sometraining, then we can have lunch.” Carolina giggles when she sees the look onmy face because she’d already eaten enough for two days in my book.
The training was interesting because when we first arrivedto watch the males were on one side of the training field and the females theother, but after an hour where my butt is numb with sitting on the grass, theymix amongst themselves with males training with females.
“Are you learning much, Tatiana?” Carolina asks as she’sleaning back on her elbows as she watches the training.
“You can call me Tati, you know.” Nudging her with my hand,causing her to fall on her back when her arm gives way. “Yeah, I think I’mlearning some of how the dynamics work. It’s not unlike Wolfsfoot, if I’mhonest. Although it’s a town and not a pack, we treat each other like packmembers. I love the place and the people. We have shifters and humans, butabove all, we have a meeting of people who need support.”
“Oh, watch, Izzy just turned up to train.” Giggling toherself, but I’m not sure why she’s finding that amusing. “You’ll see why I’mlaughing in a minute.”
Sitting up, I cross my legs and rest my elbows on them,clasping my hands together, and balancing my chin to watch whatever is going tohappen.
My attention perks when I see Alpha Aurora walking onto thetraining field and directly to Izzy, who has turned white. The Alpha speaks toher quietly and I notice everyone is looking away, ignoring what is happening.
“What’s going on?” I can’t help but ask.
Carolina smirks. “Oh, Crispin told the Alpha that Izzydisrespected you, and this is the time she will pay for ignoring the Alpha’swishes. It’s been a long time coming, but I’m looking forward to seeing her getan ass whooping.”
My eyes must be as round as they’ll get when I watch Izzyget the ass whooping, and that is the only way to describe it. She gets trulyoutclassed and outmaneuvered by Alpha Aurora and when it’s done, Izzy is on theground with the Alpha standing over her, growling something down at her. Thenthe Alpha turns to the rest of the training field and shouts. “ANYONE ELSE WANTTO IGNORE MY COMMAND?”
When no one takes her up on her offer the Alpha walks awaywithout another word and I sit shocked at what I’ve just witnessed. But, on theother hand, it was swift and clean justice for going against what she’d toldthe pack members.
Not one person walks over to help Izzy and that surprises metoo, but I suppose they don’t want to get on the wrong side of Alpha Aurora.
“Just ask, Tati,” Carolina says, and she must know what I’mthinking as she’s looking at me with amusement.
“Why has no one helped Izzy off the ground?”
“We don’t help those that have disrespected our Alpha’sdirect orders. Alpha Aurora has put her life before all of us. She has nearlydied twice for this pack, and we won’t disrespect her in any way. But if she’swrong, she is always willing to hear why we think that, and if she sees ourpoint, she will rectify whatever it is. She is a good Alpha, and we all owe herand love her for what she’s done for us.”
Nodding that I can understand why they are so supportive,and why they’ve shown distaste for Izzy. A lesson I can speak to Poppa Lykosabout when I get home.
Lunch is good, and I again watch Carolina fill a plate fitfor two men, and at my look, she throws her head back and laughs loudly,attracting attention to us from pack members. They must understand why she’slaughing when I point at her plate, getting me some amused looks.
Chapter 30
My temper is still brewing, and I have refused to speak to the Beta. Iknow he is trying to catch me on my own, but I’m not giving him thatopportunity. I never would have thought he’d do something like take a breeder.It turns our she-wolves into nothing more than walking wombs.
Walking over to the training grounds, I don’t notice AlphaConnell and the Beta until it’s too late and I have to stop and give agreeting. “Good morning, Alpha, Beta.” That’s all I say because they both turnmy stomach.
“I would like to speak with you before you start training.”Beta Goldman, as I think of him at the moment, begins saying, but I hold myhand up to quieten him.
“I’m sorry. I have a lot to do today, and I need to get thetraining started.” I give a nod of my head and try to step away from them, butmy face sets when Alpha Connell speaks.
“Gabriel, you need to speak with Beta Goldman, and I’ll tellThomas to start the training session.” Alpha Connell is watching my faceclosely.
There is nothing I can do but agree, but I let it be knownI’m not happy about it. “I will give you a few minutes, but I have a lot tocover today.” Repeating my earlier comment.
Alpha Connell walks away, and I stand watching him leave.He’s heading to where Thomas is waiting for me and I stand rigid, waiting forwhatever the Beta wants to say.
“Gabe, I had no choice but to agree to what the Alphasuggested. I don’t like it and I didn’t want to be involved, but as the Alphais going to be asking all unmated males to take part, I had no option but tostep forward.”
Turning, I sneer. “You can tell yourself that. You are alldisgusting and I hope every female in this pack leaves. Not one of you deservesa mate, and when, or if, the Alpha’s fated mate appears, I hope she walks awayfrom him because in my mind he isn’t worthy of his mate. Phoenix hasn’t spokento Connell’s wolf Knight since we heard this, and he won’t either. When my wolfis sickened, I’m not sure what Alpha Connell’s is saying. But Rust, your wolfmust be feeling physically sick. I’m dead to you as a son at this point intime. Now, if you will excuse me, Beta Goldman, I have the training tocommence.”
Not waiting for a response, I turn and walk over to thetraining field towards Thomas and Iona. They have their pack members warming upand getting ready to start. Alpha Connell is standing on one side with Bellamyand Jackson next to him. I’m disgusted with this pack and I’m ready to stepaway if things don’t improve and improve fast.
Watching the warm-ups happening, I allow my mind to wander,and I’m not sure why my sire would agree to this. I know he’d do what heconsiders right for the pack, but to make our females breeders is not the rightway and I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen. Even if I have to visit the shiftercouncil to have it stopped. In fact, that’s not a bad idea. I’ll contact Flintand let him deal with this shitstorm that’s waiting to happen.