“That’s for Jeremy,” Amber spits at the lifeless body on the floor.
My vision is darkening around the edges. A warm hand covers my throat, and after what feels like an eon, air floods into my lungs again. I cough and sputter, straining to pull in more oxygen to relieve my aching lungs.
Turning to see my savior, I realize it’s Derrek, who’s now darting around me toward Jared. His hands run over the crumpled heap of fur, back stiff while he kneels.
Landon whines loudly, and I assume it’s for Jared until a bright flash of green light almost blinds me.
Amber’s standing in a strange position, her body almost bowed backwards with feet wide and arms out at her sides, the bloody knife still gripped tightly in her right hand. Her expression appears frozen in shock, and my brain finally catches up that she’s not standing. She’s floating several inches off the ground and apparently unable to move. Her hair ripples lazily above her, in a gust of green energy that’s swirling up from Azalea’s spilled blood and wrapping Amber in what looks like a cocoon of green magic.
I’m stuck, frozen in place, and absolutely dumbfounded. I have no idea what to do or if I could even do anything to help her. It must be some kind of curse as a last revenge for killing her. I can see Azalea casting such a spell easily.
When the last wisps of magic clear the pool of blood, the swirls around Amber thicken and close in like it’s going to shrink wrap her. Amber screams, and I stumble to my feet, grasping for a way to help her.
Then, with one last flash, the green magic is gone and Amber goes completely limp. She teeters over, eyes closed, and I dart in to catch her, lowering her slowly to the ground.
Checking her vitals, she’s definitely alive. Her chest rises and falls visibly, warm breath passing her lips. But she’s definitely knocked out.
A hand taps my shoulder, and I look up to find Derrek behind me. My eyes dart to Jared, who’s back on his feet in wolf form, and butting heads gently with Landon.
“Is he okay?” I croak, my throat still on fire.
Derrek nods. When I give him a confused look, he points to his collar before miming zipping his lips.
“Right, you can’t talk. Is she going to be okay?”
Without hesitation, Derrek nods a third time.
“Okay, we have to get out of here. Billy said they’d come for you whether Nielsen wins or loses, and we’ve got to get back to protect Lily.” With a groan, I pull Amber into my arms and stand.
Derrek presses a palm to my shoulder, stopping me from walking to the door. His hands open in an expression of confusion.
“The alpha challenge. Lily challenged him for his position of alpha. They’re fighting right now. If he wins, he plans to kill her, then you. If he loses, he’s sending someone down to kill you, anyway.”
Before I even finish, he’s already yanking open the door and disappearing down the hallway.
“Follow the lit path!” I shout after him, and barely manage to wedge a naked heel against the door to keep it from closing. With a grunt, I heft Amber’s limp body and force the door back to allow Jared and Landon to slip out. They sprint after Derrek on all four paws, and I bring up the rear as quickly as I can, cradling Amber’s body with the knife still clutched tightly in her hand.
Chapter Thirty-Six
This is how I die.
I didn’t want to think about it, but I accepted on the way here that I might lose, and in doing so could sacrifice my life for the chance to free my pack from the curse.
At least I thought I’d accepted it.
But now with my strength rapidly waning and my wolf unable to claim an advantage, it’s looking more and more hopeless.
Blood mats my fur; some his, but more mine. He’s gotten in several good bites, his jaws like iron. Adrenaline pumps through my body thanks to my racing heart, but it’s not enough to ignore these injuries. Everything hurts, and even though I continue fighting with everything I have, emotion thickens in my chest. I’m losing, I’m going to lose.
We’re circling each other, members from both packs forming a wide ring around us to witness. I’m too stressed, too distracted, to see if any of them are furry faces I recognize. I’m certain my fated are here; I can sense my pack around me, but I can’t pick out individuals. However, I know my mates would be the first to make it through, and they wouldn’t leave me for anything.
My eyes remain sharp, watching for any sign he’s about to make a move while I rely on my rapid healing to help keep me in this fight.
If I lose, I know Nielsen will kill me. I’d expect nothing less from the man who tortures his own pack, kills them even, just to get them to shift. Why should I be spared in the face of such a defeat? I imagine it’ll be the frosting on the cake for him, to force me to submit then snap my neck with both packs watching.
Uncle Dom won’t be a terrible alpha. He cares deeply about our pack. Even if he’s not the best suited, he’s all they’ve got, and he has Roxanne to help him. They’ll make it work.