When I reach the tent, I let go of Jack’s hand to slip through the flap. Letting go of him leaves a little ache in me. It was nice to touch him, even if it was just holding his hand.

I crawl into the tent and sit down on a pile of cushions. There is a small lamp glowing in the corner, and the floor has been covered with a soft mattress and lots of pillows. Someone certainly went to a bit of effort to make sure we’d be comfortable.

I bet it wasn’t Father.

After a couple of seconds, Jack crawls into the tent. He looks tense, and I’m pretty sure I know why.

He doesn’t want me. It’s his wedding night, and he feels nothing for his new bride.

He sits down next to me, and I almost reach for his hand again. It felt so good to hang on to him. I know it was an illusion, though. We were being watched. He had to play along.

Maybe Father wasn’t entirely out of line.

I can only squeeze light, shallow breaths into my lungs. The silence is stretching out between us, turning into a singing point of tension that is so intense, I feel like all my hairs are standing on end.

When Jack shifts his weight a little, I actually jump. He turns to me, and his expression is blank. I don’t see lust there, or even longing. Just a horrible awkwardness.

He has no idea what to do with me.

“Look, I know this isn’t an ideal situation,” I say, my voice raspy with fear. “For either of us. But obviously, it has to happen, so why don’t you just get it over with?”

“What?” Jack asks. His eyes have gone wide with surprise.

“Just do it,” I mutter, my voice getting stronger. “I don’t want to wait around stressing about it. And for all we know, Father is out there somewhere listening to us. Just do it, okay?”

Even though my words are brave, I’m starting to tremble. I hope Jack hasn’t noticed.

“Lena,” Jack says my name gently, like he’s soothing a frightened horse. “Are you really still a virgin?”

A sharp pain cuts through my chest, and I close my eyes against the sudden bitter tears that sting my eyes.

I knew it! He thinks I’m inexperienced. He doesn’t like me, and he obviously doesn’t waste his time with virgins!

I have to take a couple of breaths to compose myself before I turn back to answer him. He’s looking right at me, his eyes wide and dark in the low light. I’m glad the lamp is dim—I don’t want to see his disgust or his disapproval.

“Don’t worry about me,” I snap at him. “I can take it. Use me however you want—whatever you need to get the job done. Don’t be gentle. I don’t even care.”

I keep my eyes down so I don’t have to look into his face. I imagine it will take some effort for him to get together enough arousal to get hard for a woman he doesn’t even want. He should know that it makes no difference to me what he does.

Even if I’m terrified out of my fucking mind!

I hear Jack take a breath, and I look up into his face. Mercifully, I still can’t read his expression.

“I want you to know one thing though,” I make every word slow and purposeful. I try and keep my eyes completely focused on his, so he knows how serious I am.

“Yes?” he asks, softly.

“You need to know that you can have my body, but you can never have my heart!” Even though I’ve tried to stay calm, my voice is rising, and I can’t help it. “I gave my heart—my everything!—to you once, and you didn’t want it. Now, I know you’ve been forced to accept my body, but that doesn’t mean I have to give you my heart. I will never offer it to you again!”

Cold tears are tracing my cheeks, and I wipe at them with one hand, hoping Jack doesn’t see. I know it’s only a matter of moments now before he takes me, and I have no idea what to expect.

Will it hurt? Will it feel good? How long will it last? Should I get undressed?

The silence deepens in the tent, and my fear rises with each passing second.

Why doesn’t he say anything? Is he going to reject me again?

Chapter 8 - Jack