Page 16 of Dawn of the Pack

“I can’t believe he called us back here this soon,” a reedy male voice grumbles. “I didn’t get home until dawn.” As if to emphasize his point, he yawns audibly. “Why can’t someone else do guard duty tonight?”

A deeper, gruffer voice answers. “Because he doesn’t want everyone to know what’s going on yet, dimwit. Consider yourself lucky that Alpha trusts you enough to be involved.”

The doors slam. “But why does he need guards? The witch built him an impenetrable magic prison. That freak’s not getting out of there, period.”

Footsteps crunching across leaf-strewn pavement move away from us. “He doesn’t trust that witch any further than he can throw her. Did you know she killed her own mother for more power? That’s cold, man.”

“Yeah, she gives me the creeps. I mean, she’s hot, but something about her screams crazy. I wouldn’t touch that with a ten-foot pole.”

The deeper voice laughs. “You’re full of shit. If you got the chance, you’d hit it.”

“Hell no,” reedy voice insists. “I’ve made that mistake before, and I learned my lesson. You don’t touch crazy. Not even for a hookup. Especially for a hookup. It’s never worth it.”

Their conversation stops right before a knock sounds, and a few moments later a door opens, then closes again. After that, it’s just us and the wind in the trees.

I push out a heavy breath and breathe in again deeply. “I don’t think I’m cut out to be a spy,” I admit with a sheepish grin.

“Same,” Landon agrees, his face flushed. “I have many talents and spying isn’t one of them. Let’s get out of here.”

“I’m right behind you.”

It’s not until we’re safely back on the trail with a fair amount of distance between us and the house that I dare to talk.

“So, I guess your instincts on that were dead on.”

“Which ones?”

“This being the right place, first off. And he’s definitely being held against his will. I’d say you were right all around.”

“Yeah, I guess I was.” Even though I just admitted he was right, Landon doesn’t seem cheered by the thought.

“Everything all right?” I nudge him with my elbow.

“Not really. We know where he is, but we also know he’s being guarded, and they’ve got him in some kind of magical prison. We have no way of getting him out of that, and Azalea is clearly still working with them. So I’m not sure how much it helps.”

We clear the trees and find ourselves back at the trailhead, where my truck waits. I hit unlock on the remote and we clamber inside.

“That’s true, but… she’s not the only witch around.” I start the engine and flash Landon a grin, then turn my tires toward home.

Chapter Seven


I fell asleep in the comfort of Milo’s arms, and when I wake up, it’s a little disorienting. His room has no windows so it’s impossible to guess what time it is, and he’s still asleep judging by the even breaths tickling my ear.

As warm and relaxed as I feel, something is bothering me. Something drew me from sleep, insisting I get moving again.

It takes a moment for me to realize that I no longer feel that humming across my skin that signified I was touching one of my fated. A quick assessment of my body confirms it; our naked skin is touching in more places than I’ve ever had contact with another human, and I don’t feel a single ripple.

Milo’s arms tighten, and he radiates contentment that washes over me like a soothing fog. His lower body presses against mine and I feel him harden, drawing a flush to my cheeks at the memory of what we did earlier. It also immediately stokes the embers of my desire again.

Milo’s lips press lightly along the back of my neck. “I have to say,” he murmurs in a silky voice, “that this is definitely the best way I’ve ever woken up in my life. Hands down, no contest.” His hips roll, pressing his erection into the convenient space between my cheeks.

The offer is tempting; it’d be easy to roll over and wrap my legs around him, getting lost in the physical and emotional connection that pushes anything else from my mind.

But I remembered what was bothering me, and even though it’s not as painful as it has been, it’s not going away.

I also realize I can’t keep it a secret any longer.