Roxanne’s expression softens and warms. “Of course. Shall we get started?”
By the time we go over the schedule for the week, my brain feels likely to explode. There’s hardly a thing that happens in town that doesn’t pass the alpha’s desk. From requests to open businesses to municipal complaints, even down to neighbor disputes. It takes a while before I realize why.
“Roxanne, there’s no police here, are there? No city council, either?”
“That’s correct,” she nods her head, pulling her long black braids over one shoulder. “The town has a volunteer fire department, and we have a few safety officers, but they mainly just call in the alpha as needed. Since I have beta command, I’m able to resolve most disputes on your behalf until you’re ready to take that duty over. Most of the pack understands that you’re still new, and young, and attending school. They don’t expect you to have the full reins yet.”
“So what happens when visitors, normies, do something they’re not supposed to do?”
“We call in the county sheriff’s deputies. They have no jurisdiction in town based on our city codes, so our safety officers collect any trouble makers and bring them to the city limits for the sheriff to book. But that’s pretty rare.”
I nod slowly, taking it all in. “How does the alpha ensure all the decisions they make are what’s best for the pack?”
A small smile forms on Roxanne’s plush lips. “Well, that’s the trick, isn’t it? On one hand, alphas are born leaders, and their ability to manage the pack with the alpha command as well as connect with pack members enables them—you, that is—to feel out their emotions and determine a course of action that would please the most. The rest know it’s imperative to keep pack harmony. Even if they don’t get their way in a dispute this time, they know grudges aren’t allowed in the pack and the next time, they may receive their desired outcome.”
“Well, that doesn’t really tell me much,” I snort. “So I just… decide and people are cool with it, knowing that if they don’t win this time, they might win next time?”
“It’s hard to explain, but you’ve seen a lot of things in the last six weeks that are rather difficult to explain, Layla. Trust me when I say your instincts as an alpha will guide you toward the right decision. That’s the most I can give you right now.”
“The only instinct I have right now is telling me you’re doing a great job managing these things on my behalf, and I should continue to trust that you will let me know if something comes up that needs my direct involvement.”
“That would be a wise decision,” Roxanne replies with another smile.
I smile back, then sigh. “I have something else entirely to discuss with you.”
Instantly, Roxanne’s expression is serious. “Go ahead.”
“Today I walked into class, and my old Lit professor is gone, replaced by some guy I knew in LA. Not only is he years older than I believed at the time, but he’s not a runaway like he pretended to be those years I was on the street with him. Can you explain any of this?”
Roxanne sighs. “Truthfully, I don’t know much. Your uncle met him that night in the ER when he came to claim you. Between his alpha instincts and Maria’s magic, they knew he was not a regular human. I’m not sure how he figured it out, but Dom told me at that point Derrek was a distant relative of our seer, and that he would relocate here in the future. He set all the orders in motion before he left, so no one consulted me to let me know Derrek had arrived. I would have notified you if I knew.”
“Okay, that was part of what was bothering me,” I admit. “If I’m supposed to be alpha, I should know what’s going on. Are there any other surprises of this type out there waiting for me?”
“This is the only one I’m aware of. It was a rather special circumstance.”
“Yeah, I get that. But is this why you didn’t let me go back?”
“I told you-”
“I know what you told me, but it always seems like there’s important information left out in these ‘explanations.’” My tone is sharper than I intended, but Roxanne doesn’t flinch.
“What I told you was true. We were primarily concerned that your attacker might still be around, and that it was dangerous for you to return. However, after divulging his lineage to the boy, your uncle didn’t want you to see him again until you already knew the truth about who you were. He was worried Derrek would let something slip, since he wasn’t under Dom’s alpha command. At least, that’s what he told me; I didn’t actually have much to do with that situation.”
“So, there’s nothing to his sudden appearance here other than his relationship to the pack seer and an inexplicable degree in English Lit?”
“As far as I’m aware, no. The seer has no descendents, so it is an opportunity to see if Derrek can tap into those abilities and take over the position once she dies. They’re set to being training once he settles in. It’s remarkable that the two of you found each other on the street, so far from home, with neither of you knowing who you are. One might almost call it fate.”
“Yeah, well, I dunno about fate, but it certainly is interesting.”
“Fair enough.”
Sighing, I tip my head back on the chair. “This is just all so much. I feel like I’m drowning in all the stuff coming at me with no way to turn down the flow.”
“You’re not drowning, Layla. In fact, you’re doing remarkably well. It’s probably going to feel like a lot for a while, but that’s why you have me, and Mr. Carson, and Mrs. Dowling, and all the other people dedicated to your success. Including your fated. We’re here to help you, and you’ll catch up in time, I promise.”
“Speaking of catching up,” I lean forward, watching Roxanne’s expression turn serious again when she sees my face. “Talk to me about homecoming.”
Roxanne grins in response, her eyes sparkling. “Ah, I wondered when you’d bring that up. You’ll be pleased to know most of the arrangements have already been made. I know your fated are excited to share it with you. We’ll host a dinner—I have a guest list for you to approve and you’re welcome to add to it if you like. Maxwell will drive you all there and back. It should be a fun time for you. A chance to cut loose and just be eighteen.” Roxanne’s eyes sparkle with excitement, almost as if she’s looking forward to the event herself.