Page 85 of Dawn of the Pack

And it feels as though it takes years, but eventually a faint whine reaches my ears. The Lilliana-wolf growls, and the Nielsen-wolf whines louder, clearly conceding the fight loudly enough for everyone to hear.

When she drops him, I start pushing forward again. All around me wolves are howling—I’ve honestly never heard anything like it—but my focus is entirely on reaching Lilliana. She obviously hasn’t spotted me, since she keeps turning around, searching the crowd. I assume for her other mates. Or me.

I become more forceful with my pushing, earning myself a few threatening growls from wolves who don’t enjoy the feeling of my knee in their sides.

But it doesn’t matter. None of it matters, aside from getting to her. I don’t even care if she doesn’t shift, I’m going to throw my arms around her furry neck and just breathe her in, make sure she’s really real and this isn’t just another twisted dream I’m about to wake up from.

No one’s paying attention to Nielsen, who Lily left limp on the pavement. It seems loyalty only goes so far; as soon as he lost his position as alpha, none of his supporters gave him a second thought.

But when I see Nielsen move, my gut tightens.

With even more urgency, I force the wolves aside. I have to warn her, but I can’t speak thanks to Azalea’s collar. There’s nothing for me to do but get to her side and stop him myself.

My heart pounds; I don’t think I’m going to make it.

Slowly, he regains his feet, keeping his body low to the ground. Lily is too busy scanning the crowd. She looks almost disoriented, confused. She’s already forgotten the other alpha, intent on her search.

Nielsen bunches his legs beneath him, watching Lily’s circles carefully, calculating.

I know what he’s going to do. I run forward now, completely oblivious to the bodies that could trip me.

I have to get to her. I have to protect her. She’s my mate, and above all else, I have one duty.

To place myself between her and harm, to sacrifice myself if needs be; to protect the alpha and ensure the safety of the pack.

Without a conscious effort to draw it up, magic ripples through my body like a wave. I don’t know what’s happening and I don’t have time to think about it. Nielsen’s preparing to attack and I’m still yards and several wolf bodies away.

When he starts to spring, I leap forward, flinging my body between them and hoping to catch the brunt of the attack.

I dive as a man. But in a blinding flash of heat, with no small amount of shocking pain, I land on all fours as a wolf.

Nielsen, it seems, hesitated when he saw me coming, stopping his attack to watch my transformation into a wolf. Now his gaze rests on me, flashing me a wolfish smile, as if proud of himself for finally forcing me to shift.

I don’t hesitate; instinct takes over and my wolf's body leaps for him, clamping my jaws shut around his neck and wrenching viciously with a savage snarl.

He doesn’t have time to react before he’s dead. When I release him, his body crumples to a bloody pile of fur at my feet, and I pull in a deep, satisfying breath, filling my lungs to let out a wild howl. A chorus of wolf voices rise up with me, and I hold the tone until my lungs give out and I have to draw in air.

It’s only when I stop I realize I just made a sound without being magically shocked. I try to search my neck for the collar, only to remember I have paws and that will not work. My eyes dart around the circle until I spot it: the wide black collar, ripped in two, on a pile of my shredded clothing.

With renewed joy, I leap into the air and howl again, spurring another chorus from the nearby wolves. My head tips back and my eyes close, filled with the deep satisfaction of finally escaping the hell I’ve been surviving the past week.

A head bumps against my neck, startling me and cutting off my joyful noise. My senses fill the scent of her, and a deep feeling of peace settles over me. We’re finally, finally, together. I can’t hold her in my arms, but I nuzzle my mate right back, and then immediately start licking her to clean her bloody fur.

“I knew you could do it,” Lilliana’s voice brushes my mind, and I freeze. She makes the equivalent of a wolfy chuckle and does it again. “Yes, it’s me. I just found out this is something I can do. I wanted to talk to you, but it’s too fucking cold to shift back right now, so this is the next best thing.”

I gather my thoughts and try to think back at her. “It’s new, but then again, turning into a furry beast is new for me, too. And, valid point on the cold. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“I’m just relieved to see you whole. I haven’t even wrapped my head around you being a wolf yet,” she chuckles again, her hot tongue licking along my jaw. “I heard some terrible things about Nielsen. I was really worried about you.”

A hum of pleasure rumbles in my chest. “Turns out being a wolf has lots of perks. Nice winter coat, and some high-intensity healing.”

The rest of the guys find us, and we surround Lily in a tight circle, all showering her with affection to show our concern. She spins slowly, doling out kisses and nuzzles to each of us.

And most surprisingly, it all feels… natural. I’ve never been the type to share—I’ve always wanted my partner as consumed by me as I am by them—but there’s not a single flicker of jealously when I watch her share affection with the three younger men. Well, wolves.

It takes a while, but eventually we move inside the house and someone fetches us clothes to pull on. They’re not the best fit for anyone, but at least they’re warm and cover our bodies.

Because Lily’s covered with gore, she darts upstairs, and showers before getting dressed. I admire her gall; the house is nice, but it holds an aura of malice that keeps me on edge. I have no interest in staying here any longer than necessary, and fortunately, our mate cleans up quickly so we can leave. I take advantage of the relative privacy inside the house to pull her into my arms and hold her tightly, relishing the feeling of her body against mine. Before releasing her to the rest of her mates, I stroke my thumb along her throat and claim a deep, greedy kiss. She bows backward in my arms, arms rising to twine around my neck and toy with my hair, oblivious to the audience of three.