The concept is almost too large to wrap my head around. We could just slip into the woods on a sunny day and run free, maybe find a river to splash in. The freedom that would mean!
I glance at Lily, excited to discuss it with her, but her eyes are closed. I don’t know if she’s asleep or not, but I can’t bring myself to disturb her.
I refocus on driving, but I’m suddenly much more enthusiastic about bringing Derrek into the family.
“We’re here.” Landon’s voice is low, probably because he didn’t want to scare me. Even so, it makes me jump.
Staring out the windshield, all I can see are deep shadows broken up by trees with scraggly branches. The headlights point straight ahead, following the curve of the road as the tires crunch over gravel and eventually slow at a parking area where the second SUV waits.
I face Jared and Milo, who also appear as if they've just been startled awake, and I can't help but grin.
“Thanks for driving, Landon.” I place my hand on his arm and he smiles warmly, his dimple appearing.
“Of course, Lily.” Then louder for the other guys, “I obviously couldn’t trust those two to stay awake for it. We’d have ended up in a ditch.”
“Haha,” Milo groans, stretching. “It made the most sense to rest up in the car. If I’d been driving, I wouldn’t have had a problem staying awake.”
“Me either,” Jared agrees.
Taking in Landon’s tired eyes, I ask, “Do you need a minute to rest?” My gaze darts to the console. “We got here a little earlier than we planned. You could easily sneak in a power nap.”
“Nah, I’m fine,” he assures me, popping the top of his energy drink. “Just give me two minutes to pound this down and I’ll be ready.”
I clamber out of the car while zipping up my coat and realize it’s even colder than I thought. Frost has formed on the fallen leaves, and our breath comes in thick clouds of vapor. My nose is instantly cold.
“Alpha,” Richardson steps out of his still-running vehicle. “I received a text from the witch. She’s already in place. We can move whenever you’re ready.”
“Okay, thank you. Let’s take a few minutes to stretch and shake off the road. I’ll let you know when we’re ready.”
“Copy that.” He climbs back into his car to wait.
The guys have stepped out and are stretching their long limbs. Landon’s drink can rests in the cupholder, and if I had to guess, he’s already finished it.
Nervous energy zips across my skin. I have to project confidence, no matter what. The first sign of doubt from me will make them worried, and I need everyone convinced we’re heading safely back to Smoky Falls with one extra passenger.
Even if I’m not so sure.
“You guys want to do some calisthenics, maybe take a few laps?” I tease them brightly. We’ve all dressed in dark colors. The security guys have their uniform on, complete with combat boots but with no logo. Landon, Jared and I have on hiking boots and similar cold-weather coats akin to ski gear, and Milo—of course—sports expensive-looking leather boots and a heavy pea coat.
Jared shifts his weight from one foot to the other. “To be honest, gorgeous, I just want to get this show on the road. I won’t feel better until we cross back into Smoky Falls.”
“Same,” the other two agree in unison.
“Alright then, I guess it’s time to move. Richardson?” I signal the others, and they shut off their car and join us.
“You guys have your radios in case we get separated?”
Milo and Jared hold up the devices.
“Good. If we need to, Jared will go with Lily and Landon with Milo. We should always be in pairs, and always with someone who has a radio. And set your ringers on silent, understood?”
We all nod; no need to answer. Only old people use ringers; the rest of us keep it on vibrate all the time.
“Let’s go.”
With the cars off, there’s very little light to see by. The sky is overcast, and we quickly come under cover of the trees, anyway. This area is remote, and the closest structure is the alpha house over two miles away.