Page 104 of Kingdom of Wolves

I can’t help the grin and chuckle at her response, andentering the forest I place her on her feet and before I can kiss her sheshifts taking me by surprise and bolts into the trees, looking over hershoulder Ebony twitches her tail and takes off.

The growl that rips from my chest is one of excitement,lust, and sheer love that Phoenix is throwing out to me and Ebony. The shiftbursts from me and the speed is far faster than normal, now that I have theAlpha power running in my veins.

We make chase and I settle back in my mind, watching andenjoying the fun of finding the prey, and that’s what Ebony is at the moment,Phoenix’s prey.

Dodging trees, jumping logs, and flying over the ground withwild abandon. Catching up to Ebony, we settle to running alongside her,enjoying her bumping our shoulders and nipping at our neck.

Arriving along the river, we stop and drink, and Phoenixsurprised me with his care and patience. But I’ve only just allowed thatthought when Phoenix grabs Ebony’s neck and shuffles himself behind her.

Ebony lowers her shoulders a little and pushes her butthigher, flicking her tail to the side, showing Phoenix she is ready to bemated.

It doesn’t take but a second for Phoenix to mount and pierceher, gripping harder on her scruff. His teeth holding her still while he pumpsinto her. The small whines Ebony makes are music to his ears, and I can’t helpbut pull myself back to give them some privacy.

A few minutes later, Phoenix roars ‘mine’ in my mind, andhis knot ties them together. Turning carefully so they are back-to-back and canwatch for danger while they are in this precarious position.

I stay calm and wait until the tie releases Phoenix fromEbony. They lick and nuzzle each other after cleaning themselves. I don’t waitany longer as I want my mate, and I’ve waited long enough.

Shifting, I wait for Tatiana to shift too, but I make sure Ishift first and am naked, showing her I’m ready to bond with her, to give hermy bite and make her mine.

Ours. I hear Phoenix state and I have to agree withhim that Tatiana and Ebony will be ours.

Tatiana shifts and steps toward me naked, and she isspectacular. The evening has now brought a softness to the light, and has aglow casting from the river along her skin.

Taking a deep breath, I move toward her, and place my handson either side of her face, lowering my head until my mouth meets hers. Thekiss is passionate and we don’t stop until we are out of breath.

Lowering us to the ground, I cover her body with my own,leaning on my elbows so I’m not too heavy above her. Licking her neck whereI’ll mark her in a while, I feel her shiver and hear her whimper, my smilecaresses her neck.

I want to take it slow and allow Tatiana to enjoy our firsttime as much as possible. The base of her neck above her collarbone is callingto me, and I have to take a deep breath to slow myself before I bite beforeeither of us are ready.

Tatiana runs her hands down my sides, over my lower back,and gives the top of my butt cheeks a squeeze. The little minx is egging me tomove faster and join us.

Running one of my hands down her body, back up over herstomach, I gently grasp a breast, lightly squeezing before I lower my face, andtake slow licks, and nips of the nipple before sucking it into my mouth.

It’s not long before Tatiana is whispering, “Please, Gabe,please.”

Who am I to not satisfy my mate? I line myself up and slowlypush inside her warm, wet channel. Whispering words of love while looking intoher eyes.

Rocking steadily at first, kissing, licking and nippingwherever my mouth is near and listening to Tatiana sighing, whining and squeaksof ecstasy have me pounding into her before too long.

Her legs wrap around my hips and her fingernails dig into myshoulder blades where she’s hanging on as I’m shunting her along the groundwith the force of my thrusts.

Tatiana lunges upward, grabs hold of my shoulders and bitesinto my neck, marking me strongly. Her teeth are firmly in my neck and itpushes me over the edge, pounding into her as I release.

As soon as she frees my neck, she gives it a lick, sealingthe wound, but I surge forward, push her head to the side and bite deeply,marking her soundly, throwing her orgasm out of her before she knows what ishappening. The noise she makes as she cums is music to my ears, and I can’thelp but smile against the mark I’ve left on her neck.

I kiss her thoroughly, before looking down at her once more,smiling I murmur, ‘Mine’, to which she responds, ‘Yours’.

Sleeping in the forest wrapped around each other, whisperingabout the future, about ourselves, getting to know more about each other. Itwas magical; she is everything I could have wished for in a mate. I just thinkit’s crazy that we were in the same pack, and I didn’t know her well enough toprotect and save her from the mental abuse she’d been living with. What I canguarantee is she’ll never have to live through that again because anyone, and Imean anyone who tries to hurt her, will feel my wrath.

Later the next morning, after moving the few things I hadwith me into the farmhouse, we make our way into town and the shifter counciloffice.

“Good morning everyone.” I throw out as we walk into thecouncil meeting room. I keep an arm around Tatiana as I guide her to a seat atthe top of the table, before taking a seat myself.

Mayor Stringbold, Agnes Stonefold, Gregor Redmaine, andWallace Webber are seated and ready for the meeting to begin. Once they haveacknowledged both myself and Tatiana, I lean forward placing my elbows on thetable and clasp my hands ready to start the meeting.

“There have been only a few hours since I became an Alphaand this pack was formed. As the previous town council, I need you to step upand be advisors from this point forward. The town council as it was no longerexists, but that doesn’t mean you are out of work.” I grin when I see therelief on all four of their faces. Tatiana squeezes my thigh under the table insupport. “I want to hold a pack meeting, so I can meet everyone and see whatthey would like to see happen within the pack. Those that cannot attend becausethey are patrolling, I will speak to individually.

“We need to consider a packhouse, a training hall where wecan hold all meetings as/when needed. The packhouse will be good for newmembers of the pack who need somewhere to start, before settling into abusiness or becoming a warrior.”