When we pull into a driveway with a neat green lawn and a pretty, two story house I have to wonder if we are in the wrong place. There are little flower boxes across the windows, and everything looks clean and lovingly maintained.
I let Jack lead me out the back, where Jack’s parents, his sister, and Bailey are sitting around a big table. They all smile when they see us, and Jack’s Mom practically launches out of her chair to hurry over to us.
“My baby!” she exclaims as she gives Jack an extremely tight hug. “I’m so excited for you.”
“Can you please not call me baby,” Jack groans.
“Sorry, can’t do it,” Carla says, ruffling his hair. “You’re always going to be my Babykin.”
“Mom!” Jack cries. I can’t help giggling.
“Lena,” Carla says, turning to me with her arms wide. “Come over and give your old mom-in-law a hug.”
I lean in, expecting just a cursory squeeze. Instead, Carla wraps her arms tightly around me and compresses me with more force than an older woman should be capable of—even a she-wolf.
“You’re home now,” she whispers in my ear. “Welcome home, little dove.”
To my shock, I can feel tears stinging my eyes. My shivers are back in full force, and my stomach is flipping like crazy.
Jesus fuck, don’t cry!
I can’t help it. I don’t think I’ve ever been held with such love in my entire life.
Maybe by Mom. But I don’t remember it.
“Mom!” Gina says firmly. “Let the poor woman go. We talked about this!”
“We did,” Carla says, reluctantly letting go of me. “I’m just so happy my babykin—I mean, my boy—has found such a lovely woman to spend his life with.”
I wonder if she knows how it was organized? Carla is talking as if Jack specifically chose me… not as if it was an arranged marriage.
“Come on,” Gina says, linking her arm through mine. “I’m rescuing you. Let’s head inside for a few minutes.”
I wave to the others at the table, and they wave back. Gina leads me through the house to a small room decorated in blue and white.
“My room,” she says. “At least, it used to be. I got some clothes for you—I was pretty sure Jack would completely forget to get your things.”
I had nothing to bring.
“Thank you,” I answer. “It’s very kind.”
Gina grins, shaking her head. “No problem. We’re sisters now! I’d hug you, but I think Mom might have hugged you out for today. Here.”
She picks up a bag off the bed and hands it to me. It’s stuffed with clothes. Jeans, tights, sweaters, and shirts, as well as dresses.
I can feel my eyes getting damp again. She’s so nice. I can’t understand why Father told me they were bad people.
“I got you a few pairs of shoes, too,” she says, pointing to some boxes on the floor. “Go ahead and get changed—there’s a bathroom to the side here if you want to clean up. Then head out to breakfast as soon as you’re ready.”
She turns to leave, and I reach out and grab her arm.
“I… thank you. For all this. Thank you.”
She smiles warmly and wraps me in a warm hug.