Something hot and bubbling grows in my belly. The power I feel surging through me, or the delicious glory of victory, perhaps.
But also an indescribable hunger. Milo and I sneaked off after dinner and scratched the itch that’s been plaguing me since we left his house. This time I was absolutely certain the others would notice something, maybe even the smell of us all over each other. And yet no one seemed to notice a thing.
However, I caught both Landon and Jared’s eyes lapping up my naked body before the shift. Whether or not they realize it, something has been set in motion and our bodies know it, even if our brains are not fully on board. The need for Derrek remains in the back of my mind like a constant ache, a sore spot that reminds me every so often that it’s there.
But it’s currently overridden by a deep, unabiding need to claim the mates right before me, the ones who share my bed and whose bodies clearly crave mine as much as I’m craving theirs. I don’t know if it’s hormones or more magical wolf stuff, but I’m determined to trust my instincts, and they’re screaming for me to take these two to bed.
I butt Milo in the chest to get him to stop, and then we trot toward the trail as one. I release a howl and the rest of the pack answers joyfully, falling in behind. The visitors from Montrose melt into the pack, and as one we run our circuit through the black and white world of the midnight trees.
Chapter Fourteen
In the wake of Lily’s absolute domination of the Montrose guy, our run is fast and excited. We make it back to the clearing in what I’m sure is record time, and enjoy a few moments to play as wolves before it’s time to shift back.
Even though he already inspected her immediately following the fight, Milo checks Lily all over again, searching her creamy skin for any marks or abrasions with clinical focus. My eyes dart to Jared’s in confusion, and he shrugs as if to say, “I don’t get it either.”
Once he’s apparently satisfied, Milo and Lily share an uncomfortably intense kiss, his hands roving over her butt as I try not to notice and tuck my swollen self back into my suddenly tight pants. Jared catches my eye again and this time we share a knowing look; something is definitely up.
When we’ve replaced all our clothes, the clearing is nearly empty aside from us and a few stragglers. The Montrose guys, their guard, and the staff are already heading back to Harridan House, disappearing down the trail. Lily finishes zipping up her coat and we leave as one.
Milo seizes Lily’s hand and tugs her forward, speaking intently into her ear. Jared and I slow our pace down, allowing them to pull ahead and have some space for their discussion. Not that I don’t want to know, desperately, what the hell is going on, but I also know that being a trio of mates doesn’t give us the right to insert ourselves into literally everything. We’ll all have things we share with Lily alone, just as we’ll have things we share with each other. As a family, that’s how we’ll operate.
It leaves me feeling a little left out, but at least I know Jared’s in the same boat.
We watch them as they get further ahead, clutching hands and carrying on a clearly deep conversation.
“What do you think that’s all about?” Jared asks, his voice low.
“No idea,” I answer honestly. “But I’m sure if it’s our business, they’ll let us know. If it’s not, well, I’d want some privacy too.”
“Yeah,” Jared kicks up a small pile of leaves. “I just don’t like secrets.”
“I’d try not to think of it as secrets, man. Sometimes it’s just private. Don’t you want privacy sometimes?”
“Honestly? Not really. I’ve never had privacy with all my sisters at home. If I’m not with them, I’m with you and Milo, or I’m at practice with like forty guys. I like being around people.”
“I wish I could relate. Barrett is so much older than me, we never had many reasons to hang out; I was just his dorky little brother. I mean, we love each other and he’s never been a jerk, but it’s not a relationship like you have with your sisters.”
“You mean how I want to string up every single one of their necks at least twice a week?”
“Oh, come on,” I laugh. “You’re not fooling me. Whenever we go over to your house, they’re climbing on you like a jungle gym and you love every second of it. Maybe not Sasha, but she comes in and out of your room all the time like she lives there.”
“She practically does, just to get away from the younger three.”
“See? You can’t say you love being around your sisters and then say you want to strangle them, too.”
“You don’t have a sibling around your age, you just don’t get how it works.”
“That’s fair. But either way… I dunno, I enjoy being alone and then I don’t, if that makes sense. Like, I can only write songs when I’m alone. It’s too distracting to have someone there, and I get embarrassed working through chords and progressions when I know people can hear me.
“But on the other hand, when I’m with you, or Milo, or Lily, I feel complete in a way I don’t by myself.” I pause to think over what I just said. “That’s really weird, isn’t it?”
Jared shrugs. “I don’t think so. Maybe because I’ve never really had the chance to get used to being alone, I just can’t appreciate it? But either way, I’m happy that we’re all fated to be Lily’s mates. I can’t think of a time I didn’t want to hang out with you guys, and we’re already like family.” He bumps my arm with his shoulder.
“Yeah, I feel the same.” My gaze drifts ahead, where Milo has his arm around Lily’s shoulder now and she’s leaning into his side, the pair of them walking slower than before.