We’re so close to the end now, the pushing is actually working. Jared is at the front; I suppose I have his years of football experience to thank for this move. I watched him use it in last week’s game: The Smoky Falls Wolves were just a few yards from the end zone, and the opposing team brought out their biggest, burliest guys to form a solid wall between us and our goal. When the play started, our line clashed against theirs like a thunderclap. Jared faked a throw to the left and passed the ball to a teammate, who ran up behind our line, curling around the football and taking a flying leap over the entire group.
I know what I’m supposed to do.
Following their lead, I back up as far as I’m able to gain a few precious steps, then charge up and across Jared’s wide back and leap for the space just beyond the remaining Montrose wolves. And just like the football game, one wolf bucks up and tries to snatch me out of the air as I fly overhead, but I draw my leg in close and clear him, landing at a full-out run and racing forward to the line of Montrose members still in their human form.
I have no idea what time it is, how long it took me to get here, or how much time I have left before my window to be a wolf closes. I skid to a stop, my nails raking across the pavement, and shift immediately to my human form. There’s no time to consider my extreme nakedness; honestly it doesn’t even bother me that much anymore.
I glare up at the hulking figure of Avery Nielsen who smirks while he gets an eyeful of my exposed body, and snarl, “Avery Nielsen, I challenge you for the position as alpha of the Montrose Pack!”
And without waiting a second more, I shift back into my wolf and lunge for his throat.
Chapter Thirty-Five
By the time we shove our way through the last of Pack Montrose, Lily is already deep in her fight with Nielsen. They seem evenly matched, both attacking and neither getting the upper hand. One side of the circle is filled with Nielsen's most loyal lackeys, who have remained human, cheering for him..
“Hey!” a human voice calls from the side of the house, and I turn snarling, Jared and Landon mimicking the movement.
A tall, thin figure waves to us from the shadows, and I realize it’s Billy. My gaze darts back to Lily in the midst of her fight; we can’t leave her, we’re her mates. In theory, no one would attack during an alpha challenge; it’s not allowed. But I’m willing to bet this pack has done several things that no one else would do, and I don’t trust them.
Landon releases a low whine and I look back at Billy pointedly.
It sucks not being able to speak in wolf form.
“Come on, you don’t have much time!” Billy waves us toward him, his voice strained.
I hesitate, glancing again at Lily, and realize a few of our pack mates have made it across the sea of Montrose too, and they’re guarding her flank.
“Come on!” Billy hisses again.
My gaze lands on first Jared, then Landon, who both appear to be waiting for me to decide.
With a huff, I creep across the lawn to see what Billy wants. He’s nervous, sweating despite the chilly air.
“You’re her mates, right? I recognize you from that night in Smoky Falls. If you’re going to save Leaf, you’ve got to do it now.”
A low growl rumbles in Jared’s chest, and despite having no ability to enunciate, his feelings come across clearly.
“I promise there’s nothing you can do for her right now. Alpha may be a dick, but he still believes in certain traditions. He’d murder anyone who interfered with a challenge, and I’ve seen a few of these; they can drag on for a while. But if you don’t help Leaf soon, he’ll be dead before they’re done.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Amber’s voice shocks all four of us; Billy practically jumps in response. She’s obviously shifted back to human and stands there with her hands on her hips, blood smeared across her face and down her chest, glaring at Billy.
He swallows nervously, his eyes darting away to avoid getting caught ogling. “The witch has him. She’s doing something. I don’t know what it is, but it can’t be good.”
Amber snorts. “Lilliana said she’s on our side, remember? She’s probably just trying to help him escape.”
Billy shakes his head stubbornly. “No, I’m telling you she’s got him in some kind of ritual, and Leaf needs help. Come on, I’ll show you where they are.” Without confirming that we’d follow, he turns and slips around the side of the house, following the narrow trail between the siding and the hedges.
I’m dubious about his claims, but I trust he means well.
I don’t trust that Azalea has good intentions.
I follow in his wake, and the others fall in behind. When we reach the back door, Amber is back in wolf form. We slip down the basement stairs, then wait for Billy to lead us to the right cell. The hallways are dark, lit occasionally by a single can light far placed enough apart to leave stretches in deep shadows.
It’s still a maze, but far less daunting with a guide. Billy seems to know the place like the back of his hand, trotting down the hallways and taking lefts and rights with no discernible pattern.
We turn the last corner and a deep feeling of unease settles in my stomach.