Because of so many factors, the least of which was my mother binding my powers, I never got to be an apprentice.
But that doesn’t mean I learned nothing. Even without my magic, mom always had me help her with spells, and I’d stand beside her and watch every step, hear each word, over and over again.
Like a lightning strike, I realize she had always planned to unbind me. Why else would she insist I help her for years, despite showing no magical promise at all? Why insist I read every ingredient in her grimoire, learn how to prep each specific herb, speak each spell along with her? She knew, at some point, I’d need my magic.
And the time has certainly come.
My mind skips forward about a dozen steps, and I put together a plan so easily it’s like it’d been hanging over my head, just waiting for me to look up.
As quickly as I’m able, I search every inch of the tiny bathroom. I’m fairly certain there are cameras in the room, besides the obvious dome that hangs over the metal cage.
But in here I’m not so certain, and I hope I’m right.
I press my finger to the mirror and verify it’s not a 2-way, then feel my way around and examine every tiny facet of each surface.
It’s a spartan room, with nothing more than a shower stall, a pedestal sink, and a basic toilet. Despite my thoroughness, it only takes me a handful of minutes to confirm there are no cameras or listening devices in this tiny room.
Which gives me a tiny, glimmering shred of hope.
Just in time for the door to the hallway to open and Nielsen to call out brightly. “Ready to get started, son?”
Chapter Eighteen
It was surprisingly difficult to leave Harridan House knowing what was about to take place, and knowing that it wouldn’t involve me. Since Lily and I forged that bond my thoughts bounced back to her constantly, with no small amount of lust attached. She described it as an itch, and that feels accurate. No matter how many times we scratch it, the relief is temporary, and the itch creeps back up quickly, demanding another scratch.
Even though we slipped a hot and heavy quicky in between dinner and the midnight run with no one the wiser, I was already aching for her by the time I came home. I lay in my bed, the scent of her clinging to my pillows, and alternated between remembering what we had done and imagining what the three of them were getting up to. Then what it would be like if I were there. It didn’t take me long to relieve myself once again.
The thought of her between all three of us had always been a delicious one; we didn’t discuss it much, especially after Lily arrived, but I know we were all thinking about it. Not wanting to push her any further than she wanted, but definitely looking forward to the day she claimed all of us.
Then she had to tell me that Derrek is her fourth mate.
What was I supposed to do with that? My emotions have been all over the place and even though I’m not happy with the idea, there’s nothing I can say that will change what she wants.
And apparently she wants him.
No, needs him is how she put it.
It’s a problem we’ll have to face, but first we still have to figure out how to get Derrek back from Montrose. I mean, I could live without him, but if Lily needs him, then there’s no more to say.
I wake up surprisingly early and get ready with an excess of nervous energy. As I drive toward Harridan House, little scenarios flit through my head. Perhaps I’ll arrive and they’ll all still be asleep, tangled in the sheets and the air thick with the smell of sex. Or maybe I’ll walk in and they’ll be in the midst of yet another round, Lily making those little breathy moans that drive me absolutely wild.
Of course, in that scenario, she’ll turn to me with pleading eyes and beg me to join them, spreading her legs for me to feast on her. She’ll be so wet, probably laying in a puddle in the wake of so much sex. And so sensitive that when I run my tongue over her, she’ll shudder and moan my name, her fingers clenching my hair.
Shit! The road grows bumpy and I’m drawn back to the present just in time to realize I’m veering off the side of the road and about to pass my turn. I crank the wheel hard to the left, narrowly making the turn to Harridan House. Best to not continue having filthy fantasies about my mate while operating a moving vehicle.
I need to get my shit together, for real. I’ve never had a difficult time controlling my hormones before. Even during my experimentation with heavy petting of other girls solely for the sake of learning how to please my mate, I never lost control and went further than I intended. My mind only turned over racy thoughts when I chose to enjoy them, typically at home, in bed, alone.
Now it seems as if all I can focus on is the taste of Lily, the scent of her, the way it feels to be inside her, the sounds she makes when I bring her to new pinnacles of pleasure…
My hands grip the steering wheel so tightly my knuckles turn white. Holy goddess, something is definitely wrong with me. There’s no way this is normal.
Clenching my jaw, I force myself to review everything I ever learned in our boring Pack History class in the hopes there may be something useful buried in the back of my brain.
When I finally, mercifully, arrive at Harridan House, I suck in a deep breath before climbing out of my car. Whatever happens when I walk through the door, I have to avoid making any sort of assumptions at all. I have to keep my cool.
I affect the aloof air that’s served me so well before, and let myself in the front door.