“You should kick them out.” My voice has sunk to a low whisper.
Kelly snorts rudely, and Father gasps.
“You have to kick them out,” I say, far more strongly. “but please, let my brother stay. He’s done nothing wrong, and he’s a prisoner of my father’s cruelty. My father has also been using my brother as leverage against me.” I turn to look at Bae, focusing on him so I don’t have to look at Father. “Kick them out, please.”
Bae nods. Father looks around the table, his face flushed bright red with rage.
“You can’t do this!” Father screams.
The sound triggers my survival instinct, and I gesture frantically to Sam to come to me. He rushes around the table to sidle up to me, looking confused and scared.
“I have just done it,” Bailey says, standing up as well. Father gets up in one sharp movement, glaring at Bailey.
“We are the family of your beta’s mate,” Father hisses. “You can’t just refuse us. We are of the founding wolves!”
“And they would be ashamed of you,” Bailey answers, his voice harsh. “I’ve heard a lot about you, and none of it was good. I think this is long overdue. As you are outcast by your own pack, our ally, I now name you outcast of this pack, too. You have dishonored your wolf and your ancestors. May no pack take you in, may no wolf give you sanctuary. You are a heartless rogue, and you deserve to wander alone.”
Kelly has stood up now, too, and is hanging on to Father with fear in her eyes. Father glares at Bae, but he glares straight back, his pale brown eyes shimmering with primal power. When Father takes a short step forward, Bailey growls. The sound carries around the room, ringing off the walls.
Father begins to back away, dragging Kelly with him.
“Leave now,” Bailey says. “Or I will call my pack to the hunt and we will come for you. You will leave our territory, or you will die.”
These are ancient words, the rejection of the alpha to a wolf with no honor. I know Father already heard these words today, from Decker.
Father and Kelly turn for the back door and runs, smacking it open and shut as they leave.
I turn to Sam and throw my arms around his neck, hugging him tight. For a few moments, I can’t speak. When I turn around, I let Jack hold me, looking over at Bailey with tears in my eyes.
“Thank you, Bailey,” I whisper. “Thank you for saving my brother.”
“As our alpha, it is my duty—and my pleasure—to protect you,” he says. Jack’s arms tighten around me, and a deep, fierce sense of loss rises within me, making me tremble.
“What is it, my love?” Jack asks.
“I can’t believe—I mean, wow.” I shake my head, sniffing. Jack strokes my hair gently.
“I just can’t believe it’s over,” I murmur. “I can’t believe I’ll never see him again.”
I should be happy, and relieved. I don’t understand this misery that has risen within me. Maybe, finally admitting what a terrible person he is has triggered years worth of sadness and anger. My heart feels cracked by the conflict of emotions inside me.
“You are safe now,” Jack says, cupping my cheeks and looking into my eyes. “Believe that. I love you, and you are safe, and everything is going to be okay.”
My love for Jack soothes my heart, easing the anger and the shame. I let him wrap me in his arms and snuggle against his warm chest.
Everything is going to be okay.
I don’t believe it yet, but I hope I will soon. I need time to heal from everything Father has done to me, and I know I’ll always wear the scars.
Chapter 20 - Jack
A few days after the big meeting, I’m getting ready for work with Sam and Lena. I miss the intimate moments Lena and I had in the mornings, but I understand it’s important to make Sam feel welcome.
Lena and I will get our quiet mornings back soon. After Sam graduates, he’ll probably move out, or he might get himself a different job.
Sam is happy enough when Lena’s around but gets very quiet around me and other members of the pack. Lena has explained to me the kind of brainwashing her Father did to them, so I try to take it slow and show him he can trust us.
We drive into work together, my truck starting to feel a bit crowded. Lena has been working at the shop for a while now and is very comfortable with the routines, but Sam looks completely lost on his first day.