“Not exactly. We’re still on Montrose territory.”
“It’s not a problem. Milo and Landon are going to come pick us up. They should be here in about ten minutes, if google is telling the truth. We just need to hold tight until then.”
“Okay,” she nods again, appearing more relaxed, but shivers rack her body.
“Come here.” I settle back against the stone wall and put my arm around her, pulling her close. “Are you cold?”
“Not really. I’m actually sweaty. I think the adrenaline wore off.”
“Yeah, that’ll do it,” I agree, rubbing my hand up and down her arm. “We’ll get home and have a nice hot shower, followed by a decent night’s rest. And we’re sleeping in tomorrow, I mean it. Your body needs sleep.”
“I know, I just… it’s hard to relax, knowing what’s going on.”
“It’ll be okay, I promise. We’ll figure it out. I-”
Just a deep, snarling growl cuts me off, and I turn toward the sound in horror.
It seems we didn’t lose the Montrose Pack, after all.
The wolf snarling at us isn’t the largest I’ve seen, although it’s got a lustrous brown coat. It snaps its jaws and snarls, then starts pacing toward us.
Jared pulls me to my feet, and we back away from the wall and out toward the open area of the parking lot. We scan the surroundings but don’t see or hear another wolf. Apparently this one is more clever than the others.
I know what Jared’s thinking, and my mind’s in the same place: We just have to keep him at bay until the guys arrive.
Talking is worth a shot. “Look, we don’t want any trouble, and we didn’t come here to start a fight.”
The wolf continues growling angrily, lips curled and teeth exposed, tongue lashing. It’s taking slow, patient steps forward, and we continue stepping backward in sync.
“We just came to rescue our friend. I know you know what goes on in there. It’s sick, wouldn’t you agree? What if it was your loved one being tortured, maybe killed, in the hopes they shift?”
No response from the wolf aside from more snarling.
“It doesn’t have to be that way. Whoever you are, you’re not stuck with this. You’d be welcome at Smoky Falls, or almost any other pack in the country, I’m sure. I know you’re compelled to follow Nielsen because he’s the alpha, but you always have a choice.”
No response at all.
Jared and I glance at each other. Whoever this is, they must be a loyal follower.
I decide to try a fresh track. “We came to rescue Derrek, or I suppose you call him Leaf. He’s very important to me. I’m sure you can understand being willing to do anything to save the people you love?”
That was apparently the exact wrong thing to say. The wolf abruptly charges, and Jared pushes me aside as it jumps.
Leaving Jared to take the full force of the attack. He cries out in pain, and before I even know what’s happening, my entire body lights up with heat as if I’m a human volcano. It only takes me a second to realize I’m shifting, my wolf clawing her way free in defense of my mate.
When I’ve finished, I spot the foreign wolf standing on top of Jared, snarling down at his face and forcing him to lie still. My wolf unleashes a series of savage snarls, the alpha tone rumbling in my chest.
Now that I’m in wolf form, I know the other wolf is a female.
And when she turns to me, jumping lightly off Jared’s chest to stalk my way, I realize this is what she wanted all along.
Well, if she’s after a fight, she’s might just get it.
We circle each other, and I slowly make my way toward Jared until I’m between the two of them. A steady stream of snarls flows from both my wolf and hers.
I have no interest in attacking; I don’t want this fight.