Page 20 of Dawn of the Pack

Apparently, it is possible for Azalea to tire of taunting me. After another couple hours of her droning, she stands up suddenly and announces she’ll be back later.

I stopped really paying attention ages ago and have been trying to sleep, so the silence is quite welcome. When I hear the door shut I crack an eyelid open to peek, and sure enough there’s no sign of her anywhere.

With a sigh, I stretch out on the cement floor, figuring laying on my back will be the most comfortable option. Even on the street I had blankets and something to use for a pillow. But I know the peace can’t last forever, so I’d best make do.

Voices outside the door wake me from my nap, but I’m still far too tired to care, and try my best to go back to sleep.

Unfortunately, it appears I have another visitor.

The door opens and Avery Nielsen’s deep voice sounds remarkably jolly. “Well, I’d say you look pretty comfortable. Who says concrete doesn’t make a good bed?”

I ignore him, uninterested in his taunting.

That was apparently not the desired response.

The light tone disappears from his voice. “I’m talking to you, son. The least you can do is answer.”

“My apologies. It didn’t sound like you were expecting a response. I thought it was a rhetorical question.” I don’t bother sitting up, preferring to answer without opening my eyes.

“A smart alec, I see. Well, I'm glad that the money our pack spent on your education wasn't completely wasted. Even if you did run off to live on the street like some mongrel.”


“I’m here to talk to you, boy.”

“I’m listening.”

His tone shifts from annoyed to thunderous in an instant. “You’ll sit up and call me sir. Do you understand me?”

The reverberation in his voice rips through my body, squeezing my guts and making me gasp. I have no choice but to push myself into a sitting position, but I can still glare at him with every ounce of loathing I can muster. “Yes, sir.”

“Now, that’s better.”

Ah, suddenly jolly again. So he’s the kind of man who’s nice as long as he’s getting his way.

“How was your night, son?”

My jaw clenches. “Long, sir. Didn’t get much sleep with my cousin hanging around. Finally managed to doze off when you arrived.”

“Well, I apologize for that. You know how women are. She needed you to know how proud of herself she was. But I don’t expect she’ll be back for a while.”

“Good to know, sir.”

The malicious compliance is testing his patience, but it’s not enough to piss him off yet.

“Have you had anything to eat? I’m sure you must be hungry. Maybe something to drink?”

“Can’t say I’ve had either since I got here, sir.”

“Well now, that won’t do. Billy!” He shouts the name, and a man immediately appears in the doorway. “Fetch my son some food, will you? And bring him some water. Don’t be stingy.”

“Yes, Alpha.” Billy hastens out the door to carry out Nielsen’s bidding.

“There, Billy’ll get you set up. My apologies you’ve gone this long. Usually, our hospitality is better than that.”

“Thank you, sir.”

His eye twitches, but he continues on. “I bet you’re wondering why I came and got you like that last night.”