“I can’t express to you how sorry I am that this happened. I needed to leave pack lands on official pack business, and Justin and Jeremy volunteered to accompany me. I had no reason to believe it would be deadly, but I was hesitant to travel alone.
“Jeremy saved my life. He jumped in front of a knife meant for me. I’m unable to thank him, but please accept my gratitude, as your alpha, for his sacrifice. I am in your debt.”
The twin’s mom sobs heavily into Elliot Westley’s shoulder, and he remains upright, eyes red but his face proud, as he nods his acknowledgement.
Layla steps forward and wraps her arms around both Amber and Justin, who peel apart just long enough to let her in. The security officers wheel the sheet-covered gurney past them, heading for the building.
Layla whispers something to Amber and Justin, who both nod, before she steps away. “We’ll hold a ceremony for him at tomorrow night’s run, and it would be my honor if you’d allow me to acknowledge his sacrifice at the homecoming festivities in front of the entire town.”
Elliot Westley nods once more, before his eyes stray to the gurney, disappearing into the building.
Eventually, people drift away, and Layla speaks to everyone personally before they depart. Finally, it’s down to Roxanne, Derrek, Layla, and Milo, Jared, and me.
Roxanne still holds the knife in its plastic bag. The other guys and I are lounging against my car. When Layla shoots me a meaningful glance, I elbow the other two to get their attention and we go stand beside her.
Despite the exhaustion on her features, her expression is no longer sad. Right now, it’s scary calm. The feeling that something is about to happen thickens in the air.
“Hey Derrek?” Layla calls out to him in a steady voice. He looks up from his phone. “Yeah Lex?”
“I just need to ask you a couple questions before we all go home, if that’s okay.”
“Sure.” He tucks away the phone and flips his messy hair out of his eyes. “What’s up?”
“This is the knife that we pulled out of Jeremy’s back. You said it’s spelled, correct?”
He nods. “That’s right. It’s imbued with magic that prevents normal healing. It’ll require magic to heal wounds made with it.”
“Is it dangerous for a non-witch to possess?” Layla keeps her voice gentle, clear, but non-judgemental.
“No, you’re fine. Just don’t nick your finger with it.”
“And you know this because?”
He gulps, his smile dropping slightly. “It’s mine. I mean, it used to be mine.”
“Why would you own a knife like this?”
Now he looks distinctly uncomfortable. “Well, it was given to me. I didn’t want it, so I gave it back.”
“I see. So that’s why Azalea said she wanted to give it back to you. Is she the person you got it from before you gave it back?”
“No. They must have given it to her.”
Derrek shifts his weight from one foot to another. “I don’t know. I wasn’t there. It was after I was in LA.”
“Okay. So what did Azalea mean by ‘finish the job’?”
The older man goes completely still. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Azalea, before we left, said, ‘if you decide to grow a pair and finish the job, the pack would welcome you back.’ What did she mean?”
I exchange a glance with Milo and Jared, and they both appear just as confused as I am.
Derrek is sweating bullets at this point, unable to keep still at all. He crosses his arms over his chest and shrugs, trying to laugh but coming up short. “I mean, I don’t really know. She’s always been a little nuts.”
Layla’s voice drops to a dangerous tone. “Don’t lie to me, Derrek. Or should I say Leaf? Assume I already know the answer.”