“One knee?” His forehead wrinkled in confusion. “Why?”
“I’m not sure. Must be a custom rooted in history somewhere. But it’s supposed to show how serious the man is about wanting the woman to marry him.”
“Hmm. So, they kneel on one knee. What else?”
“Usually there’s a ring involved.”
“To show…what?”
“Well, the man kneels on one knee, asks the woman to marry him, and if she agrees he gives her a ring. An engagement ring. It shows that she’s engaged to him and off the market.”
“Off the market…not an available female, then.”
Now he cocked his head to the side, studying me. “Do you wish me to kneel on one knee?”
“Oh goodness no,” I snorted an embarrassed laugh. “We’re not exactly in that type of relationship.”
He studied me curiously. “What about a ring? Would you wish to have one of those?”
A ring?
I gulped. I mean, what girl hadn’t dreamed of how a sparkling diamond engagement ring would look on her hand?
But, no, that was stupid. Like I’d said, this wasn’t that type of relationship. I didn’t need a ring. I wasn’t going to stay married to him. He was an alien. An Overlord. He represented everything I resented about the current condition of humanity on Earth. I didn’t need a ring from him.
Even though it might be fun.
“No.” I shook my head firmly, as much to convince myself as him. “No, thank you. I don’t need a ring. It’s not like we’re going to stay together or anything. This is all for show.”
“Yes, for show.” He eased backward a few steps, allowing me to breathe more comfortably. “Of course. It means nothing. Protection for you. Being able to remain on Earth for me.”
“Yep. That’s it.” I shoved my hands down into my coat pockets and waited for more. Arguments. Agreements. Protests. More jokes about kissing.
Nothing. Maybe he’d been hit in the face with cold reality. Maybe I’d been too harsh. Should I have let him buy me a ring? Nah. That would be stupid. No reason to let old-fashioned romantic ideals take over in a very non-romantic relationship.
“Well,” the alien Overlord said at last, “our bargain is struck. We are agreed. I suppose that leaves but one question.” He paused. I waited. “When do we wed?”
When do we wed?
The question hung in the air like the soft, fading light glancing off the bare limbs of the surrounding trees.
When do we wed?
I felt my breath constrict in my chest. I couldn’t tell if it was a strange feeling of excitement or if it was terror. This was really happening. I was really about to get married. To a non-human alien Overlord.
“I…I don’t know. When do you want to wed?”
“I see no reason to delay. Lingering increases the risk of complications for both of us.”
“Complications. Right.” Like some other Overlord deciding I needed to have his little alien babies.
Alien babies. Oh my stars. What if he and I do have casual sex one night? What if birth control fails? What if I get knocked up? What would a human-Asterion baby look like? What would it be like? Boy, I’ll bet having a half-human baby would really pollute his bloodline. If he wants to insult his family, that would be the way to do it.